Jungle Love - S4-E13
Question: What song is playing when Chris is being paddled by the students?
Answer: "No More Mr. Nice Guy" by Alice Cooper; this scene directly mirrors a scene from "Dazed and Confused", music and all.
8 Simple Rules for Buying My Teenage Daughter - S4-E8
Question: Why didn't Stewie want a Portuguese person for a babysitter?
Answer: Stewie is referencing the kidnapping of Madeleine McCann who was three years old at the time of her disappearance in 2007. She was taken from her bed, in a holiday apartment, at a resort in Portugal. To date, she still remains missing and the case is remains ongoing.
This episode aired Jul 10, 2005, almost 2 years before the McCann kidnapping.
My mistake. I did not look at when the episode aired. I have no idea then. That answer made the most sense considering the premise of the joke.
8 Simple Rules for Buying My Teenage Daughter - S4-E8
Question: When everyone was about to vomit, Brian asked Peter to hold his ears but why?
Answer: So he doesn't get vomit on them. It's a joke on how people with long hair would have someone hold their hair.
Answer: It's just a humorous riff on women who are about to vomit asking their companions to hold their hair.
Untitled Griffin Family History - S4-E27
Question: When Peter talks about his ancestor that was a silent movie star he mentions that they called World War 1 International Civil War 2 or something like that - I don't remember the exact wording. What is the joke here?
Answer: The line was International Civil War 2. When WWI happened no one called it that (especially since they didn't know a 2nd one would happen), it was referred to as "The Great War". America had already fought their own Civil War and the joke is really just calling it Civil War II, only it was international.
Bango Was His Name, Oh! - S4-E29
Question: The scene where Brian was paying the bills then Brian says: It's at this, uh...It's at this girl's house. What does he mean by that?
Answer: He was saying he's paying the cable bill but Stewie said Peter pays the cable bill. Brian's reply is that the cable he's paying for is for a girl. It seems he's kind of embarrassed to say it and so it seems the bills he's paying aren't his but a girl he's dating (although somewhat implied that she's using him).
Question: Why did Meg wait until near the end of the episode to tell Sarah she was not a lesbian, and not after finding about the lesbian alliance club?
Chosen answer: Meg is typically depicted as unpopular at school, so she chose to conceal the fact that she was straight because of the acceptance she felt from the members of the club. It was only when her alleged lesbianism was put to the test at the end that she was compelled to tell the truth about her sexual orientation.
Question: When Lois brings in the newspaper and says "look at this" Peter grabs it from her and says "movable printed type. We must hide this from the serfs lest they gain literacy and threaten the landed gentry." "What have you got there my lord?" "Nothing, go back to your turnips." What's the meaning behind this joke?
Chosen answer: Peter is acting as if he were a feudal lord in the middle ages, and that newsprint and the printed word were recent innovations, threatening to educate the peasantry and jeopardizing their hereditary rights as the ruling class. Just another one of the show's bizarre asides.
Question: When Brian's at Tom Tucker's house, Tom calls him Benjy. Who is Benjy?
Chosen answer: Benji is the name of a famous dog(s) in a number of films from the 70s through today, including "Benji" and "Oh Heavenly Dog."
Question: In the episode 'Don't Make Me Over' Peter is excited to be going on SNL because he'll get to meet John Belushi, Gilda Radner, Phil Hartman, Chris Farley and Horatio Sanz. I get the first part of this joke, the first four comedians named are deceased, but what is the joke about Horatio Sanz? Is it simply because he's still alive and the others aren't but he's lumped in with them? Or is it something else?
Answer: Since there is suppose to be a curse of SNL, they are just joking that Horatio Sanz will be the next one to die, the reason they probably chose him is because two of the deceased were the overweight guys on the show, Belushi and Farley, so they are guessing that since Sanz is overweight he will be the one to die next.
8 Simple Rules for Buying My Teenage Daughter - S4-E8
Question: I've seen a few episodes of "Everybody Loves Raymond", but I don't get this joke. Why did Meg use the show to tell Neil to leave her alone?
Answer: I think because "Everybody Loves Raymond" was a very popular show at the time. There was a good chance of Neil receiving Meg's message.
Answer: Everybody Loves Raymond is one of the few TV shows that talks directly to the viewers (such as during the intro) So Meg uses this opportunity to talk to Neil.
Chosen answer: It's a real song called "Elvira". Originally by Dallas Fraizer in '66, however, this version seems to be the Oak Ridge Boys cover version. However, the mega lesbians skip the verse and just sing the chorus after the opening line.