Dr Wilson

Continuity mistake: Jacquard's torture clothes are torn. They are not when he reappears in modern time. They are torn again when he shows him to the chief of police.

Dr Wilson

Continuity mistake: When Jacquard is being tortured by the Inquisition, there are two men near him. One of them disappears and reappears later.

Dr Wilson

Continuity mistake: When Jacquard is being tortured by the Inquisition, he swallowed so much water that his navel pops out. Later, his navel is normal.

Dr Wilson

13th Feb 2004

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the riot, some rich men are talking while playing snooker. The balls are placed differently depending on the camera angle.

Dr Wilson

9th Feb 2004

The Experiment (2001)

Continuity mistake: When the prisoners escape, they lock the door of the cell and break the key, forcing the guards to go another way. But when Dr Thorn returns, the door is opened.

Dr Wilson

9th Feb 2004

Spirited Away (2001)

Spirited Away mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Chihiro is preparing the bath for the intruder, the rope attached to the water pipe disappears when she sees the faceless ghost. (00:57:00)

Dr Wilson

9th Feb 2004

Spirited Away (2001)

9th Feb 2004

Igby Goes Down (2002)

9th Feb 2004

Igby Goes Down (2002)

9th Feb 2004

Igby Goes Down (2002)

9th Feb 2004

Igby Goes Down (2002)

9th Feb 2004

South Park (1997)

Continuity mistake: When Jacquouille and Jean-Pierre are in the Middle-Age, they want to alert the village that the Burgundians are going to attack it. They slide from the hill and a dead tree, or even an antennae is visible on the top of it. It's not visible in other shots.

Dr Wilson

Continuity mistake: When Lady Ginette is preparing a cocktail, she takes a bottle of red wine and starts to pour it in the bucket, but from another angle it's a bottle of vodka.

Dr Wilson

Continuity mistake: When Jacquard is in the Middle-Age escaping from the villagers, he passes in a backstreet and pushes a barrel to block the way. The shot later, the barrels are stacked normally.

Dr Wilson

Continuity mistake: When Freddie is driving the boat, the direction keeps changing from shots to shots. Dickie told him to keep the same direction.

Dr Wilson

28th Jan 2004

Ran (1985)

Continuity mistake: When the wife of the new lord arrives at the castle and asks the guard why the other people don't bow in front of her, the guard runs to the other side of the road and speaks to those people. The shot later, he has disappeared.

Dr Wilson

25th Jan 2004

La Boîte (2001)

Continuity mistake: When the guy is stuck on the fence, sometimes he is hanging only by the fingers and sometimes his arms are completely stuck in it.

Dr Wilson

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