Other mistake: Reggie said, "Dr. Malloy, I'm looking at your resume. It says you got a Ph.D. in veterinary medicine and that you actually have a successful practice right now." This means Malloy's° are D.V.M.-Ph.D (doctor of veterinary medicine and doctorate in veterinary medicine or science). It makes little or no sense to point out the Ph.D. when Dr. Malloy is a practicing veterinarian. Reggie seems surprised that Dr. Malloy "actually" has a successful practice, but this is mostly what a DVM does. (00:01:18)
29th Sep 2022
Tag (2018)
28th Sep 2022
Last Seen Alive (2022)
Other mistake: When the patrol officer had his siren on chasing Will's speeding SUV, there was a car in the left lane that was driving alongside the patrol car. Drivers are supposed to stop/pull over to let the officer pass. The driver could not know where the officer was going or be sure he was pulling over Will's car. (00:46:37)
22nd Sep 2022
The Black Phone (2021)
Other mistake: After Finney got off the mattress, he was walking in the dark (at least a few steps). The screen went completely black, but Finney - who had not been in that basement before - was able to reach up and pull the cord to turn on the bathroom ceiling light. (00:29:50)
Suggested correction: What the viewer sees and what Finney sees would be different; his eyes probably see low level light better than the camera. There would be a low level light going into the corridor from the room Finney was in. This would possibly be enough for him to see the light cord. We don't see the light cord, so we don't know how easy it was for Finney to see it.
21st Sep 2022
Welcome to Sudden Death (2020)
Other mistake: Alpha was standing at an angle to the senator when he shot him in the forehead, but the bullet hole was not angled as would be expected. Alpha was also holding his gun slightly upward when aiming at the senator's forehead, but the majority of the (odd-shaped) blood splatter behind him was near the back of his neck instead of higher. All blood splatter went behind the senator, but some should have been in front. (00:21:05)
21st Sep 2022
White Elephant (2022)
Other mistake: The men went to Flynn's suburban home, with houses nearby on both sides (and probably on the opposite side of the street), at night and many loud gunshots were made inside as well as outside, but no neighbors turned on lights or were disturbed. Dogs did not even start barking until the shooting stopped and Flynn was driving away. Even if neighbors heard but did not want to risk getting killed, the dogs should have started barking at the first sound of gunfire (if not when the men arrived). (00:26:08 - 00:27:49)
7th Sep 2022
The Forgiven (2021)
Other mistake: Right before the "Y" in the road, it could be seen that Richard's speedometer was pointing to the far left, indicating that he was driving at a low speed, such as 5 - 10 MPH. When Richard was looking at the damage to the car, he said, "Smashed headlights, smashed bumper. Must have been going at a fair clip." The damage to the car, as well as Driss' death from the impact, seem severe at such a low speed. (00:07:40 - 00:16:09)
31st Aug 2022
Paradise Cove (2021)
Other mistake: Knox and Tracey were driving from Detroit to Malibu. When Knox got out of his truck, "BANNATT" CONSTRUCTION was on the driver's door. Under "cast" at the end of the movie (as well as on various websites), their last name is "Bannett." Also, Michigan requires only one license plate, but Knox's truck (presumably registered in Michigan) also had a front license plate (but the state was not readable). (00:04:00 - 01:39:40)
26th Aug 2022
Bernie The Dolphin (2018)
Other mistake: After Kevin and Holly go kayaking in the ocean and get to shore, their upper bodies and hair are dry despite having been in a tandem-style sit-on-top kayak, which generally means the kayakers will get quite wet. (00:03:40)
23rd Aug 2022
Catwoman: Hunted (2022)
Other mistake: The positions of Isis the cat's tail (body language) did not match her facial expression/eyes when she set off the motion detectors and alarm. Isis' eyes/face had an angry/mean/annoyed look. Most views of Isis on the video monitor showed her tail in friendly/content, confident, alert, relaxed, and non-threatening positions (i.e, vertical or horizontal to the ground). The diagonally upward tail is non-threatening but maybe unsure about something. (Perhaps cartoon cats have unique body language?). (00:07:40)
23rd Aug 2022
Catwoman: Hunted (2022)
Other mistake: The close-up of wine being poured into the glass shows that after reaching about two-thirds full, wine continues to be poured into the glass without increasing its level. (00:04:40)
23rd Aug 2022
Memory (2022)
Other mistake: Alex's prescription bottle on the table appeared to have 4, possibly 5, pills in it. When he heard the FBI agents coming into the bakery, he held the bottle up to his mouth and took an unknown quantity (apparently, more than one) then threw the bottle on the floor. Vincent brought the prescription bottle to Alex in the hospital. It could not be seen how many Alex took (again, apparently more than one). The rattling sound afterwards suggested there were still several pills in the bottle. (01:16:58 - 01:27:41)
23rd Aug 2022
Memory (2022)
Other mistake: Despite all the blood that dripped from Alex's right hand and amount of blood on his stomach/shirt from getting shot, after he killed the motorcycle patrolman it could be seen that no blood had dripped onto Alex's white shoes. (01:10:07 - 01:12:40)
23rd Aug 2022
Memory (2022)
Other mistake: A bottle of prescription pills dropped onto a cement parking garage floor is not likely to have its cap come off (unless it was already loose). If the cap does come off, the pills (especially round ones) are not likely to settle around the bottle, but the police photo showed the pills clustered around and in close proximity to the bottle. Also, Alex - a professional assassin - did not bother to at least pick up the prescription bottle that had his name and other identifying information on it. (00:44:30 - 00:48:30)
22nd Aug 2022
Belfast (2021)
Other mistake: It isn't clear if the poster of the Solar System outside the school was cut off on the right, showing half of Neptune, or if the ninth planet at the time (Pluto) was accidentally omitted. IF the poster was supposed to be complete, its exclusion of Pluto would be an error for the time period (1969) because Pluto was not downgraded to a "dwarf planet" until 2006. Perhaps, only half of Neptune was shown in order to not have to address the changed status of Pluto, making this a deliberate mistake. (00:32:36)
Suggested correction: Neptune isn't cut off, it shows as a complete circle on the "poster" (looks more like a board).
21st Aug 2022
Amityville Uprising (2022)
Other mistake: It had been (acid) raining for some time and a puddle along the curb was shown with brown (Fall) leaves in it. If the acid rain was dangerous enough to eat away human flesh, it should have been powerful enough to erode/destroy the fallen leaves soaking in the puddle full of acid rain. (01:02:10)
19th Aug 2022
Monstrous (2022)
Other mistake: Laura's Arizona license plate (G 652P) was, understandably, a combination or blending of the design from Jan 2008 - Apr 2020 (blue/white/yellow horizontal colors) with a serial format closer to that of the mid-1950s, but improper for either time period. The 2008 - 2020 plate serial format was "ABC 1234." Laura's 1955 plate - when the serial format was "A - 12345" - should not have had a letter ("P") on the far right. ("G" could be the code for Gila, Graham, or Greenlee County, but which one?). (01:24:19)
18th Aug 2022
Fortress: Sniper's Eye (2022)
Other mistake: It isn't clear whether Robert's gunshot wound was an "entrance" or "entrance and exit" and if the nurse or surgeon? wearing scrubs committed a character mistake - "We were worried, given how deep the bullet penetrated" but Sasha "heard the bullet passed through Robert's shoulder." "Penetrating" means the bullet entered but stayed inside the body; "Perforating" means the bullet passed through the body. In general, perforating gunshot wounds tend to be less serious and therefore less "worrisome." (00:06:23 - 00:07:42)
14th Aug 2022
Red Stone (2021)
Other mistake: The chances that no-one in the approaching truck - three men, including a man standing in the bed facing oncoming traffic - would notice that Danny had a front seat passenger are very low, if not zero. Even after Motley got into the second row seat of the truck, but did not get down right away, the men in the truck had turned around and were following Danny but still did not notice Motley. (00:10:00 - 00:10:27)
9th Aug 2022
Agent Game (2022)
Other mistake: Visser was face-to-face with Omar when she shot him in the neck (looked more like it would be in his mouth before the camera shift) yet she did not get any blood splatter on her shooting hand, face, or clothes. There also wasn't much blood on Omar considering he was hit with a near-contact if not actual contact shot. (00:45:41 - 00:47:12)
3rd Aug 2022
Astronaut (2019)
Other mistake: The on-line "Ventura Space Competition Entry Form" asked for the applicant's "full name", but did not have a space for "middle name." The format of the questionnaire was also inconsistent. There were forced-choice (yes or no) health-related questions and age groups (21-30, 31-50, and 51-65) but they were unequal (9, 19, and 14 years, respectively); the age groups should have been consistent, such as a span of 14 years per group (21-35, 36-50, 51-65). "Are you in good health?" was open-ended. (00:21:55)
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