Trivia: While understandably spooky, this movie's use of natural skeletons was not outrageous or even that unusual (they were not actually rotting or unsanitary, just made to look that way). Even today natural bones can still be ordered, typically for use in classrooms. Special effects supervisor Craig Reardon has expressed his disgust that the use of skeletons has been used to fuel rumors of a "curse" that he feels make a mockery of the unrelated tragic, untimely deaths of some of the film's actors.
2nd Mar 2021
Poltergeist (1982)
2nd Mar 2021
Poltergeist (1982)
Trivia: Years after the film's release, Zelda Rubinstein went on record that, at least for the six days that she was on set, it was Steven Spielberg who performed all directing duties, possibly because in her observation the credited director, Tobe Hooper, was hampered by an obvious drug problem.
2nd Mar 2021
Halloween (1978)
1st Mar 2021
Poltergeist (1982)
1st Mar 2021
Freddy Vs. Jason (2003)
Trivia: This is the only film in which Jason arguably ends up as a "good guy." He's depicted much more benignly than usual (even "aggressive" fan-favorite Kane Hodder lost the role this time), with repeated emphasis that he is an innocent with the mind of a child only trying to please the memory of his psychotic mother. Even his murders in this film are merely him doing the manipulative Freddy's bidding. When the childlike Jason turns on the child-killer Freddy, it's a shockingly poetic justice.
1st Mar 2021
Friday the 13th (1980)
Trivia: In order to attract investors, the producers bought an ad in the industry publication 'Variety' that simply displayed the title along with the text "The scariest movie ever made!" They were bluffing, of course, as they didn't have a script or even fully decided on the story concept at that point in time.
1st Mar 2021
Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995)
Trivia: Danielle Harris refused to reprise her role as Jamie Lloyd as, among other things, she found the amount they were willing to pay her was insulting.
1st Mar 2021
Halloween 5 (1989)
Trivia: As Michael Myers' mask in the original film had been made from a Captain Kirk costume mask, it seems fitting (even if almost certainly coincidental) that in this film Myers resembles Commander Data, the popular character from 'Star Trek: The Next Generation,' which was running on television at the time.
27th Feb 2021
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
27th Feb 2021
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
27th Feb 2021
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
Trivia: Every shot of the Enterprise that doesn't also contain another element exclusive to this film (such as the Reliant, Space Station Regula I, the Mutara Nebula, et al.) is stock footage from Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Yes, all of them. Every last one! If it's a solitary shot of the Enterprise floating through space, it's re-used footage.
27th Feb 2021
Halloween II (1981)
Trivia: Jamie Lee Curtis had to wear a wig in order to match her look from the original Halloween; by then she had cut her hair much shorter.
27th Feb 2021
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
Trivia: It's been noted that the villain Khan represents the book 'Moby Dick'. In addition, the heroes of the film represent 'A Tale of Two Cities', the Charles Dickens tome Spock gives to Kirk as a gift. Like the character Sydney Carton, Spock makes a noble sacrifice, and at the end Kirk quotes, "It is a far, far better thing I do now..." Star Trek II is essentially "Moby Dick Vs. A Tale of Two Cities (in Space!) "
27th Feb 2021
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
27th Feb 2021
Wolfen (1981)
Trivia: James Horner would later use the melody of the main theme from this movie as an action motif in 'Aliens'. His villainous music for 'Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan' is also quite similar.
27th Feb 2021
Inland Empire (2006)
Trivia: Laura Dern and Justin Theroux both admit they have no idea what this movie is about despite being its stars.
27th Feb 2021
Friday the 13th (1980)
27th Feb 2021
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)
Character mistake: There's no apparent reason for Spock's conviction that the gravity boots are a damning piece of evidence that will reveal the assassins, especially considering how useless they prove to be after being found planted in an innocent man's locker.
26th Feb 2021
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
26th Feb 2021
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
Trivia: Early script drafts featured Khan gaining psychic powers with the ability to create illusions in the minds of others. One draft even replaced Khan entirely with an original villain who better suited such fantastical mental powers. By the time Nicholas Meyer wrote the shooting script, Khan was reinstated as the villain and the psychic angle was dropped.
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