
Corrected entry: During the Chicago war, right before Optimus loses his trailer, an overhead shot of the Autobots driving reveals a small camera cart following them.


Correction: There is nothing following Optimus, Except for the Driller. You may have confused it with the car Optimus knocks out of the way to escape from the Driller.


Corrected entry: In the original script, Skids and Mudflap were to make their return, only to be killed by Sentinel Prime. Due to such a negative reaction to their appearance in Revenge of the Fallen, Michael Bay removed them from the film. However, there is still one shot in the film where you can see them. When the Autobots are entering NEST headquarters, Skids and Mudflap in vehicle mode are right behind Q.


Correction: This scene was edited for the film to wipe out Skids and Mudflap. They don't appear in the finished cut of the film. If you saw them then I suggest you get a hold of Michael Bay. He put up a $25,000 guarantee to anyone who could find Skids or Mudflap in the film.


Corrected entry: Optimus uses the Matrix of Leadership to revive Sentinel Prime. Only problem is that the Matrix was in the Sun Harvester that was destroyed by Optimus at the end of the second movie.


Correction: Optimus had plenty of time between ROTF and this movie to retrive the Matrix from the rubble of the sun harvester. As important as the Matrix is, Optimus isnt going to just leave it.


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