Band Candy - S3-E6
Trivia: The accent that Giles uses as his teenage self is Anthony Head's natural accent.
Trivia: In the Buffy episode 'Anne' we are re-introduced to a character played by Julia Lee. Called Lily in this episode, she was previously called Chanterell in the season 2 ep 'Lie To Me'. At the end of the episode, Lily asks Buffy if she can be 'Anne', Buffy's L.A. persona, to which Buffy replies yes. It is interesting to note that Julia Lee returns later in several season 2 'Angel' episodes as Anne, though by now she has grown up significantly and is now running a hostel for runaway youth, something she once was...
Lover's Walk - S3-E8
Trivia: In 'Lover's Walk' Cordelia falls through a staircase onto a rebar. This is taken from a real life incident; when Charisma Carpenter was young she impaled herself on a rebar too.
Trivia: When Willow is describing her evil twin, she uses the phrase "And I think I'm kinda gay." She says the exact same thing to Dawn during Tabula Rasa when they have all lost their memory.
Trivia: At the end of the episode, after vampire Willow has been returned to her reality, Willow talks about her evil twin. She says that she thinks her double was a little gay or something to that effect. Angel then begins to mention that the vampire personality of a person is a kind of mirror of what the person is or can be, but stops short of finishing the sentence. This is a hint to Willow's coming out of the closet about being a lesbian later on in the series.
Trivia: Joss Whedon is known for giving hints for future events. In Graduation Day Part 2 while Buffy is in a coma dream she speaks to Faith. Faith says "Oh yeah. - Miles to go - Little Ms. Muffet counting down from 7-3-0." 730 means 730 days (2 years). If you recall the poem that states miles to go before I sleep. In 730 days Buffy will die in the finale of season 5.
Lover's Walk - S3-E8
Trivia: The way Spike enters Sunndydale (driving into the sign) is a reference to the first time we met Spike in the season 2 episode "School Hard." Both times he drives into the sign, however in School Hard he steps out but in Lovers Walk he falls out, drunk. The music is even the same.
Trivia: The Columbine school massacre happened about a week before the episode was originally supposed to air. Since the episode dealt with a potential school shooting, the producers felt it was respectful and necessary to postpone the episode's airdate. Coincidentally, a similar event later happened to David Boreanaz when the Bones episode "Player Under Pressure" was postponed following the Virginia Tech massacre.
Trivia: Upon meeting Alexis Denisof, Alyson Hannigan was attracted to him. He initally declined when she first asked him out, but in time they began seeing each other and were married in 2003.
Gingerbread - S3-E11
Trivia: One of the names on the newspaper articles about the two dead children is "C. Meyer", as in Carey Meyer - one of the series' Production Designers.
Chosen answer: Angel is saying that he is still jealous and Buffy recognizes that this is his way of saying he wishes that they could be together. That is why they both smile.