
Question: Other than bail, how did Clyde even attempt to expose any flaws in the justice system? It seems like all he did was kill people.


Answer: He wanted to teach Nick a lesson. His entire revenge revolves around the whole justice system for doing deals with criminals.

10th Apr 2020

Meet the Parents (2000)

Question: Why would Jack instantly believe the weed wasn't Denny's? Isn't he supposed to be a human lie detector?


Answer: Confirmation bias - he believes what he wants to believe is true, since he wouldn't want to believe his own son is a drug user, and wants to believe Greg is.

Answer: There are certain physical tells for when someone may be lying as well. This is what Jack is doing at the end of the movie when he's interrogating Greg at the airport: checking his pulse, monitoring his breathing, and looking at his eyes.


10th Apr 2020

Breaking Bad (2008)

Answer: He originally wanted him dead but over the year or so he was on the run he lost his family and his money and realised the horrible person he had become. He thought Jesse was already dead but when Pete and Badger told hi the blue meth was still in circulation he realised Jesse was being forced to cook and decided to save him because he was no longer the ruthless Heisenberg but was now back to being Walter Whiter.


Answer: Tarantino once explained to David Carradine that Budd was also in love with Beatrix. He left the DVAS right after the wedding massacre because he was upset he had to kill her.


Question: What if the Volturi died? Vampires would end up killing all humans, right?


Answer: It would be rather difficult for the small number of vampires that exist to kill six billion humans. Even if they could, they would be eliminating their food supply. As to the Volturi, it's unlikely all three would die and at the same time. It's probable that a line of succession is in place to replace them. There are other vampires working within the Volturi organization that we don't happen to see.


Question: Since David was a politician, couldn't Elise have just looked him up?


Answer: I would think so.

8th Apr 2020

Red Eye (2005)

Question: Do phones on planes really exist? I've never seen one.


Answer: Yes, they were called "Airphones." They provided air-ground telephone services, although they were pretty expensive to use. They were more popular in the 90's, but by mid-2000's their use started to decline. In 2008 only a handful of airliners kept them in their planes, and even those were limited.


Answer: It was never revealed in the film series what happened to him.


8th Apr 2020

Love, Simon (2018)

8th Apr 2020

Mean Girls (2004)

Answer: Ms. Norbery definitely remembered the conversation (check the scene where she finds the page about herself and also the scene where she questions Cady in the gym) But she knew Cady was a good person at heart with good grades and decided to forgive her, knowing she learned her lesson. One of Cady's punishments was joining the Mathletes, although it's stated that Principle Duvall gave her other punishments as well.

Answer: Ms. Norbury thought Cady was a good student who made good grades and didn't think she was capable of doing something like that. Also, she may not have even remembered the conversation where she tells Cady she is a "pusher", as she encounters many students a day. One of Cady's punishments was that she had to join the mathletes.

24th Mar 2020

The Green Mile (1999)

Answer: The Warden tells them to stop it, but Paul says "He's still alive...you want me to stop it while he's still alive?" They could've stopped it, but that would've left Del horribly burned and disfigured. They chose to continue until he was dead, then they shut off the chair.

21st Mar 2020

Dr. No (1962)

Question: Bond is the same character from this movie to Die Another Day, he doesn't age, but time still moves forward, Die Another Day is not set in the 60s. How do they explain that?


Answer: The short version is they don't, you just go with it. Suspension of disbelief, sure it's a "mistake", but also so in your face that nobody cares, because it's a deliberate choice. Q gets older, Bond doesn't, that's how the world works. One fan theory is that "James Bond" is just a codename allocated to the current 007, so as to mislead/confuse our enemies, with each one learning the history that has come before. Fun theory, but no way to prove/disprove it either way. Although No Time to Die features a new 007 because Bond has quit, so that will likely kill that theory once and for all. When Daniel Craig's term as Bond ends will be interesting, because the films to date have been the only Bond films with a clear continuous through line, including him getting older, more beaten up, more accumulated history, etc. That's harder to hand-wave away with a recasting - previous Bond films were all pretty much entirely standalone.

Jon Sandys

21st Mar 2020

Rocky Balboa (2006)

Question: Wasn't Rocky supposed to have a brain injury from Rocky V, that prevents him from fighting?


Answer: This is true, however it was something invented for Rocky V that was supposed to be from Rocky IV that was only introduced into V after. V is considered to be the worst film of the series with very poor reception. Stallone himself has even gone on record saying that he hates V. So this sixth film almost pretends that film never happened. V is still technically canon with this film, however six basically ignores a lot of problem with that film and tries to recton it. Does this create inconsistencies and continuity issues with the series? yes. Is the film better for it? Definitely. So where as that was supposed to be the case after V, they pretty much said with this film that no... we are not doing that any more pretend V didn't happen... but it did happen. It's a soft reboot in a way.

Quantom X

21st Mar 2020

Bridesmaids (2011)

Answer: The driver behind her couldn't see her brake lights and didn't realise she was stopping.

Brian Katcher

Plus the driver was also driving really close to her.


21st Mar 2020

Shooter (2007)

Answer: He said, it'll end up being buried somewhere, locked away and never to be seen again. They wouldn't want it to get out that a U.S. Senator sanctioned a village massacre.

21st Mar 2020

All About Eve (1950)

Answer: As I recall, and it's been some time since I've watched the movie, Karen was part of the plot to have Margo miss a performance so that Eve, Margo's understudy, would have an opportunity to perform the part, for which she received rave reviews. Karen and the others arranged to take a day trip out of town before the performance, and then get "stranded" so they couldn't get back to New York in time for Margo to perform in the play.


21st Mar 2020

Calvary (2014)

Answer: I think he did. That's what made everyone so uncomfortable during the meat locker scene. He even alludes to the bishop that he knows who made the threat in the confessional. The movie wasn't about him preserving his life, but him fulfilling his role as a priest and meeting people at their darkest spaces.

21st Mar 2020

Forrest Gump (1994)

Answer: Even though it's never seen, they were most likely sent to live with other relatives. What happened to them after that is unknown.

Question: What reason did Bella give Charlie for going to Italy?


Answer: It's unknown if she gave Charlie a reason. As she was 18-years old, she was free to go. She may have generally told him it had to do with Edward being in trouble, but would not have gone into details.


Question: Why are the Volturi even needed? If humans know about vampires, there's nothing they can do about it. What if a vampire uploads a video of themselves to YouTube, and it instantly goes viral?


Answer: People do not know vampires exist. The only thing known is through myths and legends, which no-one believes is real. The Volturi exist to act as a centralized, albeit loose, form of vampire government, that other vampires rely on to maintain their community. Any vampire breaking the laws or doing anything that exposes their world faces death, so it's unlikely any would violate the code of secrecy.


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