Quotes from Steve Martin movies and TV shows - page 5 of 5

Charlie: I really admire your shoes.
Bystander: What?
Charlie: I really admire your shoes. But as much as I admire your shoes, I really wouldn't want to be IN your shoes at this particular moment in time.

Charlie: What a waste of an opportunity. You have THIS in front of you, and all you can think of is 'Big Nose'?!

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Ray Porter: Mirabelle Buttersfield moved from Vermont hoping to begin her life. And now she is stranded in the vast openness of LA. She keeps working to make connections, but the pile of near misses is starting to overwhelm her. What Mirabelle needs is an omniscient voice to illuminate and spotlight her and to inform everyone that this one has value, this one standing behind the counter in the glove department and to find her counterpart and bring him to her.

Ray Porter: As Ray Porter watches Mirabelle walk away he feels a loss. How is it possible, he thinks, to miss a woman whom he kept at a distance so that when she was gone he would not miss her. Only then does he realise that wanting part of her and not all of her had hurt them both and how he cannot justify his actions except that... well... it was life.

Ray Porter: When I'm in New York next week, I decided to look for an apartment there.
Mirabelle: To move there?
Ray Porter: Just a place to stay while I'm there. No more luggage. Whoo-hoo.
Mirabelle: Like a crash pad. You lucky mister.
Ray Porter: Actually, I'll look for a three-bedroom in case I meet someone and have kids.

Mirabelle: Ray, why don't you love me? Are you just biding your time with me?
Ray Porter: I thought you understood.
Mirabelle: So, I can either hurt now or hurt later.

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Ned Nederlander: Chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip, chip. Nanny!
Lucky Day: Farley, farley, farley, farley, farley, hafurrrrrrrrrr!
Dusty Bottoms: Kinat hoooole wilfgad...huml...sah.

Lucky Day: In a way, all of us has an El Guapo to face. For some, shyness might be their El Guapo. For others, a lack of education might be their El Guapo. For us, El Guapo is a big, dangerous man who wants to kill us. But as sure as my name is Lucky Day, the people of Santa Poco can conquer their own personal El Guapo, who also happens to be *the actual* El Guapo!

Lucky Day: Not so fast El Guapo! Or I'll pump you so full of lead you'll be using your dick for a pencil!
El Guapo: What do you mean?
Lucky Day: I don't know.

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