
Question: Are Carly's deceased brother (briefly glimpsed on a picture on Carly's dresser) and the British NEST soldier from Transformers 2 the same person?


Chosen answer: Yes, you can very briefly see him when Lennox is briefing everyone in the chopper, in the opening of Revenge of the Fallen.


Question: In the scene where Lennox introduces Sam and Carly to Director Mearing, he says that Carly "Knows all about the Autobots and knows Bumblebee". Yet, just one scene prior, she looks at Bumblebee like she's never seen him before. Does she know about the Transformers or not?


Chosen answer: Sam probably told her all about the Autobots but she had probably never seen Bumblebee 'in person.' Shock and awe.


Question: Of all the Transformers who die in this film, how many of them have died before in the Transformers canon? I'm looking for specific examples and how many times they've died.


Chosen answer: I can tell you that every single one of them died in the old animated series, eventually. They had to make room for new characters to sell toys of.


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