Fairy Godmother: Cinderella, if you really love him, why don't you let him know?
Cinderella: How can I? Look at me.
Fairy Godmother: Do you really think he fell in love with your fancy gown and your pretty braids?
Cinderella: I don't know anymore. And if you hadn't helped me...
Fairy Godmother: You didn't need my help. You just thought you did. Believe in yourself, Cinderella, and trust him to love you as you really are.
Cinderella: You know what the problem is with most people? They sit around wishing for something to happen instead of doing something about it.
Karla Wilson: "Try" is like "maybe," Julie. "Try" is bullshit.
Mayor Phlegmming: Good evening, citizens of Frank. In the past few weeks of the campaign, my opponent has thrown around a lot of fancy words to try to confuse the issues. Words like "exercise", "low-fat", and "diet." Words designed to scare us into changing what has worked for so many years. Well, I say, let's stay the course. Remember, a fat Frank is a happy Frank.
Leah: What? That's not what I wrote.
Mayor Phlegmming: I propose something that every organism in this city will enjoy. I give you a dream vacation to the annual chicken wing festival in Buffalo, New York. Final plans have been made and nothing is going to stand in our way!
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