Pokemon mistake picture

Mystery at the Lighthouse - S1-E13

Continuity mistake: When Ash asks Professor Oak if Krabby is all right, Professor Oak's coat goes from white to red with the pot going from brown to grey. Additionally, the background changes design between shots. Furthermore, a bowl, a ladle, and a spoon go from being present to vanishing. Moreover, the camera view goes from being aligned with Professor Oak to not with his left-hand going from being lowered to being raised. (00:08:51)


Pokemon mistake picture

Hour of the Houndour - S3-E34

Continuity mistake: When Ash notices that his rucksack is missing, there is a dirt area past a tree, but in the next shot, there is not. Also, there is not another one in front of a tree, but in the next shot, there is. (00:01:45)


Pokemon mistake picture

Tanks a Lot! - S3-E17

Continuity mistake: When Ash uses his Pokédex to find facts on Sentret, his right index finger and the one below it are together all of the way, but in the next shot, they are apart towards their ends. (00:05:38)


Pokemon mistake picture

Once in a Blue Moon - S3-E11

Continuity mistake: When Ash takes out his Pokédex to find facts on Quagsire, it and his right hand clip through him. Also, his right sleeve goes from being all white to white and blue and his right jacket strip goes from being present to being absent. (00:02:09)


Pokemon mistake picture

The Chikorita Rescue - S3-E10

Continuity mistake: When Ash uses his Pokédex to find facts on Chikorita, his right thumb is not covered and his right pinkie finger is not bent, but in the next shot, his thumb is covered and his pinkie finger is bent. (00:02:54)


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Trivia: Jessie and James' Japanese names, Musashi and Kojirō, are a reference to two actual samurais, Musashi Miyamoto and Sasaki Kojirō.

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Show generally

Question: This is a question for the XYZ series. I can't figure out if Alain is a good guy or a bad guy. He acts like he is good but I am not so sure if he really is. Can anyone tell me if he is good or bad?

Answer: He is a good guy but just found himself in a bad situation when he worked for Lysander. He didn't want him to harm Ash and his Pokémon when he was trying to get the special bond between Ash and his Greninja to work. He does leave Lysander and go back to being a good person.

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