Question: What is the crazy church or religion that Borat goes to where people are running around the hall and talking in a strange language? What language are they talking in and why do they look so agressive? What's with all the running around with hands in the air?
Chosen answer: This was the Mississippi United Pentecostal Church annual camp meeting of 2006. "The power of Jesus" compels many people to sing, dance, far as the weird language, it's known as "speaking in tongues" and is generally incoherent to the casual observer. The hands in the air is a symbol of someone literally "lifting" themselves and their hearts to Jesus in worship and prayer. It's all simply an expression of their faith and religious beliefs, nothing more.
Question: There is a scene where Borat is queueing up to see Pamela Anderson, he gets to her, asks her to marry him and when she refuses he puts a large sack over her head to try and abduct her. Now I know Borat is a spoof character, and everyone he meets believes he is real, however that scene was quite dramatic and security would have been tight around her. That action could have got Sacha Baron Cohen in some serious trouble, or even worse, shot by one of her security guards. Was Pamela in the know on this scene, or was it genuinely as we see it?
Chosen answer: Pamela has been asked about this and has stated in interviews that she and Sacha had talked at length about what they were going to do. It was all planned out and rehearsed, unlike the majority of the rest of the movie.
Question: I'm a bit confused about the scene where Luenell shows up at the dinner. Why were the guests so angry? Is it because she's black? They thought they were part of a serious documentary though, right? Why would they let the world know that they're racist? Is it because she was a prostitute? They didn't tell the guests she was, I guess maybe they could tell by the way she was dressed.
Answer: Racism is certainly a possibility. For certain, the host and other guests had simply had enough of Borat by that point. Besides insulting them, bringing a bag of feces back to the table, and his other bad behaviour, he brought in someone who was a street prostitute to a fancy dinner party.
Answer: According to an interview with Sacha Baron Cohen, it's actually Hebrew disguised by a very heavy fake Eastern European accent.
wizard_of_gore ★