Jacob La Cour

17th May 2009

Angels & Demons (2009)

Corrected entry: Even though the oxygen level of the library is kept at a low level to preserve the books, the room was very large and it would take a long time - even without ventilation - before they would black out.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: The room is not very large at all, and the oxygen is nearly depleted to begin with (so that the records are preserved). With the two of them breathing heavily they would use up what little oxygen was in the archive room very quickly.


23rd Feb 2009

Body of Lies (2008)

Correction: Though it was the "next shot", the movie never explicitly suggested how much time had passed between the two different scenes. In the second scene his face did still have some slight bruising, indicating that he probably waited a week or two to heal so his appearance wouldn't be too gruesome when Aisha saw him again.

Corrected entry: The license plate of the time machine is spinning on the road in the middle of the fire tracks - further down the track than where Doc and Marty stand. But the car (and therefore the license plate) was never there. It had already 'jumped'. Otherwise the license plate had to pass through Marty.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: Having just watched the scene in question, I can confirm that that is incorrect. It may be confusing because they turn their bodies to look at where the car would have been. They then turn back forward to the last place that they saw the car which is what Marty was then focusing on. After it shows the plate spinning, the next shot shows Marty and Doc facing the camera, and also the plate.


Corrected entry: The model of the Statue of Liberty was built in 1870. The Resolute was only retired in 1879. How could the makers of the statue know that the Indian markings would be hidden in desks made of wood from the Resolute 9-10 years in advance? Or were the markings only put there in 1880? That would mean that the diary entry was made 15 years in advance of the clue being put on the Laboulaye Lady.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: Actually, the Statue seen in the movie was dedicated on November 15, 1889. The Statue you're referring to is the smaller replica used by the sculptor himself for the final version which is at the Jardin du Luxembourg.

Correction: The Statue of Liberty previously located in the Luxembourg Gardens was moved to the Orsay Musee to protect it from the weather/elements... a replica now stands in the Gardens.

Corrected entry: Why do cars lift off from the ground and fly when hit by the blast wave from the UFO? That power would come from above (or directly horizontal). In order to fly, the force would have to come from below the cars.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: When the blast hits, the shockwave hits the ground and spreads horizontally, thus the cars being lifted off the ground. The shockwave would be like an ocean wave, and while appearing to be horizontal, it actually has a lot of upward currents, which could easily cause a car to flip.

31st Dec 2008

Armageddon (1998)

Corrected entry: The shuttles sling-shot around the moon to gain speed. This is a manoeuvre undertaken to save fuel. Nevertheless, we see the shuttles using full after burners on the ride around the moon.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: They don't have time to waste simply allowing gravity to accelerate them, so they combine a gravitational slingshot course with the full acceleration from the engines. Allows them to get up to the required speed faster and using less fuel than using the engines alone, but, given the time pressures that they face, they can't afford to shut the engines down and coast on gravitational acceleration alone.


Corrected entry: When driving from Venice to the castle we see a map of the route. In it Austria is marked with its own borders and its name is indicated. But in 1938 (which is after the anschluss), Austria no longer existed. It was part of Germany.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: It is true that Austria was no longer sovereign, but it still existed as a province of Germany until 1945 (it was renamed in 1942, but that's irrelevant for this issue). Marking Austria on the map serves to better inform the viewer where the events are taking place. Given that the weather looks like that of late spring, and Aschluss took place in March-April of that year, all contemporary maps would still include Austria.

31st Dec 2008

Armageddon (1998)

Corrected entry: When we see that AJ and the Russian have survived, we see a sweep through the wreckage of the shuttle. Pieces of wreckage are burning with little, earthly like flames, which are not possible without oxygen.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: This is already listed as a mistake. Its the highest ranked one.


Corrected entry: When Scaramanga aims at Dickson outside the Bottom's Up Club, we see him with his eye very close to the gun. It is impossible to aim accurately with a gun if your eye is next to it. You will need a lot longer distance - by holding the gun in straight arms.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: Not impossible at all; especially if he's trained himself to shoot that way. The golden gun itself may have required a much shorter than normal eye-to-barrel distance in order to be aimed properly. There is no gunsight on the rear of the pistol (a modified cigarette lighter) and the forward gunsight is the clip from the pen that is used as the barrel. With only the penclip to use as a sighting reference it may have been necessary to hold it close to the face, and holding it closer would help to steady the weapon.


Corrected entry: When in Cairo, Bond is told to ask Marie where Blofeld is. In the next scene we see Bond talking to Marie at a beautiful coastal setting with granite cliffs. There is nowhere in Egypt where the cliffs have that colour or where there is such vegetation. That is not geologically possible.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: They never said that Marie was in Cairo; she could have been anywhere in the world. Apparently Bond knows who she is and where to find her.


Correction: For self-defense, because he knows Bond is coming?


Corrected entry: In the prequel, when Bond pushes the Japanese guy up against the wall, and he says 'Cairo,' his mouth doesn't move - at least not in a way where he could form the word Cairo.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: The word "Cairo" can easily be pronounced without lip movement.


Corrected entry: When Bond is having his drink at Tiffany's apartment, he is fondling the glass and moving his fingers. So there would be more than one print - and it wouldn't be as clean-cut as it is.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: Although he does move his fingers his thumb stays in place. Even as he moves the glass around with his fingers it is rolling back and forth across his thumb, retracing the same print. Tiffany examines the glass, sees that there is one clear thumbprint on one side of the glass, and uses that to identify him as Peter Franks.


Corrected entry: In the clip where we see Air Force One about to take off, the UFO is moving. But all the ships were placed in attack position - this one directly above the White House, so it shouldn't move.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: The alien ships repeatedly shown rotating in virtually every shot of them -- even while they're firing. This is just another instance.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: When the UFOs arrive to Washington DC, we see sunlight on Lincoln's statue in Lincoln Memorial - which is then blocked by the UFO. But Lincoln is so deep inside the memorial that sunlight never hits it.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: This is not true the memorial faces east and the sun does shine on it in the morning.


Corrected entry: How could the diary in 1865 have a code word saying Laboulaye Lady - when the first model of the Statue of Liberty was not made until 5 years later? The movie said Laboulaye was to hide clues later, but in 1865 no one knew he was going to construct a 'Lady'.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: The movie mentions that he had the *idea* for the lady, not that the statues were built. It's likely he was commissioned to build the statues to include the clues by the time the diary was written. It takes the artist time to plan and build a sculpture of those scales, while probably working on other pieces at the same time, so having the idea come to completion five years later is not unusual.

12th Sep 2008

Octopussy (1983)

Corrected entry: Kamal says, "The egg has been recovered" to Octopussy. And then, "You should be pleased." She replies, "I'm not pleased; it was stolen in the first place." Well, Kamal just brought the original egg back - but it was the fake that was stolen.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: She's pissed that her security wasn't good enough to prevent it from being stolen, real or fake.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: When Ethan is watching the instructions video in the disposable camera, he's holding it 3-4 inches from his eye. But in the last clip, just before it disintegrates, he's holding it right next to his eye.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: He could moved it closer to his eye while we were seeing the video in first person. While watching a movie at 4-5 away from my pc I, occasionaly, end up being almost a feet away.

Corrected entry: The scene at the graveyard takes place at Nazca, but after the scene, when the route they fly is marked on the map, they fly out of Cuzco. Cuzco is far up in the Andes, and it is very unlikely that they'd travel by land that far and then fly from Cuzco.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: They would have to if that was the only place they could fly out of. This isn't a mistake.

10th Jul 2007

Amadeus (1984)

Corrected entry: At the grave, lime is shoveled over the bodies from a barrel. The shovel is put back in the barrel. But in the last shot, seen from above, there is no shovel in the barrel.

Jacob La Cour

Correction: The lime barrel shown in the overhead shot is a different empty barrel at the other end of the mass grave. You can see the wheel tracks from the hearse on the right and the lime dust is spreading from the far end.

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