
23rd Jun 2022

Witch Hunt (2021)

Factual error: Teenagers Claire and Fiona would have been carded and not permitted to enter the "Saints and Sinners" bar because they were under age 21, but they were able to sit at a table and get served alcohol. (00:51:37)


20th Jun 2022

American Underdog (2021)

Factual error: Kurt Warner worked in the Hy-Vee grocery store in 1994. The Wheaties box he took off the shelf featured Dan Marino #13, which was available in 1995. A 1994 Wheaties box featuring the NFL 75th Anniversary Collectors Edition had a different design and color. Unless Kurt also worked in the store into 1995, the Wheaties box he held in the movie was not yet available. (00:39:50)


Factual error: As soon as Anna set "Tub Tub's" carrier on the floor and opened the gate, TubTub walked out and hurried across the floor into a dark hallway. After being transported in a carrier - especially after a long car ride from Houston, TX to the Louisiana Bayou - a cat will first look around and smell its surroundings, assess the situation, try to get oriented, and calculate its next move before cautiously exiting the carrier. In an unfamiliar environment, a cat would crouch in order to move stealthily. (00:07:22)


29th May 2022

13 Minutes (2021)

Factual error: There was a lot of thunder and lightning before the lightning strike that set the barn on fire, but there was no obvious loud thunder AFTER the strike. Lightning can be seen BEFORE the sound of thunder (because lightning travels faster than sound). (00:03:25)


20th May 2022

Dangerous (2021)

Factual error: Dylan (Scott Eastwood) was in a jail cell yet had a bottle of prescription pills in his pocket. The pills would have been confiscated before he was put in the cell and administered to him on schedule by staff/nurse. (00:28:10)


18th May 2022

A Day to Die (2022)

Factual error: Pettis' calculation of the amount Connor needed to replace his asset was way off. He stated, "[Cornell] brought me about 250 [$250,000] a year. He had at least 20 more years of service. Subtract five years he might have spent in prison, so you owe me, what? Six point two million." Pettis was presented as intelligent, but a quick mental calculation of even the full 20 years at $250,000 would total only $5 million (not $6.2 - an odd sum). For 15 years, the total would be $3,750,000. (00:28:45)


16th May 2022

Shattered (2022)

Factual error: The land was snow-covered, but it was raining during the nighttime "bedroom scene." The exterior view the next morning was not what would be expected IF it had rained on top of the already-accumulated snow. There wasn't even any indication that it had recently rained. At another time, the amount of snow accumulated along the driveway was much higher than previously shown although there had not been any obvious major storms - the weather was clear during their excursions. (00:13:38)


16th May 2022

Black Site (2022)

Factual error: Hatchet, the "most dangerous man in the world" would not be transported (via helicopter or any other mode) to the facility/base merely wearing handcuffs, especially in the front without also being chained to ankle shackles. He also would not be shackled to a loose chair once inside the interrogation room. (00:28:40)


2nd Jan 2022

Twist (2021)

Factual error: Before Tom landed in the puddle, there was water dripping or it was raining on it, but it wasn't raining when he was on the rooftops. After Tom landed, the water drops/rain suddenly stopped. Even if the water drops were from earlier rain running off the roof or other parts of the building, they would not be hitting the whole way across the puddle or that far away from the edge of the building. (00:02:34)


2nd Jan 2022

Skyfire (2019)

Factual error: The scene where the Jeep gets stopped with its front tires on a lava flow wider than the hood and a lava flow under the cargo area is unrealistic. The lava or rising heat would be enough to damage belts/hoses. Zhang Nan would not be able to stand on the Jeep's hood that long (without injuries/burns) due to the intense heat. Crouching near lava is not as hot, so a person could withstand the heat for a few seconds under certain conditions, but not minutes like Zhang did standing on the hood. (01:09:53 - 01:10:25)


26th Nov 2021

Naked Singularity (2021)

Factual error: Lea went into the (locked) Navigator in the tow pound (where she works) to get a sample of the stashed heroin. Craig, with Lea's help, was able to get to the Navigator before Ballena (who "won" the auction) and drive away from the tow pound. However, they would not have keys because towed impounded vehicles do not have keys (unless the keys were left in the vehicle, which would be unlikely in this case because $15 million worth of heroin was stashed inside). (00:21:02 - 01:07:48)


17th Nov 2021

Naked Singularity (2021)

Factual error: Unless left in the vehicle (not the case here), towed impounded vehicles do not have keys. Moreover, lacking keys, a valid registration, possibly proof of insurance, and new plates, vehicles bought at a NYPD auction are to be TOWED away. A newly-purchased auctioned vehicle, such as the Navigator in the movie, is "ticket-" or "citation-ready", not ready to be driven on the streets.


16th Nov 2021

The Gateway (2021)

Factual error: It isn't known how long Tommy's mother was dead (overdosed), but Tommy told Parker that his mom and dad had been "asleep for hours." When Parker felt Tommy's mom's neck for a pulse, her body appeared to be stiff. Even if rigor mortis had not set in, it would take more than Parker lightly passing his hand over her eyes to close them. Parker didn't even really look to see if his hand was over her eyes when he gently passed his hand over her face. (00:02:35 - 00:03:35)


9th Nov 2021

The Unholy (2021)

Factual error: The crow (mechanical at least in part) perching atop the dead tree lacked some details/behaviors that would've been displayed by a real crow. Its tail should have been thinner and longer (not short and wide, although they do fan). It would have repeatedly cawed upon noticing Geary and Fenn approaching to alert family members of potential danger. It would not have straightened its head to watch the men; the dominant eye would be used to see better (monocular vision is better than binocular). (00:04:40)


29th Oct 2021

Death in Texas (2020)

Factual error: Medical doctors in the U.S. do not simultaneously use "Dr" as a prefix and "M.D." as a suffix, but the business card Grace had on her refrigerator for her hepatologist had "Dr. Perkins, MD" on it. The business card should have included his first and last name followed by "MD" (or "M.D."). Dr. Jane Doe, for example, would be used by a person with a Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy). The business card also lacked a phone number and office address. (00:06:19)


Factual error: During their dinner conversation on March 1, 1975, McChesney told Ressler that an FBI recruiter came to her senior criminal justice seminar and told her, "Sorry, FBI doesn't hire female agents." Ressler responded "times are changing" and he wouldn't be surprised if one day she was at Quantico. But women were allowed to become FBI agents after Director J. Edgar Hoover's death in May 1972. (00:26:08)


Factual error: After Ressler tells McChesney he wouldn't be surprised if one day she's tracking down sequence killers, McChesney replies, "Not sequence killers. Serial killers. That's what they should be called." But it was Ressler who claimed he coined and is often credited with coining the term "serial killers" (at least in the U.S). ** After showing pictures of some of Bundy's victims, Ressler is shown and it is pointed out, "He [Ressler] is credited with coining the term 'serial killer'." (1:31:30). (00:26:40)


28th Oct 2021

Rogue Hostage (2021)

Factual error: The New Jersey license plate (L928 : 68FT) did not have the proper format (too many numbers/letters and wrong color). NJ standard plates have a letter followed by two numbers, an emblem, then three letters. NJ plates are yellow/gold reflective at the top, fading to white at the bottom; the Jeep's plate was all white (although the plate holder was buff colored at the top and covered up "New Jersey"). (00:05:07)


25th Oct 2021

Separation (2021)

Factual error: The settlement reached with the negotiator would still have to be approved by a family court judge. Parents' relationships with their child(ren) are taken very seriously by the family courts. A judge would seriously question why a present ("in the picture") biological father's parental rights were being terminated. The agreement (with no visitation by the father) would not be viewed as being "in the child's best interests." A court order approving it as written would not be issued. (00:09:36 - 00:20:33)


18th Oct 2021

Separation (2021)

Factual error: A negotiator is supposed to be neutral and detached (objective), but the divorce negotiator was biased in favor of lawyers Maggie and her father Paul. Even though the negotiator said, "We're all here for the same reason. We want what's best for the child", he totally failed to consider the biological father's (Jeff's) parental rights and Jennifer's right to see her father. Jeff pointed out, "I don't think it's fair she [Maggie] gets a fancy, mean negotiator just because it's her dad [Paul]." (00:09:36 - 00:10:04)


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