Backlash of the Hunter - S1-E1
Continuity mistake: When Rockford pops from behind the cement mixer truck, he casts no shadow above the vehicle's wheel in the long shot, he does in the close-up.
Backlash of the Hunter - S1-E1
Continuity mistake: The bad guys destroy Rockford's car, which in an old school trope explodes (even if it makes little sense that it would). The explosion raises a column of thick black smoke as the car burns...which is just gone after.
Backlash of the Hunter - S1-E1
Other mistake: The bad guy collapses after drinking what Sara gave him, but in the close-up she managed to squeeze barely 1 drop of the substance and it went right on top of the horizontal ice cube. It must be the most powerful narcotic in the world, putting KO a mountain of a man within seconds with a single drop that arguably didn't even mix with the drink. Had she put a couple drops in, it would have straight up murdered him, then.
Backlash of the Hunter - S1-E1
Other mistake: Jerry Grimes follows Rockford to the theater, sits at the bar, orders bourbon and water and waits for Jim to come out of the bathroom. Jim meanwhile set up a trap for him, which somehow does not affect anyone else, and Jerry ends up getting roughed up. He then drives off to this other joint, where he sits at the bar...which happens to be the exact same bar with the exact same posters as the other one.