Plot hole: According to the family tree viewed in this episode, Penny "Grams" Halliwell was born on 6/23/1937, and her daughter Patty, the Charmed Ones' mother, was born on 4/5/1950. In addition, Patty's father was born in 1930. So, according to this, Penny gave birth to her daughter at age 12, while married to a 20 year old man. That's quite outlandish, to say the least. (00:20:05)
Plot hole: It is stated Leo is born on May 6th, 1924. Yet he was in his 20's as Piper's ex-lover in his past life around 1924. It also stated that that is when he died and became a whitelighter but the war wasn't until 1942. He died shortly after that meaning he didn't become a whitelighter until after 1942.
Answer: "Hush, Hush, Hush" Paula Cole.