Continuity mistake: In the overhead wide shot of the moving stairs, the camera closes in on Hermione, Harry and Ron on the stairs, with the portraits on the wall, to their left. In this mostly CG shot the small hanging name plaques are missing under the portraits and the portraits on Hermione's left hang much higher over the banister than in the next shot, which has the name plaques in place. (00:47:40)
Super Grover
27th Jul 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
27th Jul 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: When Oliver Wood argues with Flint about who has the pitch for Quidditch practice, there is a close-up of Wood and the ties on his robe. When Ron is on the ground spitting up slugs, in the close-up of Colin, Wood's robe is seen clearly and the ties on his robe are actually put through the grommets and tied very differently, as is the case with others. (00:38:30 - 00:39:35)
27th Jul 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: When Hermione shouts, "Immobulus!" at the Cornish pixies, in the shot facing Neville, Harry, who's sitting on his knees, is right next to Hermione with Ron at his other side also on his knees. In the next wide shot, Harry and Ron, still on their knees, are much further away from Hermione. (00:37:40)
27th Jul 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: In the close-up when Hermione screams, "Immobulus!" at the Cornish pixies, the floor and platform under Lockhart's desk have a mess of books and papers. Next wide shot the mess on the floor and platform are different. In the next close-up of Hermione, the mess is the same as the first close-up. (00:37:40)
27th Jul 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: When the Cornish pixies are released, in the close-up, Harry knocks his books onto the floor, Hermione knocks down her quill together with the books, then stands and grips the top of her desk, etc. However in the next wide shot, Harry does NOT knock his books to the floor, Hermione's quill remains on the desk though her books are down on the ground already, she grips the side, not the top, of her desk, etc. (00:36:35)
27th Jul 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: When Errol is lying flat on his back on the table, in the close-up of Errol, Ron takes the Howler out of Errol's beak and the ribbon and seal on the Howler face away from Ron. In the next shot though, still in Ron's left hand as he lifts it, the ribbon and seal on the Howler now face Ron. (00:34:00)
27th Jul 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: While Ron and Harry are being reprimanded by Snape for the flying car incident, items on Snapes' desk change repeatedly depending on the camera angle. (00:29:35)
27th Jul 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: Ron and Harry drag their trunks and pets up the steps, to place with the other students' belongings. As Ron places his trunk near the others, the five strips of trim are clearly visible on his trunk, whereas when Ron's trunk is thrown out of the car it has only four strips of trim. Evidently NOT the same trunk. (00:28:10)
27th Jul 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: After throwing Harry, Ron and everything else out of the car, Ron's door slams shut. In this close-up the gashes caused by the Whomping Willow are visible along the outside of the door. After the next overhead shot is another close-up of that door as the car speeds away. The gashes seen in this shot are completely different. (00:28:20)
26th Jul 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: When Ron and Harry's belongings are being thrown out of the trunk of the car, the way they fly out and their positions on the ground are different in all of the shots. (00:28:10)
26th Jul 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: When Harry and Ron are ejected from the car, the trunk begins to open in this wide shot. Then there are individual close-up shots of Ron and Harry, on the ground. Next is a close-up of the trunk, which is closed and then it opens again. (00:28:05)
26th Jul 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: When Ron says, "Oh no! The invisibility booster must be faulty," the wipers are shiny chrome, as is the base of the center button between them. When Harry says, "We need to find the train," in the shot of Ron and Harry as the car begins to descend, the shiny chrome of the windshield wipers is GONE. In the Whomping Willow, Ron says, "My wand. Look..." the wipers and the base of the center button are all matte black now. After the tree smashes the windshield, in the next exterior shot, as the camera pans out while the boys scream, the front blue hood of car is seen and the entire wiper is GONE, whereas in the following shot the wiper is back. When the tree comes through the back window, in the front shots, the hood is seen again and the windshield wipers are GONE again. (Visible in DVD fullscreen format.) (00:24:10 - 00:27:00)
26th Jul 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Continuity mistake: As they fly over Hogwarts Express Ron yells, "Take my hand!" the corner rubber trim of the door frame is peeling up. When Ron grabs hold in the shot facing Ron, their hands are positioned differently than in the next close-up where it's visible that the frame of the door is fairly clean, there are two parcels behind the seat, etc. Yet when Ron grabs hold after Harry says, "...Your hand's all sweaty," the rubber trim is fitted into place, the frame of the door is filthy and there are different parcels behind the seat, etc. (00:25:20)
26th Jul 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Continuity mistake: As Ron's luggage cart/trolley slams into Harry's, Ron's trunk is visible. As Ron begins to flip over in the overhead shot, the trunk has five strips of brown trim - two on the edges and three in the middle. When Harry and Ron moan and get up, Ron's trunk now has four strips of brown trim - two on the edges and two in the middle. (00:22:50)
26th Jul 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Continuity mistake: While in the Whomping Willow, the center point of the cracks and spider cracks around it on the car's windshield changes shape and position. In the first shot of the windshield being smashed to four shots later of Harry turning towards the back, with the windshield visible behind him. Regardless of whether more damage occurs to the windshield, the center point of each of the two cracks should be in the same place, which it is not. (00:27:15)
26th Jul 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: At Flourish & Blotts, while standing on the steps, Malfoy rips a page out of a book and puts the book down. The position of this book and others, in the piles of books next to it, changes throughout the following shots. (00:19:35)
25th Jul 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: Harry and Ron crash into the bricks between platforms nine and ten. When Harry crashes, Hedwig's cage slips and the door opens. Then, as Ron's luggage cart hits, Ron falls over and in the close-up as stuffed Hedwig topples over, the entire cage bends and a bar at the top actually breaks. However, in the next close-up of live Hedwig, the bird and cage are fine. (00:22:50)
25th Jul 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: At the Weasleys, Ron takes his jacket off, picks up a biscuit with his right hand, then switches and holds the jacket in his right hand and the biscuit in his left. In the next shot, a close-up of Harry, Ron takes a bite of the biscuit which is in his right hand again and chews a mouthful, while holding the jacket in his left, yet in the next shot his jacket is in his right hand and he isn't chewing at all. He then takes a second mouthful of the biscuit in his right hand, but in the next shot as he looks down at his biscuit, only a small bite has been taken out of it. (00:11:05)
25th Jul 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: After Harry arrives at Borgin & Burkes in Knockturn Alley, via floo powder, Harry taps on the glass with the shrunken heads inside. There are different heads in the close-up and wide shot. (00:15:45)
25th Jul 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Continuity mistake: In Knockturn Alley, as Harry rushes to the doorway to step outside the Borgin & Burkes, the advertisements/notices lining the wall across the seedy alley are visible. When Harry turns around after saying, "I'm fine, thank you," the same wall is seen again to his left, but the advertisements all over the wall are completely different now. (00:16:20)
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