Question: How exactly does Monk afford to pay Natalie? Would he still get a pension after being discharged for psychiatric reasons? Is it ever mentioned (in-universe or otherwise) if he's independently wealthy or something? On several occasions Natalie tried to get the department to pay Monk more and tells Monk he can't afford things at times or his check will bounce, like he's broke.
17th Apr 2021
Monk (2002)
Answer: He gets paid by the city on a case by case basis, and she gets paid out of that.
Answer: He would have received a disability check, suffering from a mental illness qualifies you, the same as a physical injury, but would be limited to his therapy and living expenses.
Except he would be limited in what he could earn to receive payments and that wouldn't be enough to pay a full time employee.
3rd Feb 2010
Jumanji (1995)
Question: Before Alan takes the sword to help Peter, he says something that I can't understand. I can't check subtitles, as I have the VHS of the movie. What is Alan saying?
Answer: He is saying "Sorry, Angus" to his ancestor who founded the town Allen lives in, Brantford, New Hampshire.
In that same scene, after breaking the case, grabbing the sword, and removing it from its sheath, Alan says something additional which I could not fully make out. His statement sounds like he is surprised in some way by the sword. All I could make out from what he said is "all this time." Not sure if that is what he really said, but was curious if you knew what he says and if there is anything he may be reacting to. Thanks.
He says "whoa" when the sheath comes off. Then he says "harvest time."
29th Feb 2020
Dracula (1992)
Corrected entry: Drew Barrymore was considered for the role of Mina Harker.
Correction: This seems unlikely, given the film's adult content and Drew Barrymore's young age at the time, and the fact that Winona Ryder was selected for the role of Mina even before pre-production began: As stated on page 9 of the 1992 official behind the scenes book "Bram Stoker's Dracula: The Film and the Legend", she had read the screenplay and was interested in playing the role even before director Francis Ford Coppola became involved. She then gave the script to Coppola, who agreed to direct and to cast her in the role of Mina.
There's a few articles/sites that make this claim, although none seem original (like they're just repeating what's online) and there's no source cited. Another article says she auditioned, which is more likely. But just because she auditioned didn't mean she was "considered." Most of these trivia entries where they say "considered" usually don't mean the person was seriously in contention to get the role.
22nd May 2006
Family Guy: Stewie Griffin The Untold Story (2005)
Corrected entry: Both young and old Stewie don't seem to know how human reproduction works. Yet in the episode where Peter and Lois decided to have another baby Stewie understood the biology well enough to shrink a ship and fly into Peter to destroy his sperm, implying detailed knowledge of the system.
Correction: This episode could have happened after the movie, since it isn't established where the movie fits in the timeline of the series.
The movie is divided into 3 episodes placed at the end of season 4. The episode "Emission Impossible" is S3 E11, which is before the movie.
Whether this episode occurred before or after isn't relevant because that's doesn't explain why old Stewie doesn't know if at some point his younger self knew.
17th Mar 2020
Zoom (2006)
Question: At the end, during Cindy's play, there's a woman in a cream color coat in the audience that the camera and lighting seem to focus on. She's sitting cross legged and not reacting like the other extras. She seems totally out of place to be just an extra. At first I thought she was suppose to be someone and was going to do something (like reveal her superpowers or something). Is she suppose to be a character, like Ace? Did we see her earlier in the film? Is there a deleted scene with her? Or is it truly just a random extra?
Answer: She could be Cindy's Mom, who is video taping her daughter and not surprised by her powers. If not, she probably a government agent sent to keep tabs on her.
It's not Cindy's mom. The woman is after the boy is pulled up. Later Cindy's mom says "that's my princess" and it's a different lady (though a very similar outfit up top). I tried to see if there were other "out of place" people watching the other kids to see if government agents were watching them, but didn't see anyone.
5th Apr 2021
Star Wars (1977)
Continuity mistake: During the fight against the TIE fighters, the interior shot shows the turrets on the Falcon both point straight up and down respectfully, when in other shots the top turret for example is facing forward.
Suggested correction: There is no objective up or down on a spaceship. The artificial gravity for the turrets are at 90 degree angle to the rest of the ship.
You missed the point of the mistake. Luke and Han are sitting so their backs are parallel to the deck of the Falcon, the guns are then perpendicular to their back, making them perpendicular to the deck of the Falcon. But in exterior shots, the guns are more parallel to the deck than they should be.
5th Apr 2016
The Warriors (1979)
Corrected entry: Cyrus' math is wrong. "You are standing with 9 delegates from a hundred gangs. There's a hundred more. That's twenty thousand members" Um no, that's 2 thousand.
Correction: He's talking about the total number of gang members (200 gangs averaging 100 members in each gang is 20,000.) Some gangs were smaller than others, but there aren't only 10 members per gang, The Warriors has 120+ members. The point of the meeting was to discuss the fact that gang members outnumbered the cops 5 to 1, so 20,000 is a more accurate figure than 2,000.
Based only on the film, after all, this is a MOVIE mistake site, where do you come up your numbers and if the Warriors had 120 members, wouldn't they perhaps support their "brothers" when they got back to CI?
There's a deleted scene (from the film) where Cleon mentions 120+ members. And the Gramercy Riffs are larger than that. But even so, the film credits more than 10 people as a Warrior, Riff, Baseball Fury, or Lizzie gang member. The gangs are bigger than 10 members on average. Again, it's about the total number of gang members, not delegates.
15th Mar 2019
The Patriot (2000)
Corrected entry: When Benjamin Martin meets with Cornwallis about the prisoner exchange and brings the dogs in (Great Danes or otherwise), Cornwallis refers to them as "boys." The black dog is female.
Correction: "Boy" for dogs is gender neutral. A lot of owners of female dogs call it a boy. Certainly with 2 dogs you'd never say "come boy and girl."
I have 3 dogs, 1 male, 2 female. No one in the family calls them boys. Sorry but I don't buy that explanation. I think it was just a miss.
1 example, an example where the females are the majority. Not really a good example I'd say. Again, "boys" is gender neutral. Also, he says it once, just once. Are you saying it is not possible for someone to call a male and female dog "boys"? It's not a movie mistake.
It is entirely possible that the film-makers chose to have a female dog play a male dog. For example, in the TV show Lassie, Lassie is played by a male collie even though it is well-established that Lassie is a female. A more recent example is the reverse, where on the CBS show Seal Team, there is a dog on there named Cerberus who is male, but is in fact played by a female named Dita.
It should be noted that people have submitted mistakes for the wrong sexed animal being used (i.e. a male dog playing a female). But really to be considered a character mistake, it would have to be out of character for the person calling a female (or male) animal "boy" (or "girl"). Calling a male and female dog "boys" doesn't seem out of character enough to be a mistake.
3rd Mar 2021
Big Hero 6 (2014)
Factual error: When the car goes to the bottom of the ocean after the chase, the water in it is raising as if leaking in, despite the fact that the door on Hiro's side is missing and the water should be rushing in. (00:50:15)
Suggested correction: I watched the scene and it looks like it's filling up the way it should. It's looks similar to the way a car fills up after being submerged with the windows open.
Not true, water is still filling up the car way too slow for an opening like this. The car should be filled up immediately.
You're wrong thinking it would fill up immediately. But even so, it fills up in about 10 seconds (even less if the shot of it filling up is meant to be a simultaneous shot and not continuous).
24th Mar 2021
Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)
Factual error: In Part Two, as Diana explains to Bruce Wayne the history of the Mother Boxes on Earth, we see an extended flashback of Earthly gods and warriors in an epic battle against Darkseid. When Diana says, "A golden age of heroes fighting together," we see a close-up of an Amazon archer drawing back an arrow right-handed, leaning right, and releasing it. However, the arrow is unsupported on the bow, so she couldn't possibly aim or control the arrow. (01:03:59)
Suggested correction: It's not even a matter of how good you are. Placing the arrow on the opposite side of your dominant hand is very much a Western style draw, popularized often times in Hollywood movies. Ancient and Eastern methods used a same side draw. It's mostly determined by the grip used and type of archery you're performing.
Nonsense. The physics of the draw demand that the arrow is supported on the riser. Even ancient Roman archers and American Indians supported their arrows on the bow. Again, go try it yourself. You can't hit diddly releasing an unsupported arrow on the wrong side of the bow.
Not that this is the forum for it, but here's just 1 example. Https://
Yes, it's possible to shoot same-side, as long as you're supporting the arrow with the bow. However, in the Justice League shot that I cited, the Amazon archer is holding the bow right-handed hunter style, with the bow tilted to the right, which means the arrow is totally unsupported and uncontrollable. There's this inconvenient force known as GRAVITY that pulls the arrow away from your intended trajectory when the arrow is unsupported.
Suggested correction: Incorrect. You can place the arrow either side of the bow. It depends on how good of an archer you are.
I've been an archer for over 40 years, and you don't load your arrow on the outside of your bow. I don't care "how good an archer" you THINK you are, you can't aim or control an unsupported arrow on the wrong side of the bow. Try it. Make a video of it. You'll be embarrassed to find you can't hit the broad side of a barn with the arrow on the wrong side of the bow.
Firstly, it's clearly possible: Secondly, given the multiple "impossible" feats achieved by the Amazons given their super-physiology, "being able to accurately fire an arrow on the 'wrong' side of a bow" obviously falls under suspension of disbelief, and doesn't warrant either a mistake or the level of anger you're showing to people here.
Both videos state explicitly (especially Lars Andersen's) that yes, you CAN shoot from 'the wrong side', IF and only IF you use a particular, Eastern based grip, the thumb one. Watch the movie. She uses (which makes sense, for someone from the Greek mythology, I guess!) the 'Western style' so, left side as stated. I personally love over-analyzing this sort of things that give you so much insight and fun tidbits, rather than "Ah it's magic, who cares."
26th Feb 2021
WandaVision (2021)
Breaking the Fourth Wall - S1-E7
Corrected entry: A trunk of a car opens while everything is supposed to be frozen. In the first shot it is closed, but in the second shot, it is fully open. (00:24:27 - 00:25:10)
Correction: The trunk of the grey car is open in both shots.
The mistake is correct. There were 3 shots of the car and you're referring to the last 2 shots where they were both open. The first shot of the car is after we see Anges watching through the window and the trunk is cracked open, but still down. The 2nd shot is after Anges says "run along dear", but everything else is still suppose to be frozen.
Okay, but they are not "frozen", they are watching. You can even see the woman move, so she is in the process of opening the trunk. So not a mistake regardless.
I submitted a mistake of her moving because they are meant to be frozen.
Who says they are supposed to be frozen?
I guess that would be a matter of debate. You do see the wind blowing the skirt of a woman, but other than that (and the slight moment of another girl), no-one is moving. It's one thing to say they're watching, but if they're not frozen, they're playing a great game of statue, and then they all start moving again at the same time.
Everyone else in the city of mind-controlled slaves is obviously characterized as being a little more than simply engrossed in their own curiosity; the hand movement of that woman is out of place and kinda the 'real' mistake IMHO, more like the extra adjusting her position than anything. If she opened the trunk deliberately while on camera, it would have undermined completely the tension of the scene.
Please let's just stick to the facts. No endless debates, perhaps use the discord server for that. The fact of the matter is as soon as they come out of the house everybody around them stops what they are doing and starts watching, nobody "freezes" in the middle of an action. Their roles have probably temporarily been suspended because Wanda is otherwise occupied, but that doesn't mean they stop moving altogether.
28th Dec 2016
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk Visits a Farm - S5-E14
Continuity mistake: In this episode, Randy says that his uncle left him a farm in his will. In the episode "Mr. Monk Gets Cabin Fever", Randy stated that all of his uncles are deceased. Kind of hard to be given a farm from a guy who's been dead since Season 3.
Suggested correction: Not necessarily, as in many cases when someone is trying to claim someone else's inheritance it can take years until such a case is finally resolved by a judge's ruling.
The point of the mistake is Randy said all his uncles are dead, but then later, Harvey Disher is alive. The farm wasn't in some probate court for years, Harvey had died the month before.
True. Obviously my bad! Thank you.
22nd Jan 2018
The Goldbergs (2013)
A Chorus Lie - S3-E2
Factual error: A key plot point of this episode is the revelation of the Milli Vanilli lip-syncing scandal and that they didn't sing on their album, which happened in the fall of 1990, outside the 1980s setting of the series.
Suggested correction: The first public sign that the group was lip-syncing came on 21 July 1989, during a live performance on MTV at the Lake Compounce theme park in Bristol, Connecticut. As they performed, a hard drive issue caused the recording of the song "Girl You Know It's True" to jam and skip, repeatedly playing the partial line "Girl, you know it's..." through the speakers. "I knew right then and there, it was the beginning of the end for Milli Vanilli," recalled Pilatus of the incident.
The mistake didn't point it out, although the episode did, but the issue wasn't the fact that they lip-sync'd but the fact that they didn't actually do any singing. The minor incident you mentioned wasn't news that "shook the country." The news that it wasn't Milli Vanilli singing on their own album didn't come out until 1990.
My point exactly; while Milli Vanilli were revealed to be lip-syncing during a single live performance in the summer of 1989, it wasn't confirmed that they didn't sing at all on their debut album until November 1990.
23rd Feb 2007
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk Makes A Friend - S5-E11
Continuity mistake: Monk leaves his front door standing open in anticipation of his new friend's arrival. No one goes near the front hall, but when Hal gets there, he lets himself in by opening a door that has somehow closed itself. (00:10:30 - 00:11:50)
2nd Mar 2018
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk Takes Manhattan - S3-E1
Corrected entry: The captain refers to the DA as a "guy" just after the New York policeman calls her "she", indicating she is female. (00:09:45)
Correction: He may have meant the man that the DA was going to help them meet with, rather than the DA herself. What the captain said was ambiguous.
It wasn't really ambiguous. But you're right, the Captain was referring to Warrick Tennyson. That was the whole purpose of the trip, to talk to him ("this guy"). The DA's office was the one that set up the meeting, so someone from the DA's office was going to meet Monk et al, but that's not who they were going to talk to.
16th Mar 2021
Die Hard 2 (1990)
Question: When McClane asks Barnes to 'break the code' on one of the baddies' Walkie Talkies, Barnes tells him it is impossible as it is a 10 button device with a 6 digit readout..."There could be a million combinations!" How can there be a million combinations? Surely the largest number on a 6 digit readout is 999,999.
Answer: You forgot 000000.
Answer: Totally agree with the other answer, but also, someone saying, "There could be a million combinations!" can also just be a deliberate hyperbole, and never meant to be taken literally. It's like saying, "I told you that a thousand times already."
Except that a 6-digit code literally has a million combinations. It's not hyperbole at all.
Oh really? No kidding? Never disputed that there was one million combinations. The character, however, could have intended his comment as a hyperbolized, off-the-cuff remark that was not meant to be an exact number count. He said, "There COULD be a million combinations!" He did not say, "There are precisely one million combinations." He could have meant it either way. There was more than one way to interpret what he said.
This is a strange situation because the wording suggests that Barnes is using hyperbole ("there COULD be a million combinations..."), but mathematically the number of possible combinations with a 0-9 keypad and a 6 digit readout is exactly 1 million (10x10x10x10x10x10 = 1,000,000). So he is technically not using hyperbole but that was his intent. So it's both hyperbole and not hyperbole at the same time. It's kind of fascinating, actually.
21st Apr 2013
A View to a Kill (1985)
Continuity mistake: When Bond is in Mr Howe's office at San Francisco City Hall, the exit-only door is marked "Divisions of Oil and Mines" when he leaves. But when Stacey is fired, the door is marked "Division of Oil and Mines." (01:07:00)
Suggested correction: It's two different doors that are seen. Both go to the same office but it's two different doors.
28th May 2007
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk Goes to Jail - S2-E16
Factual error: When Monk visits the prison for the first time, he is searched, passed, and has a mini-panic attack because people have touched him. Sharona steps forward to comfort him, and she puts her arms around him. This is a very serious breach of procedure and it is not possible for the guards to miss it, because Sharona has not been searched. It's a common technique for trying to pass contraband called 'a touch through' - a person with an item to be smuggled into the prison (drugs, usually), passes them on to a person who has been searched and is therefore 'clean'. Monk would be taken back to the guard's station to be searched again. He would not be allowed leniency because the guards happen to know or to like him - visitor ingress and egress is always done under CCTV and the guard would know he was being watched - quite possibly by someone who doesn't know who Monk and Sharona are.
Suggested correction: Sharona was searched first by the female guard.
7th Aug 2017
Eureka (2006)
Continuity mistake: Henry talks about Eureka installing it's first traffic light but there has always been a traffic light in Eureka.
Suggested correction: The episodes in the first season were aired out of order. The previous episode that showed the traffic light was produced after "Blink."
The light is in every episode including the first one.
Then I would suggest trying to submit a screen shot because I never saw the traffic light on Main and Archimedes in the first episode.
1st Jun 2006
Christine (1983)
Corrected entry: The restored Christine has yellow and black late '50s standard California license plates with the number CQB 241. The only time the letter Q was used at that time was on special plates for ham radio operators, and even then it was a different style; the type of Q they used on Christine wasn't introduced until the late '60s.
Correction: Filmmakers have to use fake numbers to avoid lawsuits (just like fake adresses and phone numbers).
The CQB stood for close quarters battle.
While true, they have to make fake plates, it doesn't invalidate the mistake because the mistake is saying the Q seen wouldn't have been used. It would be like using a fake phone number that started with "0."
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Answer: Like a certain Poirot, he is paid by the case and thus has a lot of cases = lots of income.