Star Trek: Enterprise
Movie Quote Quiz

Captain Archer: You missed T'Pol's latest battle with chopsticks.
Commander Tucker: Darn. Dinner and a show.

Dr. Phlox: Commander Tucker reassigned the repair team that that was working here. He said the Armoury was a higher priority. We'll see how low a priority I am the next time he burns his fingers on a plasma conduit.

Zobral: I wouldn't be a good host if I allow my guests to be killed.

Dr. Jeremy Lucas: You son of a bitch.
Dr. Arik Soong: Actually, mother was a chemist.

Commander Tucker: Grandma taught me never to judge a species by their eating habits.

Dr. Phlox: It's unethical to harm a patient. However, I can inflict as much pain as I like.

Commander Tucker: I've heard the women on Draylax have.
Travis Mayweather: Three... it's true.
Commander Tucker: You know that first-hand?
Travis Mayweather: First-hand, second-hand, third-hand.

Captain Archer: Enterprise was designed to be a ship of exploration.
Degra: If we're successful, it will be again.

Kaitaama: Is your entire species so ill mannered?
Commander Tucker: Nope. Just me.

Bu'kaH: I've never seen your kind before, but you have made an enemy of the Klingon Empire.
Captain Archer: From what I've noticed, that's not hard to do.

Commander Dolum: You don't want to know my specialty.
Captain Archer: Let me guess... stinking up the room?

Dr. Phlox: When was the last time you slept?
Commander Tucker: T'Pol tattling on me?
Dr. Phlox: She's worried about you.
Commander Tucker: I appreciate that, but I'm holding this ship together with spit and bailing wire.
Dr. Phlox: Six hours.
Commander Tucker: Two.
Dr. Phlox: Four.
Commander Tucker: Done. And remind me never to buy a car from you.

T'Les: Have you informed T'Pol?
Commander Tucker: Informed her of what?
T'Les: You're in love with her.

Captain Archer: Am I sensing concern? Last I checked, that was considered an emotion.

Captain Archer: You're from 900 years in the future, and you need MY help?

Ensign Hoshi Sato: I'm a translator. I didn't come out here to see corpses hanging on hooks.
Dr. Phlox: It goes without saying that you're going to encounter the unexpected.
Ensign Hoshi Sato: Not corpses on hooks.

Dr. Arik Soong: Oh, Commander Tucker, I'm so sorry about the loss of your "Vulcan" friend.
Captain Archer: That's enough.

Dr. Phlox: That's it, time's up.
Commander Tucker: It sure is.

Dr. Phlox: Medically speaking, there's no accounting for taste.

Subcommander T'Pol: "Delicate" is not a word I associate with Mr. Tucker.

The Breach - S2-E21

Other mistake: As Archer walks into the sickbay, while the camera pans, you can see a bottle of Crystal Geyser water. I noticed the bottle right away but had to pause it to see the brand. (00:39:00 - 00:40:00)


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Answer: Warp factor has always been inconsistent and hard to pinpoint, or there's too many episodes that contradict the conversion rates. Changes were made in converting warp factor into actual speed between TOS and TNG. It seems ENT reverted back to using TOS method, which is "warp factor cubed" equals how many times the speed of light they traveled. So warp 4.5 means 91.125 times the speed of light (c). Although in "Broken Bow", with the travels from Earth to Neptune and back in about six minutes means warp 4.5 is about 86*c. However, in "The Expanse" episode, warp 5 was 200*c (instead of 125). 1 ly at 91.125*c is about 4 days, but 100 ly would be 400 days.


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