
Womb Raider - S4-E21

Other mistake: Piper tells Page that her doctor told her she probably wouldn't be able to conceive because of scar tissue from blunt force trauma. But Leo has healed Piper, if there was scar tissue after Leo heals, then all 3 girls should be covered in scars.


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Suggested correction: They are thrown around quite a bit before even finding out Leo is a whitelighter. Also, he doesn't heal them every time they get thrown or hit in the abdomen. In fact, we usually don't see him heal them at all if they're just thrown across the room or punched in the gut, unless there's a visible wound.

The Honeymoon's Over - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: In the season 2 finale the council has five members and yellow robes, in this episode they're now called the triad and there are 3 members in red robes (changed to black robes with inverted pentagrams in later seasons).


Astral Monkey - S2-E20

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the episode Piper is talking to her sisters in the parlor with her watch is on her left wrist and a bracelet on her right wrist. She goes upstairs to her room to cry and her bracelet and watch have switched places. (00:39:05 - 00:40:00)

Deirdre Statham

Awakened - S2-E12

Continuity mistake: When Phoebe first meets and talks to Nathan in the hospital, she has no ring on her right hand in shots showing her face, but in any shots from behind her she has a ring on. The ring appears and disappears between transitions during their conversation. (00:07:50)

Deirdre Statham

Repo Manor - S8-E13

Other mistake: When Piper blows up the dollhouse, killing Pilar, Phoenix and Patra, you can hear the sound effect of telekinesis, despite Piper's power being molecular combustion.

Charmed mistake picture

Wicca Envy - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the episode when Piper hides her sisters from Leo she has the shirt with the buttons closed, but between that scene the shirt is not closed. (00:01:05)

Sword and the City - S6-E8

Continuity mistake: When the sisters first see the lady in the lake, the demon off to the side throws a knife into her back, but the knife hits completely straight, as it would if the demon had been directly behind her.


P3 H2O - S2-E8

Other mistake: After Sam uses the powder on the sisters, erasing their memories, they're visited by Leo who starts to say "he must have gotten the powder" and one of the sisters finishes with "our mother." But in a later episode we learn all white lighters have this powder.


The Courtship of Wyatt's Father - S6-E16

Revealing mistake: Just after Piper and Leo are taken away, Paige orbs down to the ground and runs up to Pheobe, places her hand on her, and shows a blood-covered hand showing that Pheobe's been injured. But before it's shown, while Paige is running up to Pheobe, you can see Paige deliberately keeping her hand closed and facing away from the camera, because it's already there when she orbs down.


P3 H2O - S2-E8

Other mistake: When Leo orbs into the house after Dan comes up, Piper freezes Dan and closes the door. As the girls and Leo are talking, Dan's shadow can be seen through the stained glass window moving slightly.


Cole: Phoebe, I love you. I don't know what's going on but maybe I can help. Would you like me to kill someone for you?

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Answer: "Hush, Hush, Hush" Paula Cole.

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