Plot hole: The innocent who gets Piper's powers uses them to freeze Piper and Phoebe. But even though Piper and Phoebe no longer have their unique powers, they are still good witches; they were still able to scry, and we have encountered good witches on the show in the past who had no powers at all. And by the rules of magic within the show, good witches do not freeze.
Plot hole: When the man and woman receive Piper and Phoebe's powers, the lady freezes the man and Phoebe due to fear, but good witches don't freeze, so if Phoebe froze (which she shouldn't have due to only her active powers lost) then why did the man? If he had Phoebe's powers then he isn't mortal and therefore should not freeze.
Answer: "Hush, Hush, Hush" Paula Cole.