Visible crew/equipment: After returning from the Chamber of Secrets, Ron and Harry are in Dumbledore's study when he says, "There is sufficient evidence to have you both expelled," and on the floor behind his chair is a broad bright white tape mark at the edge of the rug. (02:18:00)
Super Grover
26th Sep 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
26th Sep 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Visible crew/equipment: After Harry climbs up the side of Salazar Slytherine's stone head in the Chamber of Secrets, the first time the Basilisk slams his face into the stone in the wide shot, the bottom of a crew member's denim pant leg and shoe are bizarrely visible lying on a work surface, beneath the stone head's beard. (Visible on fullscreen DVD.) (02:13:00)
24th Sep 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Visible crew/equipment: While in the Whomping Willow, the window on Ron's side of the car shatters. In the next exterior shot, as the tree limb comes smashing down on the roof, a large piece of the stunt equipment is quite visible at the back bumper of the car. (00:27:25)
24th Sep 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Visible crew/equipment: When Harry and Ron are under the invisibility cloak in Hagrid's hut, Hagrid, Dumbledore and Fudge are joined by Lucius Malfoy. In the wide shot as Malfoy steps in, all the mats - their marks - are visible under Malfoy, Fudge and Dumbledore. Then later Dumbledore says, "If the governors desire my removal, I will of course.." and in the shot facing Malfoy as he finishes, "..step aside," the mat that Malfoy now stands on is visible as is the blue mark behind his feet. It's also visible in an earlier shot after he announces the order of suspension. The mat at the foot of Hagrid's chair disappears as well. (Visible on fullscreen DVD.) (01:39:35 - 01:40:55)
24th Sep 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Visible crew/equipment: When Harry is in the hospital wing, after Dobby's visit a petrified Colin is carried in. Madame Pomfrey's mark - a mat, is at the foot of Colin's bed, that was not there in the previous shots, when Madame Pomfrey was not there. (01:02:15)
24th Sep 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Visible crew/equipment: After Harry, Ron and Hermione discover the bloody writing on the wall and petrified Mrs. Norris other students start arriving. After the overhead shot, at the start of the next close-up as Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle come round the corner, under Goyle's feet the taped mat is visible on the floor and it was not there in the previous overhead shot. (Visible on fullscreen DVD.) (00:44:35)
23rd Sep 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Visible crew/equipment: In his study, Dumbledore speaks to Lucius Malfoy and holds up the skewered diary for Malfoy to see. When Dumbledore puts the diary down in this shot as Dobby tugs on Harry's sleeve the moving black wire between Dobby and Malfoy on Dobby's left is visible on the bottom of the screen. This wire was attached to Harry's sleeve to make it move and though the wire between Dobby and Harry was edited out, the other end was not. (Visible on fullscreen DVD.) (02:22:50)
9th Sep 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Visible crew/equipment: While Harry is in Dumbledore's study, in the two semi-overhead shots as Lucius Malfoy says, "So it's true. You have returned," and later when he says, "Come Dobby, we're leaving," sitting on the floor directly behind Dumbledore is a large STEEL piece of the crew's equipment, plus in the second shot another piece of equipment actually moves in front of the steel piece. (02:21:35 - 02:23:35)
9th Sep 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Visible crew/equipment: In the girls' lavatory Ron pushes Lockhart into the opening of the Chamber and in the shot looking up as Lockhart falls, at the upper right corner the side of a man's FACE is visible near the sink and when Ron jumps something else is there. (01:59:35)
9th Sep 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Visible crew/equipment: Ron and Harry discuss the Basilisk's victims and, speaking of Mrs. Norris, Harry says, "There was water on the floor that night. She only saw the Basilisk's reflection." Just before Harry reads aloud from the paper again, the crew's gas torch canister with regulator and tip, that sits in a bucket beside another bucket, leans against the wall. (Visible on DVD fullscreen.) (01:53:10)
8th Sep 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Visible crew/equipment: After the Whomping Willow adventure, when the car tosses Scabbers out, in this shot there is a very long METAL BAR attached under the dashboard to the right of the steering column. This metal bar is not in any other shots. (00:28:15)
8th Sep 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Visible crew/equipment: When Harry, Ron and Lockhart are in the girls' lavatory, Harry speaks Parseltongue to open the Chamber. Lockhart then tries to escape so the boys push him back. In this shot the white strips taped to the small black mat, which itself is taped to the floor for Rupert's mark, are plainly visible at his feet. (01:59:20)
8th Sep 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Visible crew/equipment: When Harry and Ron are in the car fleeing from the spiders, there is a close-up of them looking towards the back of the car as they drive backwards. Two shots before the close-up of them yelling, "Wooooh!!!" there is a wide shot of the Dark Forest and the car at the top of the screen just as it starts to jump over the tree roots. In this wide shot at the bottom of the screen, the HEADS of TWO crew members are wonderfully visible! (Visible on fullscreen DVD.) (01:48:20)
8th Sep 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Visible crew/equipment: When Harry and Ron, under the invisibility cloak, knock on the door of Hagrid's hut, Hagrid goes to the door. When Hagrid kicks the door open the MARK, a strip of blue tape, is visible on the floor behind him, near the table. (Visible on DVD fullscreen.) (01:37:45)
8th Sep 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Visible crew/equipment: Ron and Harry hide under the invisibility cloak in Hagrid's hut. After Lucius Malfoy enters he starts to walk towards the invisible boys and they nervously back up. As they back up, something large comes up from the bottom of the screen in front of the boys then quickly goes back down. The boys do NOT hold anything when they go under the cloak and they do not hold anything when they come out (fully visible on fullscreen DVD). (01:39:45)
3rd Sep 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Visible crew/equipment: While in the Whomping Willow, Ron asks, "What's happening?" and Harry replies, "I don't know." After a few other shots, in the next two front close-ups of the boys in the front seats as they scream, behind Harry we can see a crew member's hand grips the bottom of Hedwig's cage in the back seat, and in the 2nd close-up lays the cage on its side. (Visible on DVD fullscreen.) (00:27:10)
26th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Visible crew/equipment: While chasing the Snitch, Malfoy says, "You'll never catch me, Potter." In the following wide shot from the side, the seat support under Tom Felton's left thigh is visible, as he was filmed sitting upright for this particular shot. In the following front shot of both together, as Harry passes Malfoy, the seats that are attached to the broomsticks, to add a bit of comfort for Dan Radcliffe and Tom Felton, are visible. (00:56:00)
26th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Visible crew/equipment: While Harry is chased by the Bludger, Hermione says, "No! Even with a proper wand you could hit Harry..." Three shots later, as Harry passes the blue Ravenclaw tower, the back of his robe flies up and the metal base of the seat he sits on is perfectly visible. Some shots are filmed vertically, as he sits on the attached seat with the upright broomstick in front of him, but then edited with the background plate to look as if he is lying on the horizontal broomstick. Hence the need for a seat perpendicular to the broomstick. (00:55:00)
20th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Visible crew/equipment: As Harry runs from the Basilisk after Riddle shouts, "Parseltongue won't save you now, Potter...," there is a close-up of the Basilisk's face. In the next shot, which faces Harry's back, the overhead studio lighting bar with multiple lights is reflected in the puddle in front of Harry. (02:09:55)
19th Aug 2004
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Visible crew/equipment: Upon entering the Chamber of Secrets, Harry spots Ginny and runs towards her. After the last close-up of Harry's face as he runs, there is shot that faces Ginny, showing Harry's back. At the very start of this shot, on the bottom left corner of the screen two overhead studio lights, other equipment and scaffolding are perfectly visible, reflected in the puddle to Harry's left. Later when he runs out of the pipe, towards Ginny, some light reflections are visible as well. (Visible on DVD fullscreen.) (02:04:40)
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