Death in Paradise

Episode #4.2 - S4-E2

Audio problem: Florence talks about the financial problems of the surfing school. Doing so, she says that they have two mortgages and they "are behind in both." This last part is pronounced with the camera behind Joséphine Jobert, but the timing between audio and jaw movement is off. There's also a little jump in continuity with her left hand away from the sheet/on it. (00:35:10)


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Dark Memories - S7-E7

Trivia: Spoiler; In this episode, for the first time the suspect (and eventual culprit) is not present for the ending confrontation, with a chance he'd get away with murder. The actor playing Samuel Palmer, Larrington Walker, died before the finale could be filmed.


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Show generally

Question: When Richard reminisces about England, he talks about going to the pub and having a pint. Yet the whole time he's in Saint Marie, he is never seen to drink alcohol with the rest of the team; only cups of tea. Why?

Answer: Most likely they had only tropical exotic drinks, he wanted an old fashioned English beer.

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