Casual Person


Trivia: On Knowhere, Thanos is questioning The Collector, played by Benicio Del Toro, for the location of the Reality Stone. He asks him "Where is the stone?" at one point. This is a reference to a heist scene from the movie Snatch, in which Benicio Del Toro is robbing a bank and asks "Where is the stone?" with the same line intonation. (00:48:45)

Casual Person


Trivia: When Star-Lord attempts to shoot Gamora with his blaster before she is taken by Thanos, Thanos uses the Reality Stone to turn his blaster into bubbles. He also later does this when Gamora attempts to stab herself. This is a reference to the fighting game Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes, where attacks by Thanos often involved the use of bubbles. (00:53:30)

Casual Person


Trivia: Spoiler! Whilst Groot is turning to dust after Thanos activates the complete Infinity Gauntlet, he says "I am Groot" to Rocket just before he dies. James Gunn, writer/director of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, confirmed via Twitter that Groot was actually saying "Dad" to Rocket before dying. (02:13:45)

Casual Person

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