Trivia: While Bill Foster, played by Laurence Fishburne, is teaching the class, the words "Matrix" can be seen on the blackboard behind him, referring to the film series Laurence Fishburne starred in.
Trivia: Two of the actors in this film also have roles in the MCU's rival DC Extended Universe. Laurence Fishburne (Bill Foster) played Perry White in "Man of Steel" and "Batman V Superman," and Randall Park (Agent Woo) played Dr. Shin in "Aquaman."
Trivia: The release date of this movie in the United States was July 6, 2018 whilst the release date in the United Kingdom was August 2, 2018 almost four weeks later. This marks the first time a Marvel Cinematic Universe movie has been released in the United Kingdom later than the United States. Every other MCU movie has either been released in the UK and USA the same week or released in the UK a week before the USA. The belief was that while the World Cup was on, the audience for the movie would be otherwise distracted, affecting the box office take.

Trivia: Stan Lee makes his usual cameo as the guy that accidentally gets his car shrunk by Hope during the climactic chase. Sadly, this was the last Stan Lee cameo released before his death in November, 2018. (Although he had already filmed cameos for several other upcoming films before his death).
Trivia: During the flashbacks when we see the younger Bill Foster, the character is not played by a digitally de-aged Laurence Fishburne as most would assume. For these brief scenes, the character is actually played by Laurence's son Langston. (Albeit made up to more closely resemble his father).
Trivia: There is a mid credit scene linked to Avengers: Infinity War.
Trivia: Ghost is typically portrayed as an unnamed male in the comic books. Director Peyton Reed said the decision to make Ghost a woman was made simply because they thought it was "more interesting." They felt that given the fact that Ghost in the comics has never been given a definitive true identity, they could completely reinterpret the character to fit the film.
Trivia: One of the film's writers has slyly suggested that in his opinion, Norman Osbourne (aka, the Green Goblin of "Spider-Man" fame) is an associate of Sonny Burch, and is the one who wants the Quantum Technology.
Trivia: The song played throughout the film "C'mon, Get Happy" was the theme song from the 70s TV series "The Partridge Family." While Scott is lip syncing the words to the song he is imitating the late David Cassidy, the lead singer of the "Partridge Family."
Trivia: "Ant-Man and the Wasp" is the twentieth entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Originally, "Captain Marvel" was meant to be released first, but their release dates were swapped. It is the second MCU sequel to be filmed in the wider 2.39:1 aspect ratio after the first film was shot in taller 1.85:1 ratio. (The other films being "The Avengers/Avengers: Age of Ultron"). Walton Goggins and Hannah John-Kamen, who play the villains in this film, both appeared in the 2018 "Tomb Raider" film, which was released just a few months prior to this. And the first publicity photo of the Wasp was released on what would have been the 100th birthday of Jack Kirby - the character's co-creator.
Answer: They provided Ant-Man with superhero tech without signing on to the Accords. So when Scott participated in the airport battle, Hank and Hope became guilty by association.
Phaneron ★