
13th Oct 2021

Lean on Pete (2017)

Deliberate mistake: The condition of Pete's coat/body after being struck by the car was not consistent with what would be expected from such an impact. The absence of distinct or vivid blood was presumably deliberate for the sake of viewers. But Pete's left legs were rammed by the car's front bumper and hood; a horse struck in such a manner would not have "bowed" rear legs. The way Pete's body was displayed did not look real - probably because it wasn't real. Pete was beyond recognition because it wasn't Pete. (01:29:10)


13th Oct 2021

Lean on Pete (2017)

Deliberate mistake: The car's headlights are angled differently. After the car hit Pete, its headlights were angled upwards (more toward the sky than the road). This enabled a clearer view of Charlie when he approached and knelt next to Pete's head. A later, more distant view shows the headlights shining about waist-high, which would be more typical. (01:29:00 - 01:30:10)


7th Oct 2021

Meskada (2010)

Deliberate mistake: The (fake) confession letter was postmarked from Ohio and sent to Allison Connor, 331 Henry Lane in Hilliard, MB 21243. No U.S. state has a postal abbreviation of "MB." The way the "B" was written in thick bold letters made it resemble a "D" - "MD" represents Maryland (where the film apparently takes place). Also, there is no current 21243 zip code in the U.S. There is a 21241 for Baltimore City and the next consecutive zip code is 21244 in Baltimore County. The created address LOOKS real. (00:50:44)


4th Oct 2021

The Toll (2020)

Deliberate mistake: The images of Spencer's face in the driver's side mirror are not realistic for someone in the driver's seat. The driver's side mirror is angled outward (perhaps 60° beyond a typical angle), but his face is perfectly reflected. When Spencer starts smoking, the viewer gets a glimpse of a figure behind his car. Spencer senses something and his face is shown backwards in the mirror, as if he were crouching outside a few feet from his car. Spencer does not use the more practical rearview mirror. (00:19:11 - 00:19:47)


20th Sep 2021

Abduction (2011)

Deliberate mistake: Before Nathan and Karen jump out of Dr. Bennett's car, Dr. Bennett's car is shown taking a sharp turn (close to 90°) and then speeding down the short but steep road. At a high speed, the car should have reached the level road within a second or two. However, Dr. Bennett talked to Nathan and Karen for a longer period of time. When the next exterior view of the car was shown, it was just reaching the intersection and straightaway. The car should have traveled a much greater distance than shown. (00:44:50 - 00:45:59)


29th Jul 2021

Way Down (2021)

Deliberate mistake: When James started to fall off the ladder, he tried to jump to reach the other side. Thom grabbed his right hand with his and was able to pull him to safety. James' weight and the force with which he jumped and swayed would have most likely resulted in James pulling Thom over the edge with him, and both being seriously injured or killed. (01:22:26)


18th Jul 2021

The Virtuoso (2021)

18th Jul 2021

The Virtuoso (2021)

Deliberate mistake: The Virtuoso (up several stories in a building) would not be able to hear what the boy and his mother across the street were saying. The boy even started to say "Hey, mom" when he was still exiting the building. (00:11:41)


Deliberate mistake: The Janitor was driving away from Willy's but the explosion shows up in the front of his sunglasses. (01:21:47)


Deliberate mistake: A shot of the pile of ashes from the fire wherein Cassie's body was essentially cremated showed Nina's half of the broken heart necklace sticking out ABOVE the ashes, which would be impossible. Also, a metal charm on a chain that was around Cassie's neck would not survive the huge fire or be totally clean and unscathed.


Deliberate mistake: For an unknown amount of time during the family's four-day road trip, a Spanish tutorial cassette or CD was played. This would not be enough time for anyone to be able to fluently speak Spanish or carry on a conversation, but toddler Manny was able to do so near the end of the movie.


29th Dec 2020

Unhinged (2020)

Deliberate mistake: The "flow" from Fred (Rachel's brother) urinating while strapped to a chair was not what would be expected. His pants would absorb the urine, so urine would not flow to the floor like from a faucet or large streams drip straight down and form a puddle beneath him. (00:57:06)


9th Nov 2020

Super 8 (2011)

Deliberate mistake: The scenes involving the 8mm projector and screen did not also contain legitimate light rays from the projector to screen or show any obstructions on the screen despite Joe or someone else between the projector and screen. What showed on the screen is what would be expected if using a videotape or DVD.


Deliberate mistake: The number of acts Lecter performed during his escape from the individual jail cell and until he was attended to by an officer (who thought he was an injured officer) would have taken a lot of time and effort to complete - way more time than he could have gone undetected by one of the many officers in the building. Slashing/ bludgeoning to death a person can be done fairly quickly (munching on a victim's face adds time!), but three particular acts required a substantial amount of time, especially for an elderly man whose ultimate goal was escape: Swapping clothes (undressing and dressing) with a police officer and trimming off his face/scalp to appear to be that officer, then getting to a strategic location to be discovered; Setting a dead officer on the roof of the elevator; and, somehow hanging / impaling (crucifixion-style) an officer from the top of the jail cell (which appeared to be around 10' high). The latter feat would be challenging for TWO physically-fit officers.


31st Oct 2020

Good Boys (2019)

Deliberate mistake: The "CPR doll" smashed through the car's windshield, knocking out two-thirds or more of the glass. The doll would not weigh enough to break through the windshield (and maybe not even cause a hairline crack). The excessive amount of glass smashed out and the distance the doll flew before landing on the highway were obviously exaggerated for dramatic and comedic purposes. (00:47:00)


Deliberate mistake: There are no yellow/amber lights as Patrick drives Sam and Charlie through the tunnel. Yellow/amber lights are present as soon as drivers enter the tunnel - a warning to slow down, as well as help drivers' eyes to adjust to the light level inside. I presume it was better to have all white lights while filming (and traffic was controlled). (00:27:33)


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