Question: If Orbison did not want Joe to be messed up for the shoot the next day, then why did he abduct Lisa? By doing that, he is going to mess Joe up.
Gary O'Reilly
22nd Dec 2005
Orgazmo (1997)
10th Dec 2005
The Matrix (1999)
Question: How did Neo know about the existence of the Matrix if he was stuck in the Matrix for most of his life?
Answer: He doesn't know that he's plugged into a giant computer and that most of humanity is a power source for robots. He's merely aware that there is something wrong with life in general, something odd that he can't quite explain.
19th Nov 2005
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Question: In the hospital scene when Terminator and John rescue Sarah. The T-1000 goes through the bars and then the pistol gets caught in the bars. I don't get it. Could someone explains this to me?
Answer: He is made out of liquid metal, so he can just "walk through" the bars while feeding himself around them (by turning sections of him liquid), most likely to intimidate the people he's after. However, the gun is just a normal gun he'd picked up, and so at the angle he was holding it at, it couldn't get through the bars so it got stuck.
17th Nov 2005
BASEketball (1998)
Question: When Remer is showing Squeak around the house, they walk into a bedroom. Squeak sits on a pull-out bed, and Remer says 'That's Jenkin's Bed'.Who is he referring to?
Answer: Jenkins is their dog, the one that attacks him earlier in the film when he walks into the back yard.
And also attacks him seconds after this conversation.
10th Oct 2005
Red Dwarf (1988)
Question: When Lister, Rimmer, and the Cat are waiting for the pregnancy test to change color, and Rimmer wants it to turn red, he cheers it on saying, "Come on you reds." Is this a cultural reference?
Answer: Sort of. A common colour for football teams in the U.K is Red (or blue). "Come on you reds!" is a chant sometimes shouted at football games in support of whatever team is wearing red at the time, although nowadays it's more of a "generic football chant" rather than something used heartily by fans of a certain team. Rimmer is just indicating he's hoping for a positive on the test, but pretending he's cheering for a football team (to break the joke down).
26th Sep 2005
Family Guy (1999)
Question: How come they only made three series? Was the show axed?
Answer: The show was originally cancelled because of poor ratings, but many people believe this is because although people *wanted* to watch the show, Fox kept changing its time slot so no one knew when it was on. However, new series are being made (and aired) right now due to the high sales figures of the DVDs.
4th Aug 2005
Hellboy (2004)
Question: Why didn't Professor Broom want Hellboy to know that he was dying of cancer?
Answer: Most normal fathers would hardly be jumping with joy at the prospect of telling their son such a fact, and Hellboy and the Professor have a slightly more unique relationship than most fathers have with their sons. The Professor is the only family he's ever had.
3rd Aug 2005
War of the Worlds (2005)
Question: At the end, a tripod collapses after behaving erratically for an hour, because the aliens inside were dead or dying. If so, wouldn't the tripod just stop moving and stand there because the aliens were too sick to operate it?
Answer: Or they had a mental link with the tripods.
The tripods are a mech suit for the aliens.
Answer: Depends on exactly how the disease affected the aliens. They might have entered a state of dementia and started piloting erratically, or even just have muscle spasms that knocked the controls around inside the cockpit.
Answer: Remember, when the tripod is spotted acting erratically, a cloud of birds are seen swarming the vehicle (presumably feeding on the dead/dying aliens inside). We can speculate that, although the aliens inside were incapacitated by disease, the tripod itself was probably functioning on auto-pilot with no precise operator control. Vulnerable, the staggering tripod was then an easy target for the military rocket-propelled ordnance, which easily brought the tripod down.
The birds weren't feeding on the dead aliens. Ray noticed that they were landing on top of tripods, showing that the force fields that had protected the machines and were impenetrable to military weapons were no longer operable. The military could then destroy them.
In the original H.G.Wells story, it is plainly stated that the birds were feeding on the dead aliens. So, the aliens are already dead, even though some of the tripods were still staggering around on autopilot.
Answer: Its theorized the tripods are bio-mechanical (half organic half machine) and so the system itself can get infected.
Answer: In the original H.G.Wells story, it is plainly stated that the birds were feeding on the dead aliens. So, the aliens are already dead, even though the tripods are still staggering around on autopilot.
Answer: It's a vehicle. If the driver dies or begins to die and is unable to control it properly, it's not going to be a smooth ride. Just like someone might drive erratically when sick or incapacitated, the tripods are going to movie a little "wonky" due to what's happening to the drivers.
3rd Aug 2005
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
Question: This may sound like an odd question, but why do Trinity and Neo seem so desperate to see each other alone once they get back to Zion. They seem to have enough time for private moments while they are on the ship. Is sex on the Nebuchadnezzar forbidden?
Chosen answer: I doubt it is but from what we gather from the reaction of Link's girlfriend/wife, the Neb seems to see far more action than any other hovercraft in the fleet. It's likely that they spend most of their time jacked in rescuing people, or fleeing from sentinels. The neb's crew is also small, compared to its usual size (only four people compared to its original eight) so they'd all be involved in the piloting and gunning of the craft.
3rd Aug 2005
Predator (1987)
Question: What was the true sole purpose of the Predator killing people? Was it for sport, some kind of training, or was he sent to earth to do it? Most of all, at the end of the movie, why did he kill himself. He still had some weapons on him so why didn't he use one of them to kill Dutch instead of using his self-destruct device to take them both out?
Answer: The entire culture of the Predators, a species called the Yautja, revolves around hunting for honor and glory. In expanded universe material, humans are considered one of the top two species to hunt, the other being Xenomorphs (AKA Aliens), and that human hunts must be granted instead of being open to all. As for the self-destruction, it is three-fold. First, it is used as a ritual suicide similar to defeated samurai. Second, it is a last chance to kill an enemy who has bested them. Third, it destroys all Yautja technology and erases evidence of the Yautja being there.
Answer: Predators appear to be drawn to conflict (as well as heat, which is why it's in a Jungle in the first film and during a heatwave in the second), and they seek out the most challenging prey. Obviously to a predator, a lion or something isn't going to be much trouble, but a heavily armed group of highly trained commandos is a hunt worthy of honour. They are honourable hunters, not just bloodthirsty killers, which is shown when it actively avoids the woman because she is unarmed (and is also shown in Predator 2 ignoring a woman as she is pregnant). It kills itself at the end because it's dying, and it can't do anything else, so go out with a bang, basically. If he had used another weapon to kill Dutch, he'd have died eventually anyway.
13th Jun 2005
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)
Question: Is it possible that Palpatine was aware of Anakin's feelings for Padme and was trying to encourage something to happen between them by ordering her to leave Corusant with him? He later uses Anakin's love for Padme to turn him to the dark side.
Answer: Absolutely. He wasn't encouraging it (since it was already happening) he was manipulating events to his vision. The jedi have a power of far-seeing (essentially they see the (or a) future), and Palpatine seems to be very powerful in this field, but just because he can see it doesn't mean it happens, he has to shape the events he sees in his visions. After all, from seemingly nothing he worked his way up to the ultimate ruler of the universe. Getting two lovebirds together (for his own later use, of course) is nothing to him.
6th Jul 2005
Star Wars (1977)
Question: After the sand-people knock Luke to the ground and later scatter. Obi Wan reaches Luke's arm for a pulse and then touches Luke's forehead. Could this be taken that Luke was dead and Obi Wan returned him to the living?
Answer: I doubt it. It's a common thing to do when facing someone with an injury; check for a pulse, and place a hand on the forehead. I don't know why, it just seems to be a common thing to do (at least, for people who aren't fully trained that is). I personally think that he's either sensing his force power, or he's just overcome with compassion, either for Luke (remember, Luke is the whole reason he's been on that planet for 20-odd years), or perhaps remembering happier times with Anakin (maybe he sees or "feels" a resemblance between them). It can be interpreted as a sign of compassion, anyway.
I always assumed he was just using The Force to heal whatever injury Luke might have had (concussion,
Answer: Most likely he was using the Force to heal his injuries; we see him also do this to Padme after Anakin nearly kills her. The ability to Force Heal is heavily utilized and explained in Episode IX, after seeing it used multiple times by Rey and Ben Solo.
6th Jul 2005
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Question: How was the Witch King able to destroy Gandalf's staff? He was a powerful wizard, it doesn't make sense to me that a Nazgul could do that.
Answer: The "Witch King" is just that: A Witch King. Before he became a Nazgul, he was still a mightly wizard in his own right, and a feared King in his own time (note that the only reason Merry's sword hurts him is because, when it was made, it was made specifically to attack him, showing that at some point people had feared him enough to put magic into weapons against him). As a Nazgul, his powers can only have increased. As a side note, in the books, Gandalf and the cheif nazgul never actually meet in combat, they see each other and prepare for it, but the Nazgul is driven off when the Rohan charge without them actually fighting.
1st Jul 2005
War of the Worlds (2005)
Question: What were the red vines for?
Chosen answer: If my memory serves me correctly from the radio play and the musical (as well as other sources, although I've never read the book), the reason Mars is red is not from the "rust" that we accept now, but from red vegetation. The aliens came and brought this vegetation with them, perhaps to give the earth a more suitable atmosphere (for them).
1st Jul 2005
War of the Worlds (2005)
Question: I was a little confused. Why did the aliens die? I know it had to do with micro organisms but the answer doesn't come clear to me. Can someone please explain this for me?
Chosen answer: It's similar to how the Native Americans were decimated by smallpox and other diseases when America was colonised by Europe - They had never encountered that virus before, so they had no immunity to it whatsoever, and many of them died. The aliens would have no immunity to any diseases, or even a basic hereditary immunity to default earth viri. Basically they all caught some disease or other (maybe even a cold), and died because they had no immunity at all to it.
19th May 2005
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
Question: Is there any explanation as to why Obi-Wan doesn't use force speed to get through the hallway while Qui-Gon and Darth Maul are fighting?
Answer: It's never really stated that he doesn't. It is a very long corridor, and he was quite far behind. He may have been "saving" his force powers to use in the fight, or Maul may have been exerting his own influence to either stop or dull Obi wan's own force powers. It may have even been the force's own will. Maul was quite easily holding his own against the two, and technically defeated them both. Without the anger/rage that Obi Wan felt after seeing Qui Gon get cut down, he probably wouldn't have fought half as well, and Maul would have emerged victorious.
8th Mar 2005
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Question: Why don't they get one or more orcs to guard the crack of mount doom? Surely they could have spared a couple of orcs just in case someone managed to get through?
Answer: Guard it from who? One of the premises of the whole plot is that Sauron simply cannot believe that someone would want to destroy the ring rather than use it themself. That's why the plan succeeded, and that's the only reason it succeeded. The loss of the ring forced Sauron to make his move early (i.e. sending out his armies sooner than he would have wanted) to stop whoever was using the ring (the only possibility in his mind) from gaining too much power. So who would want to go into Mt. Doom? Besides the fact they'd have to get INTO Mordor first (something which Sauron would have laughed at anyway) they could do nothing there anyway, unless they were there to destroy the ring, which is something Sauron didn't even consider. It'd just be an utter waste of man (orc?)power.
28th Feb 2005
Blackadder (1986)
Question: Does anyone know what the actors are saying during their 'anti-Macbeth' chant?
Answer: According to the's quote page for Blackadder The Third, it's "Aahhhhh. Hot potato, orchestra stalls, Puck will make amends. Owwwwww."
3rd Feb 2005
Predator 2 (1990)
Question: Why did the Predator target drug dealers, and what was his interest in Danny Glover's character? I never found a connection between the two.
Answer: The predators are honour bound hunters, and as such they will only attack a target if it is capable of defending itself (i.e, if it is armed, which is why it doesn't attack the boy in the cemetary). Although the police outside were armed as well, the Predator presumably attacked the drug dealers because they were a harder target (as the police were outside he could have just sniped them from the roof tops, but he had to get relatively close inside the building) and as such, killing them gave a higher honour. The obsession with Danny Glover's character is probably because he is quite a brave and heroic person, similar to a Predator (the way he saves the other cop by risking himself etc.), so the predator may have been studying him for a while. There's also more honour in killing someone like that (as he'd be a hard target) than there is in just killing a random armed guy.
Answer: Same as in the original, when the Predator targeted Arnold and even took off his armour and weapons to make it a more fair fight. Dutch was his best competition, the strongest, bravest and best warrior. So he made the best trophy. The drug dealers were also heavily armed, and while hunting he would have noticed they are the most violent and would make good targets. Predators have a sort of hunters code, ethics if you will, and only kill armed and dangerous men. No women or children. Usually choosing those biggest, bravest, most bad-ass warrior to save for his last and most prized trophy hunt.
What's your evidence for stating that predators don't kill women? It doesn't kill pregnant women, but non-pregnant, armed women are fair game. Otherwise the film Prey (in which a predator hunts a woman) has an epic plot hole.
3rd Feb 2005
8 Mile (2002)
Question: Throughout the movie a set of numbers are mentioned 303 and 801 I think, but what do these numbers mean.
Answer: Taken from the 8 Mile trivia page on the IMDB: "The group 3 1/3 is a reference to Detroit's area code: 313. The suburbs on the other side of 8 mile, in 1995, had the area code 810, hence certain people being called "eight tens" in the film."
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Answer: He means physically messed up. Emotional scars won't show up on camera, but a broken nose or a black eye would.
Gary O'Reilly