
30th Dec 2012

The Game (1997)

Chosen answer: Nope. It was deliberately left vague.


25th Jul 2012

Tangled (2010)

Answer: Why would she? There was no motivation for her to do so.


Answer: I was wondering this too - surely on Rapunzel's first birthday Mother Gothel would have noticed the fuss the King and Queen made and decided to move it by a few weeks next time.

13th Dec 2012

The Matrix (1999)

Question: What makes Neo the Chosen One? Chosen by who or what? And what makes Morpheus and the Oracle so knowledgeable about the Chosen One?

Answer: 1) Neo is the One because of a systematic flaw in the Matrix's programming that accounts for the rare humans who don't accept the Matrix, as explained by the Architect in the second film. 2) The Oracle knows about the One because she was the one who discovered the flaw. 3) Morpheus knows about the One because the Oracle told him.


13th Dec 2012

Friends (1994)

Answer: Season 4, the episode is called "The One With Joey's Dirty Day".


22nd Nov 2012

Thunderbirds (2004)

Question: Why, when Thunderbird 5 got hit, did they send the rest of the Tracy family (excluding Alan of course)? They didn't know about The Hood wanting to infiltrate their home base, but at least one of them should have stayed behind if only to have gone to fix any problem the typhoon would have given. (00:23:15)

Answer: Jeff's entire reason for forming International Rescue was to save as many lives as he can following the death of his wife. When T5 is hit, someone's life is in danger, so Jeff drops everything to save a life. It was an ill conceived move, yes, but it was for noble reasons.


13th Dec 2012

Watchmen (2009)

Question: How come the surviving members of the Watchmen (with the exception of Rorshach) agreed to let Dr. Manhattan take the blame for the murders of so many people? Wouldn't it have been easier to just arrest Veidt and let everyone know who was truly responsible for everything?

Answer: The entire reason they don't arrest Veidt is because his actions, while evil and genocidal, did in fact cause the two warring nations to unite. Exposing Veidt would revert the world back to its chaotic state and the peace would end. The millions Veidt killed would've died in vain and the Watchmen can't have that. All of this is discussed in great detail.


Question: In the scene near the end of the movie at the boat, there is a shot of a box and there is some 'Hitler' sign burning into it (this scene has some 'knocking' music). Does anyone knows what's the meaning of this scene?

Answer: Actually, the Hitler sign isn't being burned into the box, it's being burned off. The Ark of the Covenant would not allow Hitler's symbol to be placed on it, and as such burned it off.


Question: Is there any reason, other than to further the plot, that Jack and Will fight over possession of Davey Jones's heart? Their plans once they have control of the heart are not mutually exclusive as Will wants to free his father and Jack wants his debt with Jones settled. They have shown previously that they can work together, so why couldn't one of them take control of the heart and make the demands for both?


Chosen answer: Will having control of Jones' heart would not help Jack in the slightest. Will's intent is to KILL Jones, therefore freeing his father. If Jack had control of Jones' heart, he'd only use it to settle his debt, given Jack's history of treachery. Yes, they could work together, but that would solve nothing: Bootstrap agreed to serve Jones FOREVER. The only way that debt is settled is with Jones' death. That wouldn't help Jack, because, as he says: "With Jones dead, who's to call his terrible beasty off the hunt, eh?"


Davy Jones doesn't have to die in order for Will's father to be freed from service, though. As captain of the Dutchman, Jones has the power to relieve Bootstrap of his duty for any reason or no reason at all. The third film makes it clear that Jones is at the mercy of anyone that is in possession of his heart, when Beckett becomes his overlord and orders him to kill the Kraken and hunt other pirates. Will and Jack could have easily taken possession of the heart and ordered Jones to both release Jack from his debt and release Bootstrap from the Dutchman. Jack even proposes the idea in the next film to Will that Jack can be the one to stab Jones' heart and then release Bootstrap from his service, allowing Will to still be with Elizabeth.


25th Jul 2012

The Island (2005)

Question: What are the guns the guards in the agnate facility are using? I've been trying to get a good shot, but I just can't find one. I've also checked IMCDB, which usually has an awnser to that question, but they don't have it either.


Chosen answer: If you're referring to the guns that shoot mini grappling hooks, I'm fairly certain that those guns haven't been invented yet.


11th Jul 2012

Serenity (2005)

Question: At the beginning of the film, Simon gives Mal an injection in the sick bay. What is this for?


Chosen answer: Answering my own question: In the script, Mall specifies that it is an inoculation for the planet's atmosphere.


25th Jul 2012

Casino Royale (2006)

Question: I don't understand why Felix and Bond meet for the first time in Casino Royale, because they meet for the first time in Dr. No. I know that Casino Royale is a reboot, but you still cannot meet someone for the first time twice.


Chosen answer: Well, the fact that it's a reboot answers the question. Ignore Dr. No. It has no relevance to Casino Royale, because as far as this movie (and its sequels) are concerned, the other Bond films never happened. Bond and Felix can meet for the first time in this movie, because they've never met before. Ever. Period.


2nd Sep 2011

Friends (1994)

Chosen answer: There's a behind the scenes feature on a Friends DVD that shows an example: In "The One After Vegas"(Season 6 premiere), Chandler's line was originally "I don't think they're as much dating as they are drunk." Matthew Perry thought the line wasn't funny and came up with the alternative seen in the episode: "I don't think they're as much dating as they are two bottles of vodka walking around in human form."


Answer: I think he also came up with the line, "You have to stop the Q-tip when there's resistance."

11th Nov 2011

Bruce Almighty (2003)

Question: Why did they have to change Bruce Almighty's pager number in the English version? And what was the original pager number?


Chosen answer: They changed the number because it was a real number and said number recieved multiple calls from moviegoers. The original number has never been made public for that very reason.


13th Sep 2011

Friends (1994)

Chosen answer: It's not "referencing" anything. It's a joke that Monica excitedly thinks she might be pregnant due to Joey's remark, when the truth is she's not, and knows she isn't, so wants to move on quickly to spare her embarrassment.


Answer: The joke also makes more sense if you write her response as "Really?...Okay, let's get past the moment."

16th Nov 2010

The Town (2010)

Question: The hair is spread around the crime scene to provide contradictory DNA evidence. I think there was a shot of the bag being emptied. Anyone else remember this?

Answer: Yes, that is indeed in the movie.


Answer: Yes, when they get out of the car and switch to the other.

Answer: When they ditch the jeep Cherokee and take the station wagon, they empty the bag of hair.

24th Jul 2010

The Mask (1994)

Question: Where did the Mask get the limo before the scene in Cocoa Bongo?

Answer: Either A: he rented the limo with the stolen money, or B: the limo itself is just another one of The Mask's absurd creations, given it is just so dang long.


24th Jul 2010

Stealth (2005)

Question: When Captain Marshfield goes to arrest Captain Cummins, he says, "You gave intel to a foreign government" (or something like that). What is Marshfield referring to?

Answer: He gave the Russians EDI's energy signature so they could shoot him down, which is pretty classified information.


15th Jun 2010

The Dark Knight (2008)

Question: After the MCU explosion there is a scene where the Joker has his head sticking out of the back seat of a police car and police are chasing him. What is this? He can't drive from the back seat, so what exactly is happening?


Chosen answer: The Joker's henchmen are driving the car.


Answer: This one always bugged me too. So, I guess the cop cars following were actual Gotham police? Or just additional henchmen? If they were police, how on earth could they have managed to lose the car the joker was in?

The other police cars are being driven by the Joker's henchmen. This will help make it easier for him to flee and it would also be foolish for him to stick his head out the window if he was being pursued by actual cops, as he would be an easy target at that point.


Question: I guess I wasn't paying much attention, but who is the girl he is talking to at the end about killing her parents? More so what I mean is, who are her parents, and when did he kill them? I have no idea what he is referencing and don't remember him killing a male and a female at any point.


Chosen answer: That's Irena Neski, daughter of Vladimir Neski, who Bourne assassinated for his first assignment. This is what Bourne was flashing back to in the hotel.


4th Mar 2010

Watchmen (2009)

Question: One thing that's been slightly puzzling me since I read the book (and watched the film): Does Rorschach know that he's entering The Comedian's apartment when he breaks in? or does he just go around randomly entering crime scenes?


Chosen answer: He does, in fact, go around snooping around crime scenes. In the comic, he says "Investigated routine homicide. Found costume in Blake's wardrobe. Seems he was the Comedian."


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