Question: In this last episode, when the sisters are writing about their personal lives and they show the future kids they will have, Piper is shown giving lunch bags to 3 kids. It shows 2 boys and 1 girl. Why is that? Did she have Melinda? If so, why when older Piper and older Leo are going up the stairs they only show pictures of the boys, Wyatt and Chris? No pictures of the girl shown anywhere.
Answer: I am assuming when she mentions two things: (1) "So that Paige could pass on all that she'd learned, not just to her own children, or to mine, or to Phoebe's " (2) "Which filled the time between when we were doing the fighting, and when our kids were old enough to take over" the lunch bag was probably Chris and Wyatts' kids...and all the kids coming into the house at the end were ALL the kids or grandkids.
Answer: I thought they were her grandchildren.
Chosen answer: It was most likely just a montage for the fans as a final goodbye. Also, prior to the episode, Melinda was only seen once whereas Wyatt and Chris were in multiple seasons/episodes and therefore played a bigger part in the story.
Still Charmed & Kicking - S8-E1
Question: I'm confused or maybe I missed something, but why is it when we come to the first episode of series 8 that Leo is back from being frozen? How did that happen? Then he is gone again, only to be seen as a ghostly figure by Piper in another episode, then he only reappears in episode 21 like he has only just come out of being frozen. Am I really missing something here?
Chosen answer: Leo gets frozen in Season 8 episode 10 called Vaya Con Leos. In season 7 he was never frozen because the Angel of Death doesn't try to take him away until that episode. He is seen in season 7 and thee finale when he tries to get into the house after the explosion and the sisters tell him of their plan to change identities.
Still Charmed & Kicking - S8-E1
Question: Why do the sisters keep changing their appearance throughout a few episodes? We're there issues with replacement actresses that caused the changes? Victor references that they keep changing identities but there is no good explanation as to why.
Answer: You have to watch the previous episodes but basically they are pretending to be dead. They cast a spell to change their appearance in which only Victor and each other can see them for who they are. Their appearance keeps changing because they can't decide what to look like.
Question: How is it that when Piper and Leo go to the past before Phoebe is born, Patty already knows about "the charmed ones"? I have been under the understanding that they are the only ones in existence, so how does she know about the concept of "The Charmed Ones'? Was it a prophecy or something?
Chosen answer: Yes, Melinda Warren prophesied that each generation of Warren witches would grow stronger than the next, culminating in the arrival of three sisters. Each having one of her powers.
Question: Was Brian Krause unavailable for this series, using the 'frozen' storyline as a cover? It seems strange that Leo only returns at the end of the series.
Chosen answer: Due to budget cuts in the final season, Brian Krause was left out much of the series.
Still Charmed & Kicking - S8-E1
Question: How did the charmed ones save themselves from dying in the nexus with Zankou when everyone thought that they died?
Chosen answer: Because they used the spell Prue developed so the others could use the astral projection power. It was their astral selves and those can't die.
Answer: Wasn't Prue the one who helped them kill the source the first time? Not Paige.