
15th Oct 2018

Street Fighter (1994)

15th Oct 2018

Deadpool 2 (2018)

Trivia: The music box used by Wade references the ending of the Wolverine film Logan.


Trivia: The spider armour worn by Peter is very similar to the one Stark gives to Spidey in the comics "The spider bot".


Trivia: While Bruce and Lucius are talking in Fox's office, there is a pic of the Joker beside Bruce.


Trivia: The nuclear tracker device has the DC comics logo on it.


17th Sep 2018

Supergirl (2015)

17th Sep 2018

Point Break (2015)

Trivia: James LeGros played Roach and Bojesse Christopher played Grommet in the 1991 version. Both play FBI agents in this film.


19th Jul 2018

Halloween (2007)

Trivia: The clown pants and the mask wore by Michael when he is 10 resemble the original worn by him in the 1978 version.


Trivia: Casey said that she would like to get to shrink and help people. In the comics she was a member of the Young Avengers.


Ant-Man and the Wasp trivia picture

Trivia: Stan Lee makes his usual cameo as the guy that accidentally gets his car shrunk by Hope during the climactic chase. Sadly, this was the last Stan Lee cameo released before his death in November, 2018. (Although he had already filmed cameos for several other upcoming films before his death).


14th Jul 2018

Ready Player One (2018)

Ready Player One trivia picture

Trivia: The Batmobile from the 60's TV show is seen in the race, parked in the starting line up with Ryu walking past it. When Aech blows out a tire she hits the front of the Batmobile, knocking it off the bridge. (00:10:30 - 00:15:20)


14th Jul 2018

Ready Player One (2018)

Ready Player One trivia picture

Trivia: Ryu, from Street Fighter, is seen in the first race as an avatar walking among the cars. He is walking away from the camera the way he does in his iconic end game cinematics after victory. (00:10:30)


14th Jul 2018

Ready Player One (2018)

9th Jul 2018

The Game Plan (2007)

Trivia: Stella tells the owner of the Fanny Burgers about Joe "he is a rock" at the final game, as reference to his nickname at the WWE.


9th Jul 2018

The Game Plan (2007)

Trivia: The former owners of the Sacramento kings from the NBA, the Maloof brothers, make a cameo at Joe's party. Also Paul Pierce, former Boston Celtics guard.


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