Pokemon mistake picture

Abra and the Psychic Showdown - S1-E22

Continuity mistake: When the camera pans up to show the Sabrina doll as Ash and friends are running, Pikachu abruptly shifts right briefly before returning to his previous position. Also, the centre cloud is above two others on a set, but in the next shot, it is below them. (00:16:05)


Pokemon mistake picture

Abra and the Psychic Showdown - S1-E22

Revealing mistake: When Sabrina puts her right hand on the floor of a hallway, the lines that indicate the impact of her hand remain after it happens. Also, her aforementioned hand is on the floor, but in the next shot, it is not there. Additionally, the door to the right is blue, but in the next shot, it is brown. The shot after also has the dresser, its items, and the rug in the main room going from present to absent. (00:15:43)


Show generally

Other mistake: During the Pokérap, when the Poliwrath name is said, the Pokémon shown is actually Poliwag. Also, when the Graveler name is said, the Pokémon shown is actually Geodude.

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Trivia: Jessie and James' Japanese names, Musashi and Kojirō, are a reference to two actual samurais, Musashi Miyamoto and Sasaki Kojirō.

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Answer: There are a lot of fan theories around this, but the most common theme is that Pikachu had another trainer before Prof. Oak, who gave him to Ash. Pikachu didn't appreciate being handed over.


Answer: Well he had just caught him in the wild. Didn't even catch him with a traditional poke ball but like tied him up with a rope. So I would imagine so, yes.

Quantom X

You would imagine yes what? What are you talking about).

Sorry, I misread the question. I thought you were asking "DOES" he dislike Ash, not Why. It's been a while since I've seen the full episode. But from what I recall, Pikachu was wild, and Ash caught him through unconventional means without a pokeball. Tying him up with rope and stuff. So that's a good reason for any animal to not like someone when forced into a captive state in such a way.

Quantom X

That doesn't answer my question.

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