Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Audio problem: When Cordelia is tied to the chair at the end of the episode from a side view you can see her mouth 'Marcie' but can't hear it and in the front shot she says 'Marcie' again.
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Audio problem: When the invisible girl writes "Listen" on the chalkboard, the chalk sound effects don't match the writing for the last few strokes. (They're about a half-second too "early.").
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Audio problem: When Cordy and Buffy are talking and Cordy says "Well it beats being alone all by yourself, " pay attention. It's clear that part of the line was dubbed in, as there is a very hard cut between the words "Well" and "It."
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11
Audio problem: When Cordelia wins May Queen, the clapping sound effect doesn't match the students clapping in the slightest. It's far too loud considering it's a small group outside, and continues on for about two seconds after the students clapping.
Answer: She has superpowers, ergo fast movement. The reason she outruns him so easily in "Touched" is that she stops trying to actually fight him and just dodges instead.