Fifteen Minutes of Shame - S2-E12
Question: When Stewie makes the prank call to the talk show, he asks about "Prince Albert in a can." What does that mean?
Answer: This is a reference to one of the oldest prank-call jokes known - young people calling up a tobacconist's and asking if they have "Prince Albert in a can," (Prince Albert being the name of a moderately famous brand of loose tobacco). If the shop owner replies positively, they then say "Well you'd better let him out, he's suffocating!" or the like.
Question: Who are all the dictators Peter invites for a pool party in the episode?
Answer: Peter mentions receiving 3 telegrams from Libya, Iraq, and North Korea. At the pool party we see Muammar Gaddafi of Libya, wearing a green beret; Saddam Hussein of Iraq, wearing a red beret; and in the pool Kim il-sung (or possibly Kim Jong-il) of North Korea. Slobodan Milosevic brought the coleslaw. Also, playing Marco Polo in the pool are: Fidel Castro wearing military green cap and smoking a cigar; Yasser Arafat wearing a checkered keffiyeh; Idi Amin wearing a purple hat; Ruhollah Khomeini (or possibly Ali Khamenei) with a grey beard wearing a black turban. Stewie talks to Achmed (wearing mustard gas T-shirt) and calls out to "Manuel" which could refer to Manuel Noriega of Panama, but he's not seen.
Question: Who's that Jamaican looking guy who stands by the fridge and does a little dance when Lois and Meg are talking about rigging the Homecoming Queen contest?
Answer: I believe that was Milli of the once famous Milli-Vanilli. His act broke up when it was discovered that he and Vanilli were lip synching to someone else's songs.
Answer: Yes, it was a goof that no-one caught (according to Alex Borstein). And this mistake has already been listed.
Answer: There doesn't seem to be any reference hiding behind this, just a slip-up by Alex Borstein, the voice of Lois. The reason for this slip-up, according to one fan site, is that originally Bonnie was named Debbie.