
5th Feb 2021

Adopt a Highway (2019)

Factual error: Russell said he served twenty-one years in prison because his last offense - possession of 30 grams of marijuana with the intent to distribute - counted as his "third strike" under California's "Three Strikes And You're Out" statute. When he was on the internet trying to locate his father (instead finding his obituary from 2001), information on the computer indicated it was now 2012. This would mean Russell was incarcerated since 1991 - and further indicates he was sentenced about three years BEFORE California's "Three Strikes And You're Out" statute was implemented. Also, 30g of marijuana is the limit for "personal use", so he wouldn't have been charged with intent to distribute. (00:16:15)


22nd Jan 2021

Echo Boomers (2020)

Factual error: TV reporters said "home invasions" and mentioned trying to find the people who were responsible for the "70 robberies." Lance (in prison), was talking to a woman who was going to write a book and told her he got "twelve years" for "fifteen counts of robbery and vandalism." The crime Lance and the rest of the group were committing fits the legal definition of "burglary" in Illinois (basically, entering an occupied structure with the intent to commit a felony or theft inside; the structure does not have to be occupied at the time of the act). Because there happened to be someone at home during their last (intended) "burglary", this offense would be classified as a "robbery."


8th Jan 2021

Dismissed (2017)

Factual error: Mr. Butler called the school that Lucas previously attended and was able to acquire contact information for a former teacher (who longer worked at that school). This type of information is not given out.


5th Jan 2021

Afterschool (2008)

Factual error: Near the end of the movie, a front view of the overdosing/overdosed twins shows Robert putting the dying twin's head on his lap. A close-up of the dead twin shows blood covering most of the left side of her face and a blue tinge on most of the right side, apparently meant to indicate developing livor mortis (bluish color after death). This twin just died, so it is too early for livor mortis to be visible. Livor mortis is not visible to humans until about two hours after death, but the process does begin sooner (about 20-30 minutes after death). Moreover, the writer failed to show the first stage of death - pallor mortis. The twins were Caucasians with blonde hair, so the dead twin would first turn pale (from blood draining from veins in the skin) about 15 minutes after death. The sudden oozing of blood from the dead twin's forehead was also not an accurate portrayal - she was dead, so her heart no longer pumped blood (so gravity takes over, draining blood). (01:39:58)


20th Dec 2020

Unhinged (2020)

Factual error: In the opening scene, Tom Cooper ("The Man") uses a hatchet or tactical tomahawk to break through the front door of a house and then bludgeon to death his ex-wife and her new boyfriend. The boyfriend was whacked over the head one time and, after falling to the floor, two more times with The Man leaning over his body. The man proceeded to the adjacent room to bludgeon his ex-wife an unknown number of times. He was able to exit the house with no visible blood on his body or clothes, which would be impossible after bludgeoning two people with a hatchet or tactical tomahawk. (00:03:15 - 00:04:02)


16th Dec 2020

Countdown (2019)

Factual error: Narcan is an antidote to opiate overdose, but it is NOT an antidote to death, so the well-after-the-fact administration of Narcan would not enable Quinn to "rise from the dead." Under the right conditions, death can be prevented; life cannot be restored after being dead for too long. I'm no expert on Narcan, but it is my understanding that it can help restore breathing, not make a very dead person breath again. It must be administered in time, takes 2-3 minutes to work, and CPR should be given until the Narcan takes effect. Quinn was dead for too long to be revived like she was in the movie. (01:18:20)


6th Dec 2020

Common mistakes

Factual error: When someone's body is engulfed in flames, s/he must spend at least a couple seconds flailing arms in the air and making awkward leg movements (sometimes zombie-like) before falling to the ground.


4th Dec 2020

Arkansas (2020)

Factual error: It would not be possible for Kyle to see the woman breast-feeding - and certainly not as shown. Kyle was driving an SUV in the left lane and Swin was the front-seat passenger. When a car was approaching the SUV from the right-hand lane and the rear passenger area was approximately side-by-side at the SUV's passenger window (which is DARK-TINTED!), Swin looked toward the car, but his face was right in front of the frame around the windows - he would, at most, see the woman's left shoulder... and the baby was feeding "on the right." I doubt Kyle would have been able to see any part of the woman when he turned his head to look. At most (and this is unlikely given the height of the SUV), he might have gotten a partial glimpse of the woman's left shoulder and only after the car she was riding in was in front of the SUV's windshield (but still in the right-hand lane). (00:07:20)


4th Dec 2020

Buffaloed (2019)

Factual error: Peg turned state's witness against other debt collectors (who were convicted thanks to her testimony) and her "deal" with the prosecutor cleared her of all debt-related charges. However, her destruction of evidence (52,437 debt sheets) could not be overlooked or forgiven and she had to serve time in confinement. Peg said, "Luckily, half my jury had their debt erased in the fire, so I got a lighter sentence." This would NOT happen in court! Potential jurors are questioned to make sure they are non-biased, know little if anything about the case, do not have a vested interest (they are neutral and detached) in the outcome, etc. Each side (prosecution and defense) is allowed a certain number of peremptory challenges (allowing them to dismiss a certain number of potential jurors). Screening questions to potential jurors in this case would include whether they currently have debt, which creates bias and would result in dismissal as a juror. Jurors also would NOT determine her sentence. (01:27:46)


Factual error: A medical examiner or coroner (or other physician) typically determines cause of death, so unless Father Moody had a medical degree, his statement to Mr. And Mrs. Lisbon - he "listed Cecilia's death as an accident" - would not be official. It also isn't revealed exactly where Father Moody made such a listing.


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Suggested correction: It wouldn't be necessary for the death certificate to list "accidental death", only for the priest to do so for church records so she could be buried in a holy cemetery.


12th Nov 2020

The Minus Man (1999)

Factual error: The story takes place in the Pacific Northwest (Vancouver) in November and December. Washington may be known as the "Evergreen State", but there are still numerous deciduous trees - and deciduous trees have leaves that change color in Autumn (yellow, orange, red) and then shed (fall off), not stay green through December or into the new year.


7th Nov 2020

Super 8 (2011)

Factual error: None of the people the "monster" hung from the ceiling (the Sheriff, Alice, the woman in rollers reported missing earlier) suffered ANY ill-effects. The Sheriff and Alice were taken around the same time (after dark) and it was nighttime again when Joe went into the building to try to find Alice. The "monster" apparently had just placed Alice and the woman on the ground, so - assuming they were hung right after being abducted - they had been suspended inverted for at least 15 hours. [If Alice got home as late as 6:00 AM (around twilight or before sunrise) and Joe found her right after dusk (around 9:00 PM), at least 15 hours had passed. The woman was reported missing much earlier.] Death could have occurred from being suspended upside-down for that many hours. They may have survived, but there should have been some noticeable adverse effect, such as blurred vision, dizziness, or sore/weak legs. Perhaps "fight or flight" got them moving, but even then, wobbly legs would show. (01:33:58)


7th Nov 2020

Super 8 (2011)

Factual error: When Joe goes to the cemetery, all the trees have fall foliage (yellow/orange/red). The movie takes place during the first week of June, when all the leaves are green. (00:53:52)


Factual error: Charlie was at Mayview State Hospital typing by the window. In the not-too-far distance, the University of Pittsburgh's Cathedral of Learning is visible. Mayview was located in Bridgeville, PA which is about 15 miles away, so The Cathedral shouldn't be visible. (Pittsburgh's terrain is hilly - not flat enough to see very far). (01:33:40)


18th Oct 2020

A Home of Our Own (1993)

Factual error: After showing a picture from 1955 when he was eight, the narrator (Shayne) states that he was fifteen by 1962. The story begins with his mother getting fired from her job at a potato chip factory and making the decision that night to move the next morning. The family moves from L.A. to Kingston, Idaho. Shayne's mother Fran tells Mr. Moon that they (she and whatever work her kids do for him around the house) want paid "minimum wage plus 10%" to pay for the land and when she gets hired at the bowling alley she is told the job pays "minimum wage" (plus any tips, which "ain't much"). Idaho did not establish a minimum wage until 1963, a year (or some months) later. The narrator even asserted at the beginning "This is a true story. It really happened to me." (00:20:03 - 00:23:47)


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