Casual Person

Continuity mistake: Just after Tony realises Drax isn't listening to him, Star-Lord tells Tony not winging it isn't really what they do. In this shot, Tony is looking at Star-Lord. Spider-Man asks what exactly is it that they do, and Tony is suddenly looking at Spider-Man, then Mantis says "Kick names, take ass" and Tony is suddenly looking at Drax and Mantis. (01:22:25)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: On Titan, when Tony begins speaking with Spider-Man, Star-Lord, Drax and Mantis, in the shot where he says "We gotta coalesce", Spider-Man is standing a few feet away from Tony and is facing him, but in the next shot, Spider-Man is suddenly standing closer to Tony and is now facing the others. (01:22:50)

Casual Person

Avengers: Infinity War mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Whilst they are discussing the plan on Titan, just after Star-Lord tells Tony to not call them plucky, the shot cuts to Tony turning his head to Star-Lord. In this shot, Tony and Star-Lord are positioned around 90° rotated from each other, but in the next shot, the two are suddenly facing each other directly. (01:22:55)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When Thanos brings Vision back to life using the Time Stone, Thanos is standing a couple steps away from him after bringing him back. Wanda then tries to stop him, and it cuts to a wide shot where he suddenly is a couple of steps closer with his hand suddenly around Vision's neck. Thanos then pushes her with his other hand and in the next shot, Thanos is then reaching to put his hand around Vision's neck even though he was just shown with his hand around Vision's neck already. (02:09:35)

Casual Person

Avengers: Infinity War mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Ebony Maw is walking past the dead Asgardians, the camera pans from feet up to his face, and Corvus Glaive is walking past him. The shot cuts to a different angle, where Corvus Glaive is now several meters away from him. (00:01:35)

Casual Person

Avengers: Infinity War mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Thor says "You talk too much" whilst Thanos has his hand grabbing Thor's head. Thanos' fingers are close together on one side, with his thumb holding the other side. Two shots after, when Thanos asks Loki for the Tesseract, Thanos' fingers are spread apart. Two shots after that, when Thanos says "Or your brother's head", his fingers are suddenly close together again. (00:02:55)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When Loki reveals the Tesseract to Thanos, the first shot shows him holding it against his fingertips raised above his palm, but when Thor tells Loki he really is the worst brother, the Tesseract is now being held in his palm. Also, when Thanos tells Loki his optimism is misplaced, the Tesseract is still being held in his palm, but when the shot cuts, it is now being held against his finger tips raised slightly above his palm. (00:03:45)

Casual Person

Avengers: Infinity War mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Peter sees the ship whilst he is on the school bus, he taps Ned on the shoulder and asks him to make a distraction. When he taps Ned on the shoulder, Ned has earphones in both ears, and one of the earphones falls out when Peter taps him, whilst the other earphone remains in his ear. But in the next shot, neither of his ears has an earphone in them. (00:18:25)

Casual Person

Avengers: Infinity War mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Doctor Strange attempts to use the Time Stone on Ebony Maw, Maw ties up Strange telepathically and strangles him unconscious. Beside Strange is a police car and a motorbike tipped on its side. Maw then lifts the ground he is lying on, but the police car has been replaced by an SUV and the motorbike has disappeared. The shadows also change. (00:23:25)

Casual Person

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