Casual Person

Bruce Banner: Hulk? Hulk? I know you like making your entrance at the last second. Well, this it it, man. This is the last, last second. Hulk! Hulk! Hulk!
Hulk: No!
Bruce Banner: Oh, screw you, you big, green asshole! I'll do it myself.

Casual Person

[Thor arrives in Wakanda.]
Bruce Banner: Ha-ha! You guys are so screwed now.

Casual Person

Steve Rogers: Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0.
Sam Wilson: I hope you're right about this. Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to.

Casual Person

Tony Stark: Are you yawning?
[Drax yawns.]
Tony Stark: In the middle of this, while I'm breaking it down? Huh? Did you hear what I said?
Drax: I stopped listening after you said "We need a plan."
Tony Stark: Okay, Mr. Clean is on his own page.

Casual Person

Peter Quill: Tell me where the girl is or I swear to you I'm gonna French fry this little freak.
Tony Stark: Let's do it. You shoot my guy and I'll blast him. Let's go.
Drax: Do it, Quill! I can take it.
Mantis: No, he can't take it.
Doctor Strange: She's right. You can't.

Casual Person

Peter Quill: Groot, put that thing away, now. I don't want to tell you again. Groot.
Groot: I am Groot.
Peter Quill: Whoa.
Rocket: Language.
Gamora: Hey.
Drax: Wow.
Peter Quill: You got some acorns on you, kid.
Rocket: Ever since you got a little sap, you're a total d-hole.

Casual Person

[Cull Obsidian attempts to kill Tony, but Wong opens a portal sending him to a snowy location, closes the portal, severing his hand and trapping him there.]
Tony Stark: Wong, you're invited to my wedding.

Casual Person

[Bruce attempts to turn into the Hulk, but fails.]
Tony Stark: Dude, you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards.

Casual Person

Ebony Maw: Hear me and rejoice. You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan. You may think this is suffering. No. It is salvation. Universal scales tip towards balance because of your sacrifice. Smile. For even in death, you have become children of Thanos.

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When Tony is talking with Pepper, she unties Tony's sleeves from around his shoulders when she points out the unit on his chest. The sleeves are hanging over Tony's shoulders in the wideshot as he says, "I'm just trying to protect us," but when it cuts to the closeup the sleeves have vanished, between shots. (00:12:20)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When the armies are approaching the barrier in Wakanda, in the shot where M'Baku is first chanting with his army, T'Challa is approaching him and Captain America, Black Widow and Bucky are a couple of feet next to him. When they stop, Captain America is standing ahead of Black Widow. It then cuts to T'Challa saying "Thank you for standing with us", and Captain America, Black Widow and Bucky are now side by side. (01:37:40)

Casual Person

Avengers: Infinity War mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Groot creates a handle for the axe with his arm, he chops off the arm and it lands on the ground. The sharp end is facing to the right when it lands, but when it begins to lift, the sharp end is now facing to the left. (01:44:20)

Casual Person

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Suggested correction: Looking at the screen, sharp end is to the right, Groot adds the handle as he does he rotates it, and then when he creates the handle, Stormbreaker falls as expected.

You're talking about the wrong part of the scene. The mistake occurs after Groot adds the handle and cuts off his arm. After the completed Stormbreaker falls, its position changes when the camera cuts to it starting to rise.


Avengers: Infinity War mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Thor, Rocket and Groot begin charging towards the army after arriving in Wakanda, the shot from behind them shows Rocket and Groot running slightly behind Thor. Then it cuts directly to a shot in front of them, just before Thor jumps into the air, and Rocket and Groot are now further back. (01:45:50)

Casual Person


Trivia: On Knowhere, Thanos is questioning The Collector, played by Benicio Del Toro, for the location of the Reality Stone. He asks him "Where is the stone?" at one point. This is a reference to a heist scene from the movie Snatch, in which Benicio Del Toro is robbing a bank and asks "Where is the stone?" with the same line intonation. (00:48:45)

Casual Person


Trivia: When Star-Lord attempts to shoot Gamora with his blaster before she is taken by Thanos, Thanos uses the Reality Stone to turn his blaster into bubbles. He also later does this when Gamora attempts to stab herself. This is a reference to the fighting game Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes, where attacks by Thanos often involved the use of bubbles. (00:53:30)

Casual Person


Trivia: Spoiler! Whilst Groot is turning to dust after Thanos activates the complete Infinity Gauntlet, he says "I am Groot" to Rocket just before he dies. James Gunn, writer/director of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, confirmed via Twitter that Groot was actually saying "Dad" to Rocket before dying. (02:13:45)

Casual Person

Avengers: Infinity War mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Just after Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive land in the train station, there is a wide shot where they begin approaching Wanda and Vision. In the wide shot, their shadows do not appear to match up with each other, despite being under the same lighting. Proxima Midnight's shadow is positioned in front of her and is quite heavy, but Corvus Glaive's shadow is positioned more to his left and is much lighter than Proxima's. (00:40:20)

Casual Person

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