
Charmed (1998)

1 mistake in Season 2 generally - chronological order

(16 votes)

Season 2 generally

Continuity mistake: The first three episodes have zero continuity when it comes to Piper's love life. In Ep1 "Witch Trial" Piper is hooking up with the guy who is looking at the loan for P3. Then in Ep2 "Morality Bites" she is with Leo (presumably they have secretly been together for months as they discuss their many issues being able to talk when they're both so busy with magic crises and how Leo hasn't figured out how they can be together without clipping his wings). But by Ep3 "The Painted World" Piper and Dan are already together. They has been no discussion of Piper and Leo breaking up and zero mention of Piper and Dan getting together (in fact, the last time we saw Dan in Ep1, he and Phoebe were flirting pretty heavily). I am so confused and I do not at all remember these inconsistencies from when I first watched these episodes years ago. Were these shot and aired out of sequence or something?

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Suggested correction: Your last statement is correct, which also invalidates your error. Ep3, "The Painted World" was produced before Ep2, "Morality Bites" but "Morality Bites" was aired first, out of sequence.


Suggested correction: Piper and Dan weren't together in The Painted World, they weren't together until she's a man, baby, a man. When Piper sees his dating tape.

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Chosen answer: Her agent/manager negotiated a special billing as part of her contract. It distinguishes her from the rest of the cast, probably when she became a producer on the show.

JC Fernandez

Answer: She became a producer.

Incorrect. Her billing changed in season 4 but she didn't become a producer until season 5.


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