Nightmares - S1-E10
Continuity mistake: In the beginning dream sequence, when Buffy is surprised by the Master and backs up into the wall, watch her two pigtails. As the scene cuts back and forth between Buffy and the Master, her pigtails move from behind her shoulders to in front of her shoulders and back several times. First they're both behind her shoulders, then only one is behind, then both are in front, then one moves back behind again, etc. Obviously multiple different takes were cut together in editing.
Nightmares - S1-E10
Continuity mistake: Buffy's history teacher is not the same person from episode 1 or 9, originally a woman, the teacher is now a man. Cordelia also notes Buffy doesn't know where the class is due to ditching, but we saw Buffy in her history class with Cordelia in The Puppet Show. How could Buffy not know where her class is only 1-2 weeks later?
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Continuity mistake: When the gang are in the cafeteria and Giles comes along, Buffy's hands instantly change positions as she says "I love it when he says that!" Then, in the very next shot, a drink suddenly appears in her hand that wasn't there before.
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Continuity mistake: When Cordy notices the word "Learn" in The Bronze and asks "What does that mean?" the positions of the ropes around her arms changes instantly between cuts.
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Continuity mistake: When Buffy finds the invisible girl's "home" in the ceiling and picks up her flute, the position of everything on her bed changes between the initial closeup we saw and the shot of Buffy picking up the flute. Ex. In the initial closeup, the flute is on an open case, while in the shot where Buffy picks it up the case is closed. All the sheet music is in a slightly different position. A cylindrical object appears next to the flute that wasn't there in the initial closeup, etc.
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Continuity mistake: When Xander makes the joke "Maybe it was a vampire bat!" in the cafeteria near the beginning of the episode, a sandwich suddenly appears in his previously-empty hand between edits.
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Continuity mistake: After Buffy cuts herself out of her chair, she unties Cordy's left wrist. The scene cuts away to Giles, Xander, Willow and Angel. When the scene cuts back to Buffy and Cordy, suddenly Cordy's wrist is tied again. There's no indication that it was retied in the meantime.
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Continuity mistake: When Cordy and Buffy are tied up, at one point Marcie the invisible girl punches Buffy. As it cuts from a closeup of Buffy back to a wideshot, the position of Buffy's head and the expression of her face instantly changes between cuts. She goes from having her head crooked with a pained expression and her eyes half-shut to having her head straight with a shocked expression and her eyes wide open.
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Continuity mistake: When the invisible girl pushes Buffy, and she falls through the ceiling and onto a table, the position of Buffy's arms changes slightly between edits when it cuts to a high-angle shot of her knocked out. Some of the debris around her also changes position.
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Continuity mistake: This is subtle and hard to notice. When Buffy is explaining that something bumped into her in front of the school after Giles explains what it's like to be touched by a ghosts, pay attention to Xander. In the first shot, he's standing about two feet back from Buffy and his left shoulder is behind Willow. In the next shot he's suddenly much closer to Buffy and Willow is no longer in front of his left shoulder.
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Continuity mistake: When Harmony is pushed down the stairs, she suddenly goes from in front of to behind the garbage can at the bottom instantly between cuts.
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Continuity mistake: In the beginning when the Scooby gang and Giles are talking in the cafeteria and Giles asks Xander to help him, in the first shot Xander doesn't have his hand on his drink, but when the shot cuts to the opposite angle, suddenly he has his right hand grasping the dop of his drink.
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Continuity mistake: When Buffy is checking out the locker room after the credits, she starts to close one of the lockers. It cuts to the opposite angle and the locker is All The Way open, and she starts to close it a second time. The way she's holding the locker door also changes instantly between edits.
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Continuity mistake: In the beginning of the episode, when Cordelia's date is in the locker room and he talks to two other students, pay attention. There's a combination lock and a baseball bat on top of the lockers. They change positions repeatedly between cuts, getting closer and further apart almost at random depending on the shot.
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Continuity mistake: When the school-bell rings at the beginning of the episode after Cordelia talks about hitting the girl on the bike, in the first shot Willow is just starting to put her book into her backpack and is still seated. In the next shot, Willow is suddenly starting to stand up and has already put her book away.
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Continuity mistake: When Cordelia is talking about hitting the girl on a bike with her car and the bell rings, pay attention to Willow's hands. As it cuts from the front angle to the back angle, Willow's hands instantly change positions. (In the first shot, her hands are together, but in the next, her arms are crossed in different directions).
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Continuity mistake: When Cordelia raises her hand in the class at the beginning of the episode, look at Harmony's hand on the desk next to her. Harmony's hand instantly changes position and moves about six inches to her left between cuts when Cordelia is called on.
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Continuity mistake: This is subtle and hard to notice. When the teacher is giving a lecture in the beginning, she says "Ok, so talk to me people " and starts to turn and walk to her right. When the camera cuts, she starts to turn and walk to her right a second time. It goes by fast, so it's kinda hard to see.
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Continuity mistake: When Cordelia is giving her May Queen speech, Willow notices 2 body guards standing around. In both shots you can see the same 2 girls, wearing light blue and grey, walk behind The Body guards. The same girl in light blue can also be seen in several different shots, in the crowd listening to Cordelia and walking around as Buffy talks to Willow and Xander.

Continuity mistake: When Buffy drowns in Prophecy Girl, she falls into the pool with her hair tied in a ponytail and her arms under her. When she is discovered by Angel and Xander, her arms are by her sides and her hair is loose. (00:33:55)
Chosen answer: Angel is saying that he is still jealous and Buffy recognizes that this is his way of saying he wishes that they could be together. That is why they both smile.