Question: Why does Manny make up excuses about his wife doing something when in reality she died?
13th Feb 2017
Corrina, Corrina (1994)
30th Jan 2017
The Book of Life (2014)
Question: In the movie, it's said that Carmen Sanchez died (obviously). They never really say how she died or when she died, nor do they explain why she has three white streaks in her hair (while her husband still has full black hair). How did Carmen Sanchez die?
Answer: According to Jorge Gutierrez, in a tweet, he said she died saving Carlos and baby Manolo during the Mexican Revolution. The white streaks in her hair look like an homage to "Bride of Frankenstein" with her white streaked hair.
23rd Jan 2017
Star Wars (1977)
Question: In Obi-Wan's home, he explains that Luke's father wanted Luke to have his lightsaber when he was old enough. But in "Revenge of the Sith", in Anakin's (Vader's) last fight with Obi-wan, Anakin's legs and right arm were severed and his saber was lost. So how could he give it to Obi-Wan to give to his unborn son if it was lost and Vader left for dead?
Chosen answer: Anakin's Lightsaber was never lost. When Obi-Wan cut Anakin down (when Anakin jumped at him), Anakin's lightsaber falls to the ground next to Obi-Wan and when Obi-Wan leaves, we see him pick it up.
And as far as "your father wanted you to have this", it's a lie. Remember that Obi-wan is spinning a yarn to Luke about his father to keep from revealing that his father is Darth Vader.
Well, he might have wanted him to have it, "from a certain point of view."
23rd Jan 2017
Frasier (1993)
Question: When Niles and Lilith wake up in the hotel room, what does Niles mean when he says that this happens every day in Arkansas?
Answer: When Frasier and Lilith got married, Lilith became Niles' sister-in-law. Even though they're divorced and she's now his ex-sister-in-law, it was just a joke about the stereotype that in Arkansas, brothers and sisters sleep together. One could also interpret it as in Arkansas, guys sleep with their brother's ex-wives, but that's not a stereotype associated with the South.
23rd Jan 2017
Van Helsing (2004)
Question: How much time is it from 12 midnight to the twelfth stroke of midnight? Because in the movie it seemed to go over way longer than 12 seconds.
Chosen answer: Clocks vary, but it's not always 1-second per stroke. Some clocks can take up to a minute to fully strike 12.
23rd Jan 2017
The Walking Dead (2010)
Question: Spencer wasn't bitten. He died by knifing, but he turned into a walker. I thought you had to be bitten?
Answer: In the season 2 finale we find out that everyone is infected therefore you turn no matter what happens to you (which proves that Dr Jenner was right, we see it happen when Rick stabs Shane).
Answer: It's been established that everyone is infected with the zombie virus, albeit in a dormant state, so that when anyone dies, by whatever means, the virus turns the dead into zombies (walkers). Being bitten or scratched injects live viruses into the system that quickly turns a living person into a zombie, without having to die first.
23rd Jan 2017
Frasier (1993)
It's Hard to Say Goodbye If You Won't Leave - S3-E10
Question: In this episode, Frasier is portrayed as being allergic to cats, and cannot be close to Kate's cat. What about the times when he had sex with Kate (at the radio station building, in the elevator in his building, etc.)? As a cat-owner, shouldn't her clothes have set off his allergies before?
Answer: Not necessarily. Cat allergies aren't caused by the cat's fur (so if she has cat fur on her clothes, it wouldn't actually bother his allergies). It's the cat's dander (dry skin flakes), saliva, and/or urine that people are allergic to, so if her clothes don't have traces of any of that, he would be fine. For example, she could have clothes at work she changes into, or simply keeps her clothes in a room the cat isn't around.
Answer: But this is complicated by the episode where Frasier cat sits for a friend.
If there is an episode where he cat sits, it may be worthy of a character mistake entry. Although, only if we see him come in contact with the cat somehow without his allergies acting up. Otherwise someone may submit a correction, such as just because he's allergic to cats doesn't mean he won't do a favor for someone and just deal with his allergies, etc.
23rd Jan 2017
Cars (2006)
Question: At the beginning, what caused McQueen's rear tires to burst?
Chosen answer: Blown tires are common in NASCAR and usually the result of exactly what McQueen did, run too long, too fast, on old tires. They show him not taking new tires during the yellow caution, and then all the green pit stops, he only took gas. Excess heat from high speed driving can increase a tire's pressure, and with "old" tires, it couldn't handle the stress.
Absolutely incorrect. Tyres bursting in NASCAR is an absolute rarity, and it is usually caused by vehicle to vehicle contact. You cannot get a race tyre so hot that it bursts unless you start at ridiculously high pressures, which would make car impossible to drive anyway. The tyre probably had a puncture from running over debris.
That's why I used the word blown and not bursts. Obviously the film exaggerated a blown tire, but I thought that would be obvious to the viewer where everything is exaggerated.
2nd Jan 2017
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Question: After Bucky explained about all the other Winter Soldiers, Sam says 'This would have been a lot easier a week ago' but what difference would it have made if it was a week ago?
Chosen answer: Because the U.N. has been preparing to pass the Sokovia Accords and they want to oversee the Avengers. A week earlier, the Avengers would not have had to seek permission to find the other Winter Soldiers (or wait while the oversight committee makes a decision). As a result of the U.N. Sanctions, Captain America and Sam Wilson have to go rogue in order to find the other soldiers. (Their actions of going rogue result in Iron Man and his team in hunting the rogue Avengers down, creating a "civil war").
31st Dec 2016
Monk (2002)
Happy Birthday, Mr. Monk - S8-E9
Question: At his birthday party, Monk realises that Pressman is the murderer and when he looks at his ice cubes, he sees that they are square while everybody else's is round. He then realises that the poison was in the ice cubes and now his ice cubes were filled with poison. Why would Pressman try to kill Monk? He never did anything that gave Pressman the indication that he was on to him. All Monk did was want his self-cleaning vacuum fixed.
Answer: When Natalie and Monk took the vacuum cleaner to Pressman, Pressman asks about the cases they're working on, and after Pressman mentions the janitor cases, Natalie says that Mr. Monk always says "it's a work in progress" when he's close to solving the case. Pressman was afraid Monk would figure out the connection of the two cases soon.
31st Dec 2016
Bernie (2011)
Question: Bernie made a full confession of murdering Mrs. Nugent to the police. In the event of full confessions, the cases go before a judge only for conviction and sentencing. So why did Bernie have to go before a jury trial?
Chosen answer: Confessing to a crime is not the same as pleading guilty in court. The DA had charged Bernie with premeditated murder (1st degree murder), but still had to prove in court it was premeditated, Bernie only confessed to killing her.
28th Dec 2016
Monk (2002)
Mr. Monk and the Class Reunion - S5-E6
Question: In this episode, Monk discovers that Kyle intends to murder his wife Dianne and then make it look like suicide. Why would he do that? I've watched the whole episode and still can't figure out the reason.
Answer: You can hear Kyle talk to his "mistress" on the phone when he is at the ice cooler in the hotel, thereby making it clear he has an "extramarital" affair, thereby outing his motive to get rid of the wife who brought the money into the her life insurance, supposedly.
Answer: When Dianne was in college, she had attempted to commit suicide and even wrote a suicide note. Dianne saved the note this whole time and Kyle had found it. If Kyle killed Dianne and made it look like a suicide, the suicide note would be authentic (rather than having to try and forge a suicide note that could be proven to be fake). This is why Kyle arranged for specific activities to occur that seemed odd to Monk, the dog having the same name, the missed pass that broke the glass, etc. These were all mentioned in the original suicide note.
How did Mr Monk know about the suicide note?
Because Dianne told them about it, Stottlemeyer went to talk to her when he found out she sent a wreath for Kathrine (the woman killed at the beginning), and Monk was there at that time. Dianne said Kathrine saved her life when she was depressed in college, and she had even written a suicide note.
Answer: It speaks for your character that you cannot relate to his reasons. But he wants her dead, because he is having an affair and since all their money is coming from her father and his high paying job is also not his gain but another grant of her father he would very likely loose everything if he divorced her for another woman. And as the other answer mentions already he sees his opportunity to get away with it by re-enacting the circumstances as described in her 25-year old suicide note.
30th Nov 2016
Flowers in the Attic (1987)
Question: It's been established that the grandfather has no knowledge of Corrine's children. When they come across a copy of his will, it states that if it was ever discovered that Corrine had children from her first marriage, she would lose everything. Since he never knew he had grandchildren why was this clause ever added?
Answer: Because Connie and her husband were related (he was her uncle) and any children would be a product of incest. And if it was ever found out they had children, it would bring shame and disgrace to the family name.
30th Nov 2016
Family Guy (1999)
Question: When Stewie is talking to Brian about songs not addressing baby issues, Brian says to Stewie "Well how could they address baby issues? Children's songs are written by adults. And dollars to donuts, white adults." Stewie then replies saying "Who are you mad at, Brian?" and Brian then says "How much time you got?" Did I miss a joke or something? What exactly was "And dollars to donuts, white adults" supposed to mean?
Chosen answer: "Dollars to donuts" is just a colorful expression meaning you're pretty sure about something (similar to saying "100 to 1" which in betting terms mean I'll put up $100 I'm right and you put up $1 that I'm wrong). Brian is just suggesting baby songs are written by white adults because he's saying white people don't have real problems.
30th Nov 2016
Family Guy (1999)
Question: When Stewie says he is going to write a song and that Brian can help, Brian replies saying "Well, I did write a musical about Alexander Hamilton." Stewie then looks puzzled by what Brian said and Brian says to Stewie "Not that one." First, who exactly is the Alexander Hamilton that Brian was talking about? And second, what exactly was Stewie supposed have been thinking of after Brian said Alexander Hamilton, but before Brian pointed out it "wasn't that one"?
Chosen answer: There's a Broadway musical called "Hamilton", which is about Alexander Hamilton. It's been very successful and won countless awards. Stewie gives Brian a look of disbelief that he wrote the popular "Hamilton" musical, so Brian is saying the musical he wrote is not the famous musical, but a different one.
17th Nov 2016
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)
Question: When Anakin and Padme get married, Anakin is wearing an outfit that is often seen on Jedi and is displaying a Jedi Padawan's hair braid. Do he and Padme not care that the man who performs the wedding is seeing him (as Jedi are not supposed to have relationships and marry)? Why not disguise him? It's a huge risk to let even one person see a Jedi getting married.
Answer: Agolerga, who officiated the wedding, would have known who both people were, especially Padme. Remember they were also keeping the marriage secret because of Padme's position as Senator. Assuming Agolerga was aware a Jedi can't marry, he may simply not care or agree with the rule. Also, as a holy man of Naboo, Anakin and Padme may have trusted him with their secret.
9th Nov 2016
Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)
Question: The IMDB states that Bubba Smith was in this movie as himself. What scene is he in?
Answer: He's at the salad bar when the gremlin pops out and grabs a guy. The guy they grab is former football star, Dick Butkus.
16th Oct 2016
Donnie Darko (2001)
Question: The scene where they are watching a Washington Redskins game on TV, shows Doug Williams throwing a pass in slow motion and it looks like they are losing the game. In the timeline this game is played before October 18, 1988. The only game which he played in and lost that year was against the N.Y. Giants on Monday night to start the season so I could not place the date or opponent of the game that was airing in the scene. Who/when was it?
Answer: Several key factors in determining which game it was. The commentator said, in regards to the Redskins it's been a disappointing "night for the Super Bowl champions", meaning this game took place in 1989, since the Redskins won the Super Bowl in '88. Additionally, he said "Mark Rypien has some big shoes to fill." Rypien took over the starting QB role in '89 over the Super Bowl MVP Williams. The slow motion shot was probably a Super Bowl highlight. Given this was a night game with the Redskins missing a field goal, it was the Nov 20, 1989 game vs Denver Broncos where the Redskins lost 10-14.
15th Oct 2016
Pete's Dragon (1977)
Question: How is Elliott spelt, as I've seen it both Elliot and Elliott on various different Disney memorabilia?
Answer: In the original film, the credits show his name as "Elliott" (with 2 t's). In the remake, his name is "Elliot" (with 1 t). So older memorabilia will have "Elliott". In the original film, Elliott was the dragon's given name, in a manner of speaking. In the remake, Pete names the dragon after the puppy from his favorite book which was called "Elliot Gets Lost". This is the only reason I can find for the spelling change.
11th Oct 2016
Night Court (1984)
Question: In this episode, a married woman is surprised to discover that her first husband, a soldier who was MIA and then declared legally dead is still alive. How would this affect her marriage to her second husband? Is she still legally married to her first husband?
Answer: Being declared legally dead is called "death in absentia", meaning there is no evidence of death (i.e. a body), but the individual is presumed dead. This can happen to anyone, not just MIA soldiers. If a spouse petitions the courts to grant a divorce on the presumption of death and all criteria are meet, they are legally divorced and free to remarry. The return of the presumed dead would not change the divorce ruling. However, if a spouse does not go through the legal steps prior to remarrying, then the return of the presumed dead spouse would nullify and void the 2nd marriage immediately (and the remarried spouse could face bigamy charges).
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Answer: Manny is struggling with her death and trying to care for Molly. In a moment of self denial and sadness, he just makes it up in hopes of tricking himself into thinking that everything is normal.