Quotes from Julia Roberts movies and TV shows

Barbara Weston: Marriage is hard.
Karen Weston: That's one thing about mom and dad. You gotta tip your hat to anybody who can stay married that long.
Ivy Weston: Karen, he killed himself.

Barbara Weston: Are we breaking shit now, uh? I can break shit! Hey! See, everybody can break some shit!

More August: Osage County quotes

Holly Burns: Why don't you take care of our kids and I'll deal with mine.

More Ben Is Back quotes

Joanne Herring: Go fight this war, Charlie. Everything possible is on the line - including your manhood.

Joanne Herring: May I ask what it is that I've done to make you dislike me, Mr. Avrakotos?
Gust Avrakotos: I like you just fine, Mrs. Herring, it's just been my experience that when people with money and too much free time get involved in politics, pretty soon, I forget who it is I'm supposed to be shooting at.

Joanne Herring: He may be in trouble with the press, but he stayed out of jail. You don't see God's hand in this?
Gust Avrakotos: Well reasonable people can disagree, but I don't see God anywhere within miles of this. On the other hand, if you slept with me tonight, I bet you I could change my mind in a hurry.

More Charlie Wilson's War quotes

Anna: I don't want trouble.
Dan: I'm not trouble.
Anna: You're taken.
Dan: I've got to see you.
Anna: Tough.
Dan: You... kissed me.
Anna: What are you - twelve?

Anna: Why is the sex so important?
Larry: Because I'm a fucking caveman.

Larry: I'm Larry, the doctor.
Anna: Hello, doctor Larry.
Larry: Feel free to call me The Sultan.

Dan: So, he's a dermatologist. Can you get more boring than that?
Anna: Obituarist?
Dan: Failed novelist, please.

Anna: Don't stop loving me. I can see it draining out of you. It's me, remember? It was a stupid thing to do and it meant nothing. If you love me enough, you'll forgive me.

Dan: Look me in the eyes. Tell me you're not in love with me.
Anna: I'm not in love with you.
Dan: You just lied.

Dan: You've ruined my life.
Anna: You'll get over it.

More Closer quotes

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