Star Trek: Voyager

Parturition - S2-E7

Revealing mistake: On the bridge, as Tuvok monitors and reports on the pursuing ship's weapons, you can see what looks like a wristwatch on his right wrist as he works the controls. (00:35:35)

Movie Nut

Dreadnought - S2-E17

Continuity mistake: Dreadnought states there are fifteen priority targets approaching. On radar sixteen Rakosan ships are displayed. Then just before the Dreadnought attacks (and destroys three of) the approaching ships, there are a total of nineteen Rakosan ships displayed on radar.

Repression - S7-E4

Other mistake: In the 3D cinema scenes in the Holodeck, Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres can be seen using blue/cyan anaglyph glasses and the movie screen can be seen to be in blue/cyan also. This is fine and to be expected. However the shot in which the projection room can be seen behind the couple show the projection is through magenta/green filters. (00:03:30)


Basics (2) - S3-E1

Deliberate mistake: After Voyager's secondary phaser banks overload, everyone on the ship seems to be severely injured, but Seska's baby is perfectly fine. This is likely to be a conscious decision by the writers. (00:40:30)

Mortal Coil - S4-E12

Continuity mistake: The shuttle is "parked" in the nebula to get a protomatter sample, and the nebula is visible in all windows. After the shuttle is hit, the camera looks at Tom, and the view in the window is the black of space with stars, rather than the bright nebula.

Movie Nut

Parallax - S1-E3

Factual error: The event horizon of a quantum singularity (aka black hole) is not a physical barrier you can punch a hole through but a theoretical one, which can't be escaped from without faster then light travel.

Heroes and Demons - S1-E12

Character mistake: When trying to trap the energy mass they created, B'Elanna announces, "Now it's trapped on three sides," to which Paris replies, "It's changing course. Heading for the open side." Since we function in 3-dimensional space, unless they are trying to trap it in a triangular-based pyramid, the number of "sides" to be concerned with is six.


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Future's End (1) - S3-E8

Trivia: Rain Robinson has a model of a DY-100 on the window sill in her office. In 1996 (also the year this episode is set), Kahn left Earth in the SS Botany Bay, a DY-100 class starship.


More trivia for Star Trek: Voyager

Thirty Days - S5-E9

Question: Was Tom successful in his mission or did the torpedo that was launched by Tuvok from Voyager stop him from succeeding?

Answer: The torpedo stopped him from succeeding.


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