
26th May 2024

Borat (2006)

Question: I'm a bit confused about the scene where Luenell shows up at the dinner. Why were the guests so angry? Is it because she's black? They thought they were part of a serious documentary though, right? Why would they let the world know that they're racist? Is it because she was a prostitute? They didn't tell the guests she was, I guess maybe they could tell by the way she was dressed.


Answer: Racism is certainly a possibility. For certain, the host and other guests had simply had enough of Borat by that point. Besides insulting them, bringing a bag of feces back to the table, and his other bad behaviour, he brought in someone who was a street prostitute to a fancy dinner party.


8th May 2024

Goldeneye (1995)

Question: Is Goldeneye a reboot? From what I remember, there's no clear evidence that it is a reboot like Casino Royale, but there's also no evidence that it's in the same universe as the previous movies. Licence to Kill is, because Tracy's death is mentioned, and it's clear that Bond and Felix have been close friends for decades.


Answer: It's definitely not meant as a reboot. While there may not be any explicit references to earlier Bond films, plenty of them lack those. It may feel like a reboot because, as the first Bond film made after the end of the USSR, it had to establish Bond's place in a post-Cold War world; hence his terse exchange with the new M (Judi Dench) early in the film about how he is a "relic", and the fact that this story has its origins in the Cold War and many of its villains are ex-Soviet officials and such. It's more a transitional film in the series than a reboot.

2nd Oct 2023

House, M.D. (2004)

Wilson - S6-E9

Question: Why can't House be a doctor again after faking his death? I always assumed you can't be a doctor with a criminal record. And maybe you can't in real life, I'm not entirely sure. But in the House universe, it seems like you can, because House and Thirteen were still doctors after going to prison. So after Wilson dies, why can't House just go back to jail and then be a doctor again?


Answer: He faked his death to avoid going back to prison. He chose to abandon medicine and his previous life for that reason. Considering House's past work history, conviction, and mental issues, it's doubtful a hospital would hire him.


Question: Wouldn't Max and the nuns have been tortured and executed for helping them escape?


Answer: Quite possibly yes.


Question: What would've happened if they were caught at the end?


Answer: The likely responses of the Nazis would have been either to execute them all, or hold Captain von Trapp's family hostage while he served in the Kriegsmarine.


25th Dec 2021

Dog Day Afternoon (1975)

Question: What if in the middle of the robbery, while Sonny was outside, he suddenly decided he wanted to surrender, while Sal was still in the bank, and didn't want to surrender? What would the police have done? Arresting him would've likely got the hostages killed, but they couldn't force him to go back in the bank.


25th Dec 2021

Dog Day Afternoon (1975)

Question: What would've happened if Sonny drove the limo himself, refused to tell the police where they were going, and told the police not to follow them? Also, if Sal had hostages sitting behind him as well, making it impossible for the police to get a clean shot? How could the police have stopped them, without getting any hostages killed?


Answer: No, they are part of the multiverse. The MCU is just one of those universes within the multiverse.


Answer: I almost think the best way to refer to them would be to call them "MCU-Adjacent." Both answers nail it - they're not part of the MCU universe itself, but are canonical to it and co-exist alongside it thanks to the establishment of the multiverse. And considering the "Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness" trailer teases Patrick Stewart as (presumably) Professor X, I think we could probably also apply this to pretty much any other Marvel adaptation ever made that was not made by Marvel Studios itself. It all co-exists and is all canonical to each other through the use of multiverses/alternate timelines/alternate dimensions.


Answer: Their respective movies themselves are not retroactively part of the MCU franchise, but since characters and events from those films crossed over here, they can be considered canon to the MCU's overall narrative.


Answer: No. It's explained that they are from another universe, and were sent back to their universes at the end of the film.


25th Oct 2021

Hacksaw Ridge (2016)

Question: What was the point of court martialling Doss? They said he couldn't go to war if he didn't use a gun, and they gave him the option to quit. So why wouldn't they just kick him out?


Answer: Doss faced a court-martial because he refused the direct order of handling a rifle from camp commander Colonel Sangston. If the Army simply kicked him out, it could inspire other men to follow in his footsteps and refuse to carry a rifle. While Doss could not live with that shame, it can be assumed many others would not have that same problem.


Question: Why would Heywood start chanting "fresh fish"? Betting on who will break down is pretty bad, but I understand they probably have nothing better to do. But what was the point of starting the chant? He seems to feel bad when Fatass is beaten to death, but what was he expecting to happen?


Answer: They were betting on who would break first out of the new inmates and the chant was meant to incite an emotional outburst from them. Most times, someone will just cry or break down. Heywood wasn't expecting Fatass to completely lose it and felt guilty because of his actions. This is one the first indicators in the film that some of the long term inmates like Heywood still have their humanity.


20th Aug 2021

Liar Liar (1997)

Question: Does Fletcher also have the ability to know everything? Just think about this dialogue: Fletcher : Your honor, would the court be willing to grant me a short bathroom break? Judge : Can't it wait? Fletcher : Yes it can. But I've heard that if you hold it you could damage the prostate gland, making it very difficult to get an erection, or even become aroused! Judge : Is that true? Fletcher : It has to be! That dialogue implies that he had never heard that fact, but he still knew it.


Answer: There's a lot of things people hear that aren't true (myths, old wives tales, etc), Fletcher only HEARD that it could damage the prostate, but it's not a real fact. Since Fletcher did hear the myth, he technically wasn't lying, even though he was wrong. While holding in your urine for extended periods of time can lead to some issues, like an infection, enlarging the prostate isn't one of them.


And, just to expand: Fletcher says it has to be true, but this is just due to his own imperfect understanding of what is happening to him. As the answer says, he says he HEARD it, which allows him to say it even if it's not a true fact. The important thing about the curse is HIS OWN perception of what he says. If he believes it himself, he can say it.

18th Aug 2021

Dog Day Afternoon (1975)

Question: When the guy tackled Sonny, why wouldn't the police arrest him then?


Answer: Because Sal was in the bank with his gun.

23rd Feb 2021

Star Wars (1977)

Question: Why was the original trilogy always titled episodes 4, 5 and 6, when the prequel trilogy wasn't even planned?


Answer: The original wasn't. It was just "Star Wars" when I saw it in the theater. In fact Lucas wasn't planning on any sequels when he made the first. After the first made it as a big success and drafts of a sequel were started, the second was first numbered as 2, but Lucas decided on a series with prequels, so the first became number 4, and so on. For a long time after 4-6 came out, people doubted if 7-9, let alone 1-3 would every be made. It was 16 years between the release of #6 and #1.


Answer: It is true "Star Wars" was not originally called episode IV, but Lucas always had the idea of doing a sequels. His original script became too big for one film, so he took the first third of the script (Act 1) and turned it into "Star Wars." However, since the film gave no context or background information to the audience (we're basically just thrown into the action), Lucas took the opportunity when "Star Wars" was a success to plan on creating prequels.


Https://drbeat.li/album/Bücher/The_Secret_History_of_Star_Wars.pdf (pdf of "The Secret History of Star Wars"). And here is a quote from Lucas "The Star Wars series started out as a movie that ended up being so big that I took each act and cut it into its own movie...It was like a big script. It was way too big to make into a movie. So I took the first third of it, which is basically the first act, and I turned that into what was the original Star Wars."


14th Oct 2020

Papillon (1973)

Question: What's up with the chicken being crushed? I don't see how it could be fake. I assume it was an accident, but why would they continue like nothing happened? And why would they put it in the movie? And why haven't I seen anyone mention it?


Answer: It does appear to be unintentional (or at least, unscripted), but they continue because when you're shooting a movie, you don't stop until you hear "cut", and especially at that time animal welfare wasn't necessarily a priority. I'm guessing no-one was concerned about the chicken, and so didn't feel the need to do anything about it. It's possible the film was made without an animal welfare monitor on set. As to why it's in the movie, the whole "marching to the prison" sequence was probably handled by the assistant director (as shots like this, not involving the principals or any substantive dialogue, often are) and they may have only done the one take. Who knows, they may have thought the injured chicken added realism to the scene.

Question: If Magneto didn't kill Shaw, what would they have done? It seems like killing him was the only possible way to stop him.


Answer: Charles wanted to incapacitate Shaw and all he needed to do this was to get the helmet off. Once the helmet is off Charles could freeze Shaw and they could figure out a way to hold him. With no helmet Shaw is very little threat (if at all) to Charles. Erik kills a defenseless man unnecessarily.


Actually Xavier says that he can only control this man for so long. Meaning he was struggling keeping him frozen like that. They didn't have forever. An option for Xavier could have been to release Shaw once he knew what Erik was going to do but that could cause Shaw to go nuclear on the spot and kill everyone.


Yes, he could only hold him for so long but instead of taking the opportunity to incapacitate/capture him, Erik steals the helmet, gloats, and then slowly pushes a coin through his head.


I'm not sure what the actual plan was. Charles freezing was the only thing preventing Shaw from killing everyone. Even if Erik manages to wrap Shaw into something, as soon as his mind is free he will be able to use his abilities. He killed him slowly, which was unnecessary, but killing him was the only option IMHO.


Question: Why did Bruce need to fake his death? Why couldn't he just leave?


Answer: He wanted to start a new life, which means shedding all aspects of his old one. Bruce Wayne was still a person of interest in the Gotham Wall Street scandal, with his death, his will would provide for and aid all the people affected by it.

21st Sep 2020

Joker (2019)

Answer: In a nutshell, it's because the film's protagonist is a mentally disturbed killer, and certain groups in America thought the film's violence would lead to copycat behavior.


I never got this aspect of the controversy, if anything, it goes to show what can happen when mental illness goes untreated.


I agree with you on that, but unfortunately, there's so many people, at least in the United States, that have no sense of nuance and are prone to knee-jerk reactions. They would rather condemn and blame different kinds of media for society's ills, rather than stop and look at the message something is trying to tell.


I read about the concern over possible copycat behavior in an on-line article; Phaneron's answer is correct.


Answer: Because the left thought it would encourage violence and mocked liberal run cities.The right thought the same on violence, it seemingly justified a mentally ill guy's actions, that it made white businessmen bad guys. Both sides in general only complained about Joker for attention.


Answer: He was startled for a brief second, then quickly realised, Bruce had gotten the remote pilot device fixed on the Bat-Hover craft.

Question: What's the meaning of the text in the opening credits, starting with "For nearly forty years..."?


Answer: The novel "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" was published in 1900 and this film came out in 1939. Many adults that would be watching the movie would have read the book as children and remained "young in heart", meaning filled with childlike wonder and kindness that the story of Oz is filled with, etc. The story presents a philosophy of kindness that Time (i.e. growing older) has been powerless to make out of fashion (unpopular). The film is dedicated to those that have been faithful to the story of Oz and it's philosophy of kindness, and to the "young in heart."


9th Sep 2020

Breaking Bad (2008)

Answer: The flashback to Jesse and Jane helps remind the audience of what happened to her. That informed Jesse's decision to try and stop Andrea getting high.

Plus it could also be seen as Jesse remembering what happened to Jane.


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