
23rd Aug 2022

Catwoman: Hunted (2022)

Continuity mistake: The shape of the emerald varies. When Catwoman gave it to Isis, the emerald had an oval shape but appeared to be round like a ball when Isis was playing with it. When Whale picked up the emerald, it was oval-shaped but also longer and thinner. Several seconds later when Lady Minerva had the emerald in the palm of her hand, it was round; when she set the emerald on the table, it was shaped like a hockey puck. (00:14:18 - 00:22:24)


23rd Aug 2022

Catwoman: Hunted (2022)

Other mistake: The positions of Isis the cat's tail (body language) did not match her facial expression/eyes when she set off the motion detectors and alarm. Isis' eyes/face had an angry/mean/annoyed look. Most views of Isis on the video monitor showed her tail in friendly/content, confident, alert, relaxed, and non-threatening positions (i.e, vertical or horizontal to the ground). The diagonally upward tail is non-threatening but maybe unsure about something. (Perhaps cartoon cats have unique body language?). (00:07:40)


23rd Aug 2022

Catwoman: Hunted (2022)

Other mistake: The close-up of wine being poured into the glass shows that after reaching about two-thirds full, wine continues to be poured into the glass without increasing its level. (00:04:40)


23rd Aug 2022

Catwoman: Hunted (2022)

Continuity mistake: After he exits the limo, the Black Mask's entourage man with the long hair has the briefcase handcuffed to his left wrist. When he is walking up the steps, he is carrying the briefcase in his right hand, until he stops halfway up the steps and the briefcase is handcuffed to his left wrist like it was. (00:03:25)


23rd Aug 2022

Catwoman: Hunted (2022)

Continuity mistake: The driveway and area surrounding the house were clear of fog when the 8 men exited the limo, but the background was foggy when Catwoman drove up to the house 30 seconds later. (00:03:00 - 00:03:30)


23rd Aug 2022

Catwoman: Hunted (2022)

Continuity mistake: The view from the (unseen) car driving toward the distant house on a hill showed fog well above the pine trees, but when the car/limo got to the house/mansion (10 seconds later), there was no fog. (00:02:17)


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