
8th Sep 2023

Interstellar (2014)

Continuity mistake: Midway through the movie, Cooper is said to be 124 years old while in the new galaxy, and at that time his daughter was still a young girl. Later, when he is back in our solar system and waiting for time to find an opening back to his daughter, who is now in her midlife years, he is awakened at the colony off Saturn, and he's told to take it easy because he's 124 years old but his daughter is a very elderly dying woman. Estimating her age at 90, Cooper should have aged a bit more.


The Hamburger Postulate - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: Leonard and Leslie are rehearsing the violin and cello in the guys' living room, and when they leave the room to go to Leonard's room, Leonard's cello and stand are still in front of the comfy chair. When Sheldon gets home, the cello and stand are gone, and only Leslie's closed violin case is left on the sofa. And she picks it up and leaves with it. How did the violin get back in the case.


Continuity mistake: When Gilbert and Amy are unloading the groceries onto the porch, some bags fell over but in the final shot of the scene, all the bags are standing up, even though no-one could've touched them.


18th Mar 2022

Jaws (1975)

Continuity mistake: When Sheriff Brody is tossing chum to attract the shark, the cigarette between his lips is not lit but when he backs into the bridge of the boat, there is smoke trailing from the cigarette.


19th Jul 2021

The Outsiders (1983)

Continuity mistake: In the opening scene, in the long shot, Dallas is leaning back against a lamppost with his knee bent and foot against the post, trying to light a cigarette. Cut to the close up, he's still trying to light the cigarette, but he's leaning in the pole with his shoulder.


14th Jun 2021

Friends (1994)

17th Feb 2015

Tombstone (1993)

Continuity mistake: When Doc and Kate are leaving the saloon after he stabbed Ed Bailey, as they stand in the doorway facing the people In the saloon, the light outside shows bright sun with shadows from the buildings, indicating it is mid to late afternoon. When they step outside, there is no bright sunlight and the entire street is in dusky shadow.


13th Feb 2015

Modern Family (2009)

11th Jan 2015

Friends (1994)

30th Dec 2014

A Christmas Story (1983)

Continuity mistake: As Ms. Shields lectures the children on what happened to Flick, the phrase "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is written on the blackboard behind her. But when she is done lecturing them, she turns around to reveal "A Theme: What I Want for Christmas" written there instead.


27th Dec 2014

Friends (1994)

The One With Ross' Step Forward - S8-E11

Continuity mistake: It's obviously December, with the set decorations and Rachel's reference to sitting on multiple Santas' laps because she is randy from her pregnancy hormones. The characters establish that it's Rachel's fourth month of pregnancy...but she became pregnant about six weeks before Monica and Chandler's May 15 wedding. Her fourth month would have been in July, not December.


27th Dec 2014

Friends (1994)

18th Dec 2014

Friends (1994)

29th Jul 2014

Friends (1994)

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