
17th Feb 2023

A Christmas Karen (2022)

Deliberate mistake: A pot pie in an aluminium pan that just came out of the oven would be extremely hot, but Karen was not only able to tolerate it being shoved into her mouth, she was able to take a bite and hold the hot pie pan in her hand without getting burned. (00:09:44)


16th Feb 2023

Bad Blood (2021)

Deliberate mistake: The doctor appears to write just three numbers or a short wavy line on the back of his business card for the phone number he told Marjorie to call (to get a second opinion about Nathan). (00:42:35)


Deliberate mistake: The blades on the tiller or harrow (?) were only a few inches apart when Burkett was falling back onto them, but only one blade went through his chest. Burkett's body was wide enough for at least three blades to penetrate. Also, the blade appeared to be exiting in the center of his chest (along the button line of his shirt), but the close-up showed the blade to his right. (00:19:40)


5th Feb 2023

The System (2022)

Deliberate mistake: The thug wearing headphones and facing the money on the shelves did not notice that Savage forcefully opened the door several feet to his right, slamming it against the adjacent wall, or that Savage had entered the room. The bang to and vibration from the door hitting the wall should have been enough to overpower the sound from his earphones, but - even if they weren't - his peripheral vision should have sensed the door opening and Savage entering. (00:02:55)


1st Feb 2023

Hard Hit (2021)

Deliberate mistake: The view looking out the windshield showed the man on the bicycle had stopped when he was in front of the car's passenger side, but the outside view showed the man still coming to a stop and then tilting his bicycle. (00:07:12)


27th Jan 2023

Encounter (2021)

Deliberate mistake: Kurt was close to the passenger side when Malik shot him from the opposite side of the car, but he fell backwards some distance from the car (and not from the force of the bullet). (01:24:40)


24th Jan 2023

Redeeming Love (2022)

Deliberate mistake: "Mama's Home Cooking" - a wood frame building in 1850 - was on fire in multiple spots (though not yet engulfed). The townsfolk lined up to pass a bucket of water to douse the flames, which would be futile given how involved the fires were, but they were able to extinguish the fires and the wood frame building was largely intact and the boards did not look charred. The building should have been smoldering hot for some time, but Angel was able to sift through the rubble to salvage some items. (01:45:58 - 01:46:56)


17th Jan 2023

Boon (2022)

Deliberate mistake: Considering the position of the surveillance camera (height and angle - almost parallel to the side of the building as well as to the sidewalk), plus the lens being indented within the outer frame, it would not have been able to capture a view of Redd on the sidewalk below like it did. (00:24:40)


1st Jan 2023

About Fate (2022)

Deliberate mistake: Some clothes were interchangeable from one character to another (or within a character over time), despite their obvious differences in sizes/body frames. Hazel, as a much heavier senior citizen, was still able to wear her "lucky" carnation pink coat that fit her 58 years earlier when she was a skinny young lady. Hazel was also able to switch coats with Margot, who had a much thinner body. The coat on Margot even looked form-fitting afterwards. Kip's tuxedo did not look too large on Griffin. (00:45:20 - 00:49:50)


26th Dec 2022

Popstar (2005)

Deliberate mistake: There was a black wrought iron fence behind Whitney but with enough space for JD to drive between them. After JD parked, Whitney (and her friend) were much closer to the fence, but they were also at the rear of JD's parked SUV, which would not be spatially possible. When JD, Jane, and Ally got out of the SUV, they walked right in front of Whitney, who was now much closer, and the fence was no longer behind Whitney. (00:27:50 - 00:28:14)


25th Dec 2022

The Winter Palace (2022)

Deliberate mistake: When Prince Henry was sitting on the porch, there was snow accumulated all along the inner side of the railing - but the attached perpendicular boards (about 4" high) on the outside should have blocked snow, or that amount of snow, from accumulating there. (00:42:30)


Deliberate mistake: The snacks in the vending machine were almost to the top of each display shelf, but an interior to exterior view showed the lab researcher's head unobstructed and a foot or so clearance between the snacks and the top of the shelf. (00:06:30)


Deliberate mistake: Luke had a box of T-shirts he designed and Faith reached into the box and removed the top T-shirt. Without looking at the size or even holding it up to her body to see if the T - shirt would fit, Faith asked, "How much?" Luke replied, "Ten" [dollars]. Faith reached into her pocket, pulled out a wad of bills and handed it to Luke without counting the money. Faith put the T-shirt on over her top and it was a "perfect fit." (00:03:55 - 00:04:37)


10th Dec 2022

The Gambler (2014)

Deliberate mistake: Jim was sitting on a bench along the road and Amy [Brie Larson] walked by (several feet away), apparently not noticing him. (Jim was seated between other people.) Brie got into her car and adjusted the rearview mirror, catching sight of Jim on the bench. A driver would adjust the rearview mirror, if necessary in the first place, to align it with the rear window, not angle it to the right to be able to see the sidewalk. (00:51:34 - 00:51:55)


31st Oct 2022

Don't Speak (2020)

Deliberate mistake: The oval mirror was in a depressed wall yet was able to reflect a window within the adjacent depressed wall. (00:18:23)


16th Oct 2022

Infinite (2021)

Deliberate mistake: Nora's car smashed through the (almost floor-length) windows in the police station and exited the building airborne - and stayed airborne long enough to clear a police car parked alongside the building (or curb). (00:27:05)


16th Oct 2022

A Dark Place (2018)

Deliberate mistake: The movie is set in "Harburg County", Pennsylvania, but there is no county in Pennsylvania called "Harburg." (00:13:38)


Deliberate mistake: After John poured gasoline on/around the Mercedes, set it on fire, and it was surrounded by flames, he was able to put his hand through the flames to open the rear passenger door and get inside. He did not burn his hand on the hot metal door handle and did not catch any of his clothes on fire or even singe his hair. His hand was not injured because he was able to hold and aim his pistol with it. (00:35:04)


9th Oct 2022

Sin Eater (2022)

Deliberate mistake: The number of clicks (sounds) Christine made on the "text to talk" device did not match the total characters she typed. With few exceptions, there were a lot less clicks/sounds than there should have been based on the amount of letters/words she typed. (00:06:40 - 00:15:30)


Deliberate mistake: The decaying tree trunk would have more than likely broken into pieces and/or uprooted from the force exerted by the rope tethered to the pulling Parasaurolophus when Owen wrapped the rope around the trunk to stop the heavy-weight dino, but the trunk held up without even losing a shred of bark. (00:08:36)


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