Casual Person

Corrected entry: Just after Cull Obsidian advances on Tony, Bruce, Doctor Strange and Wong to get the Time Stone, Tony activates his nanotech Iron Man suit, and the Iron Man suit forms around his body. Just before his helmet forms around his head, there is a wide shot where he takes off his glasses, but as his he is lowering them, the glasses appear to fade out of existence. He is never shown dropping the glasses or putting them down, they just appear to have been digitally removed from his hand. (00:21:00)

Casual Person

Correction: It is possible these glasses are made of nanotech as well and they dissolve into his suit.


Definitely. There would be no reason to go through the expense and effort to digitally erase them from his hand when they could simply film him dropping them to the ground. The fact that they disappear as his suit is forming around him infers that they are part of the nanotech.


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