Trivia: The episode "Exodus" introduces Mon-El's father Lar Gand. In DC comics, Lar Gand was the birth name of Mon-El.
The Adventures of Supergirl - S2-E1
Trivia: When Cat Grant walks to her office door, she screams out, "Miss Teschmacher!" In Superman and Superman 2, Miss Teschmacher was Lex Luthor's assistant and him screaming her name was his way of getting her to run to him.
Trivia: In the episode "Exodus" Mon-El's mom is played by Teri Hatcher. Teri Hatcher appeared in the hit TV show Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman as Lois Lane.
Trivia: Jon Cryer, who plays Lex Luthor, played Lex's nephew Lenny in Superman IV: The Quest For Peace.
Trivia: When Jason Behr, who plays Zor-El, Kara's biological father, guest-starred on JAG in 1997, he played a naval officer with the last name Danvers.
The Faithful - S3-E4
Trivia: James and Winn find a meeting of Coville and his followers to be "a little cult-y." Melissa Benoist plays Rachel Koresh, the wife of cult leader David Koresh, in the miniseries Waco, a dramatization of the Waco siege - the 1993 standoff between the ATF and FBI and Koresh's Branch Davidians that lasted 51 days and resulted in 86 deaths.
Trivia: The way Deegan as Superman tries to break Barry's neck resembles Superman doing the same thing with Zod in The Man of Steel film.
Trivia: The hammer used by Lois is similar to the one used by Steel, another DC superhero.
Trivia: Although they play mother and son in this episode, Brenda Strong is only five years older than Jon Cryer.
Trivia: Erica Durance plays Melissa Benoist's mother in this episode. She played Lois Lane in the TV show Smallville, about Superman when he was young.
Answer: Another part of why the change was that it's cold in Canada in the winter and the old costume didn't protect her from it, whereas the new one is nice and warm.