Red Dwarf

Blue - S7-E5

Visible crew/equipment: When Lister says Kochanski was drying her tights on the radiator, keep an eye on the stars and the railings behind him. The shadow of a crew member can be seen moving on the bars and steps. (00:04:05)


Red Dwarf mistake picture

Stoke Me A Clipper - S7-E2

Continuity mistake: When Ace drives the bike out of the shed, the piece of wood is between the front wheel and the handlebars. In the next shot, the piece of wood is resting on his arms. (00:03:25)


Blue - S7-E5

Continuity mistake: When Lister gets Starbug out of the comet tail, he only has two locks over his left shoulder. In the next shot there are 4 over his shoulder. (00:07:30)


Duct Soup - S7-E4

Continuity mistake: When Kochanski is in bed at the start of the episode, she is wearing stud ear rings. When she gets up to go to the kitchen area, they are now hoops. (00:02:20 - 00:03:50)


Beyond a Joke - S7-E6

Continuity mistake: When Able takes his head off and throws it at the simulant, he throws it forwards towards where Lister is standing. The head manages instead, somehow, to hit the simulant standing next to the gelf on Able's left. (00:20:00)


Stoke Me A Clipper - S7-E2

Continuity mistake: At the start of the episode when the Nazi commander is speaking to Ace, in all wide shots his left arm is wrapped around the crocodile, but in all close up shots his arm is by his side. (00:00:45)


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Meltdown - S4-E6

Trivia: "Meltdown" was originally planned to be the first episode of Series IV of Red Dwarf. However, the militaristic tone of this episode - and in particular Dave Lister's strident anti-war speech near The End of the episode - meant it fell foul of the BBC censors. The original planned transmission date (Feb 14 1991) coincided with the outbreak of "Operation Desert Storm" - the Gulf War...and the BBC felt that an "anti-war" episode of Red Dwarf would be inappropriate for a country at war with Iraq.

More trivia for Red Dwarf

Meltdown - S4-E6

Question: When Kryten and Rimmer were doing the roster of their ranks, Why did Kryten skip the old woman in the black dress with the white shoulder sash between Dali Lama and Mr. Noel Coward?

Answer: It's Queen Victoria, someone any Englishman would recognize, and needed no introduction.

More questions & answers from Red Dwarf

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