
6th Apr 2017

Prometheus (2012)

Question: I have 2 discs, which seem to be exactly the same, are they? Do I need to watch the second disc, to see different things?


Chosen answer: Depending on which 2-disc set you bought, they should be the same, just a different format. The Blu-ray set comes with a Blu-ray disc (BD-50) and a standard DVD. The 4K Ultra comes with a BD-66 and BD-50.


6th Apr 2017

Fury (2014)

Question: Can someone please explain War daddy's quote "Ideals are peaceful, history is violent?"

Answer: There are probably a number of ways to interpret the quote, to be debated in a different forum. He's just saying thoughts about how to make the world a better place are peaceful. Rarely do people see war as a means to bring about peace. but as history shows us, war and violence often occur as a result of wanting change. Think about the 60's Civil Rights movements. Ideally, all men should be treated equally and there should be no segregation, but opposition to this resulted in violence (and to the opposition, ideally it would be better if races kept to themselves).


Question: Why do they call the aliens Mimics when we never see them actually mimic anything?


Chosen answer: First it should be noted that this film is based on the Japanese novel "All You Need is Kill" by Hiroshi Sakurazaka, which is where the term "mimics" comes from and could be something lost in translation (they adapted to alien planet environments by mimicking the biology of the planet's life, not necessarily making themselves look like a certain species). However, in the film itself it, was said the aliens "mimic our every action", militarily speaking. This is of course because the aliens were resetting the timeline when an alpha died and knew what the military would do, but to the military (and news reporters) it looked like they were just copying our fighting style.


4th Apr 2017

Finding Dory (2016)

Question: In the list of the cast at the end credits, one of the role names is "Chickenfish" which I don't remember at all. Please just tell me when this fish appears in the film? I have no idea what it looks like.

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: Kathy "Chickenfish" is a reoccurring, although minor character. She was in Finding Nemo as well. She's blue and green with spots and has buck teeth. She was concerned about Mr. Ray coming back from migration. (In Finding Nemo she was the one who said "Oh, my gosh! Nemo's swimming out to sea!").


4th Apr 2017

General questions

Only saw the ending to this movie a couple times. A black teenager is sitting in a chamber about to be killed by lethal injection. As the process starts, the phone rings and a woman picks it up. She immediately screams to stop the execution but the kid has already died.

Answer: It may not be what you're thinking of; but it sounds similar to "True Crime", starring Clint Eastwood and Isiah Washington. Near the end, an innocent black man, Frank Beecham (Washington), is undergoing lethal injection, which is a 3-stage process (although he's not a teenager). A reporter, Steve Everett (Eastwood), is able to convince the Governor that Frank is innocent and the Governor calls to stop the execution, but it may be too late as stage-1 had already begun. As they try to revive Frank, his wife is banging on the window and yelling for him to wake up. It seems the call was in fact too late. However, the end shows Steve out shopping when he comes across Frank, showing Frank to be alive and well, and free.


Question: In the last movie, Optimus calls Megatron "brother." I didn't read the comics, but are they "blood related" or were just friends who held a very close bond to one another?

Answer: Optimus and Megatron were "brothers-in-arms" and were students of and worked for Sentinel Prime. Although Optimus finds out he is in fact a direct descendant of one of the Primes (Prima) while Megatron is not. So it's not brother as in physically related, but as in comrade.


Question: The warriors for Anubis... What animal are they supposed to represent?

Answer: Jackals. More specifically, Anubis has been represented with the head of the Golden Jackal (although some now consider it to be the African Golden Wolf).


31st Mar 2017

Star Wars (1977)

Chosen answer: Because Han Solo had been established as a cunning, roguish antihero. The scene as it originally played out shows that Han is not afraid to get his hands dirty when facing danger. The altered scene is an awkward attempt to make it seem like Han is acting completely in self defense rather than as an assertive tough-guy, and in the process takes away part of the character's charm. In short it makes Han seem less "cool". It must also be pointed out that the Special Edition changes were met with very strong fan backlash almost unilaterally, Greedo shooting first is just seen by some as a perfect example of why the changes were unnecessary.

Answer: In the original, Greedo doesn't even fire a shot. The film established Han as more ruthless, and the antihero, for killing Greedo in this way. In the special edition, Lucas altered the film so that Greedo fired first (and in a later version both shoot about the same time.) Any changes to original releases is often met with criticism for a number of reasons, especially by adults who watched the film as kids and remember it certain a way. Another example of this is when E.T. was digitally changed so the police were holding walkie-talkies instead of guns and was met with such criticism that even South Park made fun of it. However, ultimately, Greedo shooting first changes the character of Han, who becomes less proactive and more reactive and less of an antihero. And it raises the question of how could Greedo miss at such close range? Given that the film already has stormtroopers with terrible aim, it seems like another cop-out to let the good guys win.


30th Mar 2017

Charlie's Angels (1976)

Show generally

Question: Having never seen the show, do any episodes show Charlie's face at all? Not just some of his face.

Answer: No, Charlie's face was never fully seen. In addition, Charlie was voiced by John Forsythe and he never even came to the set. Whenever we do see Charlie, it's a body double and not Forsythe.


10th Oct 2016

Saw V (2008)

Question: Ashley wrote a report to cover up an arson fire - why?

Answer: Could be any number of reasons. It's not unheard of for reporters to be bribed by someone.


Answer: She was bribed to write the incident up as a tragic accident. Kramer, before his death, had found out she took a bribe (and probably not her first one) and instructed Hoffman to take her with the others.


Answer: It is shown in X-Men: Days of Future Past that Hank made a serum that can help him walk.

Chosen answer: The short answer is events in this film negate what happened in X-Men 3 as well as Origins: Wolverine or one could say this film essentially became a reboot. Since no real answer seems to be given, and since the X-Men 3 film makers didn't know Charles would later be shown to become paralyzed prior to visiting Jean, they had no need to explain why he's walking. One can only speculate on the possible ways Charles walks in these 2 previous movies (and this isn't taking into account the timeline shift from X-Men Days of Future Past). We do know from DOFP that Hank/Beast created a serum for Charles that allowed him to walk, albeit without his powers. Hank could have kept working on this serum which would allow Charles to walk and still maintain some of his powers. Then at some point Charles stopped taking the serum, confining him to the wheelchair once again. Either because they ran out of the serum or because Charles came to the realization he needs to accept what happened and not hide it, especially if he's teaching children to accept who they are. Charles also has the power of "astral projection" and the power to appear in the minds of others, so Charles could simply not be there at Jean's house, but is back home, in his wheelchair.


Show generally

Question: Everyone tells Luanne that her father is working on an oil rig, not wanting her to know that he is actually in jail. But she knew that her mother was in jail, so why not tell the truth about her father?

Answer: Couple things, first only Peggy knew the truth about Hoyt (Luanne's father) being in prison and Peggy is the one who said he's on an oil rig. But, Hoyt is Peggy's brother, so she could have been trying to hide the fact her brother is in jail. Lucky (Luanne's husband) deduced Hoyt had been in prison, but seems to be the only other person to know the truth, so when Hoyt went back to prison, he kept Peggy's lie up to spare Luanne. Additionally, Luanne was there when her mother stabbed Hoyt and was arrested, so it's not like someone had to break the news to her and they couldn't hide the fact. With Hoyt, even if Peggy wasn't trying to protect her brother's reputation, she didn't want Luanne, who is a sensitive and emotional young woman, to have to deal with knowing both parents are in jail.


8th Mar 2017

Ocean's Twelve (2004)

Answer: You are correct. Bruce Willis (and a few other like Topher Grace) do not appear in the credits. They are considered "uncredited" and it's not an oversight. I've questioned why well known actors don't receive credit and it's usually related to the Screen Actors Guild (a union) that requires what is called scale pay, but for credited actors. So to avoid having to pay Bruce Willis, and other such actors, a large amount of money that would be required, he does not get screen credit and can accept less (or even nothing) as a favor to someone.


1st Mar 2017

Boyz n the Hood (1991)

Question: What exactly did Darrin and Chris steal and how did they get caught? Also, why was their sentence seven years and how did Chris end up in a wheelchair?

Answer: It was never said what they stole, just that they were going to go to the store (probably a corner store or convenience store) and they probably stole food. They got caught because they were just kids and not good at stealing or being sneaky. However, they didn't get a 7-year sentence for the theft. It's just that the film jumps to 7 years later and Darrin is now a gang member who has been in and out of jail the whole time. He's just celebrating his release from prison for a different, unknown crime. Chris is in a wheelchair due to a gun shot wound, though it's not stated how or who shot him.


I wouldn't be surprised if Chris shot himself with the gun he alludes to having earlier on in the film when they are still children.

Question: Maybe its my maths or I misheard something but the figures don't seem to add up for me. In Godfather 2, Vito Corleone is about 7 yrs old in 1901 and moves to New York after his family is killed. In Godfather 1, it is said the year was "almost 1942" (I think). So that makes Don Corleone about 50 ish when he died of a heart attack. Is this correct? He looked a lot older, plus head of a crime family in his early 40s doesn't seem right to me either. Am I missing something? I'm not listing this as a mistake as I'm unsure of the timings etc. so if anyone can shed any light on this for me it would be appreciated.


Chosen answer: Vito was born December 7, 1891, so he was 9 when he moved (Godfather II states: "In 1901, the family of nine-year-old Vito Andolini is killed"). However, it was by the early 1930's that Vito had established his criminal organization as the Corleone crime family, with him at the head. He died in July of 1955, making him 63 when he died. In real life, Marlon Brando, who played Don Corleone, was 47 at the time of filming.


26th Feb 2017

Evil Dead II (1987)

Question: Why does anybody (including Sam Raimi) claim that Evil Dead 2 is a sequel with flashbacks to the first film? As a sequel, there is virtually zero continuity to the first film. This was an obvious remake.

Charles Miller

Chosen answer: Evil Dead II starts out with a recap of The Evil Dead where Ash cuts off the head of his girlfriend Linda with a shovel and then is attacked by the entity, which is how the first film ended. While Linda is played by a different actress, it's still meant to be the same events as The Evil Dead. The cabin windows are still barricaded from the end of the first Evil Dead, and Ash's pant leg is still torn from Deadite Scott attacking Ash. Additionally, the end credits say: "Evil Dead II", the sequel to the ultimate experience in grueling horror, was filmed in Wadesboro, North Carolina and Detroit, U.S.A.


26th Feb 2017

Dumb and Dumber (1994)

Question: What is the van that Harry and Lloyd drive? It's jokingly called an '84 sheepdog but, I'd like to know what make and model it really is.

Answer: 1984 Ford Econoline.


22nd Feb 2017

General questions

There was a TV movie that had Hilary Swank. In the movie, she plays a woman whose husband was arrested and charged with the murder of an elderly couple that he knew. During the trial, flashbacks show what happened. The husband had a sleepwalking episode where he drove to their house and began fixing an air conditioner. When they noticed him, they tried talking to him but with no luck. Eventually, the old man touches the husband on his shoulder and he suddenly goes berserk and kills them both. The ending of the movie has the husband found not guilty and Hilary's family disowning her.

Answer: The movie is The Sleepwalker Killing. It's based on a true story. In it, Swank plays the wife of a man who kills his mother-in-law and seriously injures his father-in-law (her parents). His defense is he was sleepwalking and she's torn between believing her husband and staying with him or siding with her family. She decides to stay with her husband, causing the riff in the family after he was acquitted of murder and attempted murder.


Answer: It's called The Sleepwalker Killing.


Season 4 generally

Question: Scarlet Spider says 'the last time I had a family, I almost destroyed them. Won't be making that mistake again' but how could he destroy them again? Also, why didn't he come back to S.H.I.E.L.D.?


Chosen answer: Scarlet Spider considers Spider-Man and the team his new family and he won't make the same mistake of getting his new family almost destroyed. He wasn't talking about his last family. SPOILER ALERT: After it is revealed Scarlet Spider worked for Doc Ock as a spy and he unmasks Spider-Man, he goes into hiding. He also attempts to figure out the truth of his origin, which he can't do very well while working for S.H.I.E.L.D., or if they lock him up. However, at the end of Season 4, Scarlet Spider does come back and becomes a S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy teacher.


16th Feb 2017

Casino Royale (2006)

Question: When Bond realises he has been poisoned at the poker game, he mixes salt with water and drinks it. What was this supposed to do? Does salt mixed with water rid the body of hazardous chemicals or something?


Chosen answer: He did it to simply make himself vomit, which is what he does into the sink. Inducing vomiting is meant to rid the stomach of the poison that hasn't been absorbed (although this idea is debatable, Bond thought it was wise). However, he was still in danger because he already absorbed enough of the poison, which is why he goes to the car and injects the antidote (the injection he gives himself in the neck).


Answer: Thiopentone Sodium, Sodium Nitrite, and Sodium Thiosulfate are the most common chemicals used to treat cyanide poisoning. Cyanide might've been Bond's first thought, and he was ingesting large quantities of sodium to try to stave off the effects.

Captain Defenestrator

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