Star Trek: Enterprise

Zero Hour - S3-E24

Corrected entry: The Reptilian Xindi says there are seven human life signs on the ship they're scanning. However, only six were on the ship.

Correction: Daniels was The Seventh person on the ship.

Carpenter Street - S3-E11

Corrected entry: Archer says that Daniels is supposed to know things, being from the "thirtieth century." But in previous episodes Daniels, identifies himself as being from the thirty-first century.

Correction: This makes perfect sense in the context, as Archer was speaking with anger and was being sarcastic at the time. Most people don't get all of the details right in those circumstances.

Correction: The canister is still there, but just off camera.

Correction: Character flaw: Even though a Vulcan, T'Pol can still make mistakes. The confusing Earth calendar is probably what prompted Starfleet to eventually adopt the stardate system.

JC Fernandez

Correction: The Sphere was hidden from Enterprise's sensors, and T'Pol could only approximate how far away the Sphere was supposed to be (75,000 kilometers). When Archer reports, he says they've "approached 79,000 kilometers and still no sign," meaning they've gone past T'Pol's original estimate with still no visible sign of the Sphere.

JC Fernandez

Carpenter Street - S3-E11

Corrected entry: Captain Archer does not know how to drive a car, but he is from a time when they had cars, and Trip even says in a previous episode that the escape pod him and the princess are in reminded him of his first car. (02:05:15 - 02:06:20)

Correction: Just because cars were still in use, it does not mean everyone can drive one. Archer's father was a pioneer of space travel, so it is not unlikely he learnt to fly a shuttle rather than drive a car. As a child he spent his time fantasising about flying space ships. Similarly, Travis would be unlikely to drive because he grew up on a freighter, not on Earth.

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Ensign Hoshi Sato: Maybe it's a log. What do you think?
Commander Tucker: Beats me. Could be a laundry list... or instructions on how to conquer the universe?

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Horizon - S2-E20

Trivia: When Travis is in his old room talking with Nora about Enterprise, look on the bookshelf behind Travis. There's a large white book about Chicago gangs of the 1920's. In the original series episode "A Piece of the Action" it is determined that 100 years ago the ship Horizon accidentally left a book about Chicago gangs which influenced the entire culture to mimic the mobster lifestyle. (00:20:55)


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Show generally

Question: Does anyone know how old Zefram Cochrane is or when he was born? He seemed pretty old in Star Trek: First Contact which takes place in 2063, and "Broken Bow" shows him still alive about 60 years later dedicating the Warp 5 complex with Captain Archer's father Henry.

Answer: Acording to the Star Trek Encyclopedia Cochrane was born in 2030. His warp flight was in 2063, and he himself disappeared from Alpha Centauri in the year 2117 at 87. Kirk met him on a planetoid in the Gsmms Canaris region in the year 2267 making him 237. The first episode of Enterprise is in 2151, so Cochrane was missing for 34 years by that time and would have been 121 at that time.


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